
  • 网络wdm;wdm systems;WDM-Wavelength Division Multiplexing
  1. 介绍了F-P色散均衡器的组成结构和色散补偿控制、波长跟踪等应用技术,并讨论了其在波分复用系统中的应用前景。

    Analyses the structure of F P equalizer and its application techniques in WDM systems .

  2. 基于阵列波导光栅(AWG)的各种光子器件代表了实现波分复用系统的关键实用技术之一。

    The components based on arrayed-waveguide grating ( AWG ) represent one of the key enabling technologies for WDM systems .

  3. 研究了F-P型解复用器在密集波分复用系统中引入的信道间串扰对系统的影响。

    Crosstalk due to the F P demultiplexer in HD WDM systems is investigated .

  4. 采用ASK调制的波分复用系统中滤波器带宽的优化设计

    Optimized Design of Bandwidth of a F P Filter in ASK Modulation WDM Transmission Systems

  5. 分析了N信道密集波分复用系统采用拉曼光纤放大器时信道的噪声特性。

    The noise figure of Raman Fiber Amplifier in N channels of Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing ( DWDM ) system is analyzed .

  6. 提出了一种由2-D光子晶体构成的四信道波分复用系统。

    A four-channel wavelength-division-multiplexing system consisting of a 2-D photonic crystal is proposed .

  7. 可调谐滤波器是波分复用系统WDM(wavelengthdivisionmultiplexing)中不可缺少的分光元件。

    Tunable Wavelength Filter is a required component in Wavelength Division Multiplexing ( WDM ) System .

  8. DWDM密集波分复用系统光放大器种类及应用探析

    Category and Application of Optical Amplifier Used in DWDM System

  9. SRS效应在双向波分复用系统中的单向等效

    The Uni-directional Equivalent of SRS Effect in Bi-directional Transmission WDM Systems

  10. 特别在波分复用系统(wavelength-division-multiplexedsystem)中,分路器(合路器)有着广泛的应用。

    Especially in DWDM ( wavelength division multiplexed system ) area , Optical Splitter ( Optical Combiner ) has been applied universally .

  11. 在此基础上讨论了密集波分复用系统中F-P型解复用器带宽的参数优化。

    Based on the models , optimized bandwidth of the F P demultiplexer is discussed .

  12. 激光器线宽及F-P滤波器带宽对密集波分复用系统串扰的影响

    Influence of LD Linewidth and F P Filter Bandwidth on Crosstalk in HD WDM Systems

  13. 多光子非线性Compton散射下的调制不稳定性对波分复用系统的影响

    Effect of modulation instability in the multi-photon nonlinear Compton scattering on wavelength-division multiplexing systems

  14. 综述在密集波分复用系统里最富前景的PHASAR(PhasedArray)解复用器。

    The most promising demultiplexer in DWDM system , Phased Array ( PHASAR ), is introduced .

  15. 波分复用系统中的交错复用器(Interleaver)技术

    Interleaver Technology in WDM Communication Systems

  16. 随着对光通信容量需求的快速增长,波分复用系统(WDM)是实现光通讯容量扩展的最好方法之一。

    As the demand for the optical communication capacity is making rapid progress , wavelength-division multiplexing is one of the best solutions to solve this problem .

  17. Bragg光栅结构因其对特定波长良好的选择反射作用,而在日益增长的光纤通信系统,尤其是波分复用系统中,得到越来越广泛的应用。

    With strong selective reflection to a narrow wavelength bandwidth , Bragg grating structure gains wide application in developing fiber communication system , especially in wavelength-division multiplexing system .

  18. 但是在长距离、高速波分复用系统中,传输光纤对不同波长的光损耗值不一样,在C波段(1530nm1560nm)中,波长逐渐增大,链路损耗逐渐变小。

    But in the long-distance high-speed WDM systems , optical fiber on different wavelengths of light loss value is not the same in C-band ( 1530nm ~ 1560nm ) . As the wavelength increases , the link loss became lower .

  19. 用增益箝制的EDFA实现8×2.5Gb/S波分复用系统的动态增益均衡

    Dynamic Gain Equalization for an 8 × 2.5 Gb / s WDM System with Gain-clamped EDFA

  20. 32×10Gbit密集波分复用系统仿真

    32 × 10Gbit dense wavelength division multiplexing system simulation

  21. 近年来光纤放大器向大功率、大增益带宽以及低噪声方向发展,以满足密集波分复用系统、光纤CATV系统、空间光通信系统的应用。

    Fiber amplifiers with high-power , big-gain bandwidth and low-noise figure are required for their application to DWDM system , fiber CATV system and space laser communication system .

  22. 动态增益均衡在8×2.5Gb/s波分复用系统的应用

    Dynamic Gain Equalization Applied to Wavelength Division Multiplex System

  23. 该器件在光纤通信领域中获得了极其广泛的应用,已经成为密集波分复用系统(DWDM)的关键器件之一。

    AWG has been extensively applied in the optical fiber communication domain and become one of the key devices in the Dense Wavelengths Division Multiplexer ( DWDM ) .

  24. 稀疏波分复用系统CWDM用很低的成本提供了很高的接入带宽,适用于点对点、以太网、SONET环等各种流行的网络结构。

    CWDM provides wide bandwidths at low cost , which can be applied to point - to-point , Ethernet , SONET rings etc.

  25. 介绍了北京武汉、郑州徐州全路最长的干线密集波分复用系统的网络构成、网管、定时及公务通信,重点说明波分复用层及SDH电路层各节点网元组成和功能。

    The network constitution , administration , timing and EOW of DWDM system for Beijing Wuhan , Zhengzhou Xuzhou trunk are introduced and DWDM layer , network element composition and function of SDH circuit layer are emphasized .

  26. 分析了波分复用系统中的非线性效应,讨论了基于色散补偿光纤和光纤布拉格光栅色散补偿技术的WDM系统的传输性能,并通过模拟仿真实验对两者分别进行了性能评价。

    The nonlinear effect of WDM systems are analyzed , and the transmission performances of WDM system based on optical fiber Bragg grating and dispersion compensation fiber are discussed , and the performances of two systems are compared through the simulation experiment .

  27. 本文研究了高速率(以2.5Gbit/s速率为例)波分复用系统中光发射模块中心频率的稳定技术&温度反馈稳频技术。

    The stabling center frequency technology by temperature feedback method in high speed wavelength devision multiplexing system ( 2.5 Gbit / s ) is studied .

  28. 掺铒光纤超荧光光源(SFS)由于其优异的特性已经广泛应用于密集波分复用系统、光纤传感系统和光纤陀螺中。

    Erbium-doped superfluorescent fiber source ( SFS ) has been widely used in dense wavelength division multiplexing ( WDM ) systems , optical sensor systems and fiber optic gyroscopes ( FOG ) for its excellent characteristics .

  29. 本文首先介绍了当今世界上最大容量的10Tbit/s的超密集波分复用系统的配置、试验结果和关键技术,最后对10Tbit/s超密集波分复用系统的技术核心作了综述。

    First this paper introduces the configuration , experimental results and key technologies of the 10 Tbit / s , ultra-DWDM systems of the largest capacity in the world . Finally , the paper reviews key technologies of the two 10Tbit / s Ultra-DWDM systems .

  30. 对在原有8/16×2.5Gbit/s波分复用系统中增加或替换少量10Git/s波道的扩容技术作了介绍,如波分复用终端设备改造方案,扩容工程所应用的技术及测试项目等。

    It presents WDM system expansion solution , that is adding 10 Gbit / s wave path or replacing 2.5 Gbit / s with 10 Gbit / s in 8 / 16x2.5 Gbit / s WDM system , including WDM terminal equipment transformation solution , applied techniques and testing items .