
shuānɡ xiànɡ liàn jiē
  • doubly linked
  1. 粘附到双向链接的列表节点或其他数据类型。

    Glue to double linked list nodes or other data types .

  2. 其特性包括高吞吐量、低延迟,且提供点对点的双向链接。

    Its features include high-throughput , low-latency , and also offers point to point bidirectional links .

  3. 那些元素双向链接的,所以不用遍历链表就可以删除任意一个元素。

    The elements are doubly-linked so that an arbitrary element can be removed without traversing the list .

  4. 例如,在IndustryModels中的业务规则策略/语句与BRMS中相关的具体业务规则实现之间可以建立双向引用链接。

    For example , bi-directional reference links could be maintained between business rule policies / statements in the Industry Models and the associated concrete business rule implementations in a BRMS .

  5. 需求和HP测试案例现在拥有一个双向的ValidatedBy/Validates链接。

    The requirement and HP test case now have a bi-directional Validated By / Validates link .