
  • 网络The Danish Girl
  1. 其他获奖影片还包括《丹麦女孩》、《大空头》(TheBigShort)、《间谍之桥》、《机械姬》(ExMachina)和《头脑特工队》(InsideOut)。

    Other winners included " The Danish Girl , " " The Big Short , " " Bridge of Spies , " " Ex Machina " and " Inside Out . "

  2. 《丹麦女孩》由《国王的演讲》(TheKing’sSpeech)的导演汤姆·霍珀(TomHooper)执导,尽管它由英美两国联合制作,亦是诸多探索性别平等与性别身份的丹麦性冒险故事中最新的一个。

    Despite being an American and British production , " The Danish Girl " - directed by Tom Hooper ( " The King 's Speech " ) - is the latest in a long line of sexually adventurous Danish stories exploring gender equality and identity .

  3. 但是,哥本哈根电影基金会首席执行官托马斯·戈梅尔托夫特(ThomasGammeltoft)说,关于跨性别者的电影仍然不多,该基金会资助了《丹麦女孩》的拍摄。他说,关于埃尔伯与魏格纳的故事肯定会产生巨大冲击。

    But movies about transgender people are still rare , said Thomas Gammeltoft , chief executive of the Copenhagen Film Fund , which helped finance " The Danish Girl . " So the film and its story of Elbe and Wegener will probably have an impact , he said .

  4. 艾丽西卡·维坎德《丹麦女孩》

    Alicia Vikander , The Danish Girl

  5. 维坎德凭《丹麦女孩》中饰演的角色获得了最佳女配角奖,这是当晚颁发的第一个表演类奖项。

    Ms. Vikander 's win , as best supporting actress for " The Danish Girl , " was the night 's first acting award .

  6. 我们就从最佳女配角开始说,我觉得艾丽西卡·维坎德在《丹麦女孩》里的表现应该能为她赢得这个奖。

    I think we should start with best supporting actress . I think Alicia Vikander 's performance from " The DanishGirl " will win .

  7. 莱昂纳多凭借他在《荒野猎人》中的演出斩获最佳男演员奖项,打败了埃迪·雷德梅尼等劲敌。埃迪凭借在《丹麦女孩》中的演出获得金球奖提名。坊间盛传小李子有望在今年夺得他人生中第一座奥斯卡奖杯。

    The actor - who is heavily tipped for his first Oscar this year - won the gong for best actor in a film drama for his role in The Revenant , beating rivals including Eddie Redmayne who was nominated for The Danish Girl .

  8. 不过,热爱冒险的雷德梅尼已经开始迎接新的挑战,在新电影《丹麦女孩》中,他将扮演一个变性人画家,并在电影的大部分时间里身穿女装。

    But this actor who thrives on taking risks is already ready for the next challenge . In his new movie The Danish Girl , Redmayne will play a transgender painter and , in most parts of the film , he will dress in women 's clothing .