
xiāng xià rén
  • bumpkin, hick, hind, country folk, country cousin, countryman, loon
  • rural;country folk;out-of-towner;provincials
乡下人 [xiāng xià rén]
  • (1) [rural;country folk;out-of-towner]∶生活在农村的人

  • (2) [provincials]∶在西方国家,指见识少的外省人

  • 头脑狭隘的乡下人

  1. 精明的乡下人正纷纷逃回各郡。

    Smart country people are fleeing back to the shires .

  2. 他有着乡下人的红脸庞。

    He had the red face of a countryman .

  3. 他们认为乡下人爱讨好陌生人,对此观点我并未予以纠正。

    Their view of country people was that they like to please strangers . I did not disabuse them of this notion .

  4. 一个乡下人难以适应城市生活。

    It is hard for a rural person to accustom himself to city life .

  5. 这就必然使乡下人对他抱有成见。

    That would most certainly tend to prejudice Country-born people against him .

  6. 他有着乡下人的样子。

    He has the appearance of a rustic fellow .

  7. 他定居乡村很久,已变成十足的乡下人了

    He rusticated himself so long that he has become an country cousin .

  8. 古时候,有个乡下人,丢失了一把斧头。

    Once upon a time , there was a villager who lost a hatchet1 .

  9. 齐桓公听了,连连点头称是,立刻以隆重的礼节,接待了这个乡下人。

    Hearing this , Huan Gong of Qi repeatedly nodded assent6 , and accorded this villager a grand reception .

  10. 鲁国的一个乡下人送给宋元公两个难以解开的连环结。

    A countryman from the state of Lu sent to king Song Yuangong two knots that were difficult to untie1 .

  11. 乡下人挠头抓耳,不明白是怎么回事,于是问医生,“你觉得是不是,这些小家伙看到光所以爬出来了?”

    The redneck scratched his head in bewilderment , and asked the doctor , " You reckon it might be the light that 's attracting them ?

  12. 一天,来了一个国都东郊的乡下人,声称自己有念九九算术口诀的才能,要求拜见齐桓公。

    One day , a villager from the eastern suburb of the capital wished to have an audience with Huan Gong , claiming that he had the ability to recite the multiplication4 table .

  13. 齐桓公听完报告,觉得很可笑,派传令官告诉乡下人:“难道你凭会念九九算术口诀,就想来见国王吗?”乡下人回答说:

    When Huan Gong heard of this , he thought it was very funny and sent an officer to tell the villager : " How could you hope to see the King just because you can recite the multiplication table ? "

  14. 她说话带着乡下人的轻柔的r音。

    She speaks with a soft rural burr .

  15. n.农民;乡下人许多农民需要帮忙收割的农民。……

    peasant Many peasants were needed to help the farmer with the harvest .......

  16. 所以你叫一个人redneck就是说他是乡下人或很土气。

    Some people might get angry if you call them a redneck .

  17. 浅野虽然怒不可遏,但还是照做了,但后来Kira继续嘲笑他,说他是一个笨手笨脚的乡下人,连带子都系不好。

    Although burning with rage , Asano did this , but afterwards Kira continued to mock him , saying that he was a clumsy country boor who did it improperly .

  18. 《乡下人的悲歌》J.D.万斯于2016年登顶《纽约时报》排行榜的畅销书《乡下人的悲歌》讲述了自己在俄亥俄州阿巴拉契亚山脉穷苦和忧患重重的成长经历,该书被一些评论家视为窥探美国劳动阶级白人灵魂的窗口。

    Hillbilly Elegy JD Vance 's fraught account of his poverty-stricken Appalachian upbringing in Ohio was a New York Times bestseller in 2016 , when it was viewed by some commentators as a window into the soul of US white working-class .

  19. 有一个乡下人在距兵役局不远的一条街上走着。

    A hillbilly walked down the street near the draft board .

  20. 这些人我全不认识。他们是乡下人。

    I don 't know those persons ; they are villagers .

  21. 我们常看见乡下人在伦敦观光。

    We often see country people in London doing the sights .

  22. 姐夫是乡下人,只会烧松香。

    He 's from the country where they only bum pine-branches .

  23. 外国人,中国人;上海人,乡下人。

    Foreigners , Chinese ; Shanghai people , countryside people .

  24. 站在那里观望的乡下人都叹着气说,懒洋洋地都走了。

    Sighed the peasants standing around watching . They walked slowly away .

  25. 1760年以前大多数英国人是乡下人。

    Most people in Britain prior to1760 were country people .

  26. 这个家伙作为一个乡下人是够漂亮的。

    The fellow is as handsome a rustic as need be seen .

  27. 我们这些人穿着粗花呢衣服和乡下人穿的结实皮鞋。

    The rest of us wore rough tweeds and brogues .

  28. 六个生病的乡下人用十字镐和木棒在挖六块光滑的砖头。

    Six sick hick nick six slick bricks with picks and sticks .

  29. 他的日记记载了普通乡下人的生活。

    His diaries record the lives of ordinary country people .

  30. 让他躺着,但是听我说,你们这些乡下人。

    Let him lie , but listen to me , you hicks .