
  • 网络BORAT;Ruth Porat;Sacha Baron Cohen
  1. 波拉特还说,由此付出的代价可能会很高:2007年,网络设备制造企业思科系统公司(CiscoSystemsInc.)估计失礼行为每年在该公司造成的损失超过了830万美元(约合人民币5063万元),这个数字的计算包括了人员流动、

    And the costs can be steep : Networking-equipment company Cisco Systems Inc. in 2007 estimated the cost of incivility in its organization topped $ 8.3 million annually , Ms. Porath says .

  2. 波拉特说,YouTube网站的总浏览量增加了60%,为两年来的最高增速,而移动端的浏览量翻了一番。

    Total views on the site were up 60 per cent , the highest growth rate in two years , with mobile views doubling , Ms Porat said .

  3. 上周早些时候,谷歌宣布已任命摩根士丹利前首席财务官、金融界重量级人物露丝o波拉特为该公司新任CFO。

    Earlier this week , Google said that it had hired the former chief financial officer of Morgan Stanley and general finance bigwig Ruth Porat to be its new CFO .

  4. 其效果不谛是又一部《波拉特》(Borat)&只是更具超现实主义色彩。

    The effect is Borat , only more surreal .

  5. 摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)的前首席财务官(CFO)露丝•波拉特(RuthPorat)不久前为了整整7000万美元跳槽到谷歌(Google)的举动,被视为硅谷对华尔街优势扩大的另一个信号。

    Ruth Porat 's move last week fromMorgan Stanley , where she was chief financial officer , to Google for a cool $ 70m was taken as another sign of Silicon Valley 's increasing edge over Wall Street .

  6. 露丝波拉特(RuthPorat)在2015年树立了一个标杆,她放弃了摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)首席财务官约1300万美元的年薪,跳槽谷歌(如今的Alphabet)获得五倍于此的薪酬。

    Ruth Porat laid down a big marker in 2015 , swapping an annual $ 13m or so salary as CFO of Morgan Stanley for a package at Google ( now Alphabet ) about five times bigger .

  7. 简介了国际上信息产业分类中几个比较重要的体系,分别是:波拉特信息产业分类体系,OECD的信息产业分类体系,北美产业分类体系(NAICS)中的信息业。

    Following we briefly introduce the important international information industry classification systems : Borat Information Industry Classification System , OECD Information Industry Classification System , and the North American Industry Classification System ( NAICS ) in the information industry .

  8. 谷歌在应对华尔街的方式上也作出了相同的转变,包括去年聘请摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)高管露丝波拉特(RuthPorat)担任其首席财务官。这一转变已带来回报,推动谷歌控股公司Alphabet的股票价格强劲上涨。

    A similar switch in Google 's dealings with Wall Street , involving the hiring of Morgan Stanley executive Ruth Porat as chief financial officer last year , has paid dividends , contributing to a strong rally in the stock price of its holding company , Alphabet .

  9. 警察称,一个海边小镇禁穿波拉特风格(Borat-style)的男士比基尼泳衣后,犯罪及醉酒等反社会行为减少,摆脱了“狂野西部”、婚前单身派对天堂的形象。

    The decision to ban Borat-style mankinis has helped a seaside town shed its ' Wild West ' image as a haven for stag and hen parties after cutting crime and drunken anti-social behaviour , police say 。

  10. 警察称,一个海边小镇禁穿波拉特风格(Borat-style)的男士比基尼泳衣后,犯罪及醉酒等反社会行为减少,摆脱了狂野西部、婚前单身派对天堂的形象。

    The decision to ban Borat-style mankinis has helped a seaside town shed its ' Wild West ' image as a haven for stag and hen parties after cutting crime and drunken anti-social behaviour , police say .

  11. 对波拉特来说,这是一次相当可观的薪酬提升。

    That 's a considerable pay jump for Porat .

  12. 放到关于男性高管的报导当中,像波拉特这样的敬业表现还显得突出吗?

    Would details of workhorse habits like Porat 's seem as remarkable in a story about a male executive ?

  13. 如此一来,波拉特从华尔街跳到硅谷,薪酬将是原来的3.5倍。

    So she 's getting three-and-a-half times what she made on Wall Street to make the jump to Silicon Valley .

  14. 波拉特说,无礼行为的受害者会在工作上有所懈怠,他们也更容易责骂他人。

    Victims of incivility dial back their work effort and are more likely to lash out , Ms. Porath says .

  15. 波拉特离开华尔街表明,不管是经济上还是感情上,金融行业已经不像从前那样具有吸引力。

    Porat 's Wall Street exit showed that the financial sector is less attractive - financially and emotionally - that it used to be .

  16. 主要以波拉特方法为依据,提出了农业信息化水平的测度模式。

    Mainly according to the method of Marc Porat , this paper puts forward a measuring model of Informatization Level of Agriculture ( ILA ) .

  17. 波拉特说,除了更密切关注公司支出的优先顺序外,她还准备扩大谷歌财务披露的范围。

    Besides keeping a closer eye on how the company prioritises its spending , Ms Porat said she was looking into extending Google 's financial disclosure .

  18. 2013年,波拉特曾出现在财政部副部长的最终候选人名单上,但她最后提出了移除自己名字的请求。

    Ms. Porat was on the short list of people being considered for deputy Treasury secretary in 2013 , but she eventually asked for her name to be withdrawn .

  19. 2014年初,摩根士丹利披露,该公司在2013年支付给波拉特的薪水仅略高于1000万美元。波拉特2014年的收入还没有正式公布。

    In early 2014 , Morgan Stanley reported that it had paid Porat just over $ 10 million for 2013 . It has yet to officially say what paid her last year .

  20. 最近,一些大名鼎鼎的人物纷纷撤离东海岸的权力堡垒,投身到西海岸蒸蒸日上的科技行业之中,波拉特正追寻着他们的脚步。

    Ms. Porat is following in the steps of other big names from the bastions of East Coast power who have recently decamped to the ascendant technology industry on the West Coast .

  21. 同时,大量事实表明,华尔街一直是其他行业领导者的训练场,波拉特仅是其中一个案例。

    Ms. Porat 's move , meanwhile , is one in a long list of instances in which Wall Street has served as a training ground for the leadership ranks of other industries .

  22. 劣势:这个人口150万的城市距离索契不算太远,虽说有波拉特效应的帮助,但哈萨克斯坦在诸多旅游胜地名单上都榜上无名。

    Cons : The city of 1.5 million isn 't all that far from Sochi , and ' Borat ' effect notwithstanding , Kazakhstan doesn 't top many lists of sexy tourist destinations .

  23. 一份相关文件显示,波拉特将获得500万美元的签约奖金,以及价值6500万美元的限制性股票,这些股份将在接下来的四年逐批授予。

    According to a filing , Porat will get a $ 5000000 signing bonus , as well as $ 65 million in restricted stock , that will pay out over the next four years .

  24. 华尔街最引人注目的离职事件中都是波拉特和诺托这样的银行高管。这些人把自己的财务专业知识带到了程序员所开创的公司。

    The most noticeable departures from Wall Street have been the high-level banking executives like Ms. Porat and Mr. Noto , who have taken their financial expertise to companies that were started by programmers .

  25. 该理论由马克卢普和波拉特创设,是一门系统研究信息技术产业的形成与发展、结构与构成、分布与成长等内容的独立的信息经济学的应用学科。

    It is considered as a practical subject of information economics . It focus on many contents of the information industries , such as the formation , the development , the industrial structure , and the industrial distribution .

  26. 官员们指出,他们严厉打击酗酒、公共秩序混乱、衣着不当(比如穿着男士比基尼——因谐星波拉特而广为流传的紧身男士泳衣)等问题,从而降低了犯罪率。

    Officers say a determination to tackle excess drinking , public disorder and the wearing of inappropriate clothing such as mankinis - skimpy male bikini-style bathing costumes popularised by the comedy character Borat - has helped reduce crime .

  27. 可别像报道中的这位哈萨克斯坦同学一样,把足足写着两万五千条答案的纸条裹在身上;这身怪异的装束可能会令波拉特洋洋自得,但监考老师们可不吃这一套。

    Don 't , as one Kazakh student reportedly did , wrap reams and reams of answers - 25000 to be more precise - around your body in a bizarre stunt that might have made Borat proud , but certainly not the examiners .