
  1. 基于平面光波导技术的OADM具有体积小、成本低、性能高等优点,符合光器件集成化的发展方向。

    The OADMs based on Planar Lightwave Circuit ( PLC ) technology have the advantages of small size , low cost , high performance and accord with the direction of the optical devices toward integration .

  2. 基于平面光波导技术的光分插复用器的研究

    Time division multiplexing Research on Optical Add Drop Multiplexer Based on Planar Lightwave Circuit Technology

  3. 因此研究基于平面光波导技术的光分插复用器具有非常重要的意义。

    Therefore , it is of great significance to study the OADMs based on PLC technology .

  4. 平面光波导表征技术及离子交换玻璃波导的制备

    Characterization Techniques of Planar Waveguides and Preparation of Ion-exchanged Glass Waveguides