
  • 网络An ordinary day
  1. 今天上午他到得比平常早,因为这是不平凡的一天。

    The morning he came earlier than usual , for it was not an ordinary day .

  2. 金色的阳光洒在白雪皑皑的珠峰上,注定了这是珠峰在千万年演进史上不平凡的一天。

    Golden sunlight onto the snow-Ai Ai Everest , it is doomed to a million years evolution of Mount Qomolangma in the history of an extraordinary day .

  3. 今天是不平凡的一天,不仅仅是因为今天是一学年中最好的一天,同时今天也是最无聊的一天。

    Today was an extraordinary day , not only was it the absolute best day of the school year , but it was also somewhat the most boring .

  4. 那年春天再平凡不过的一天。?

    In the spring , on a day like any other ...

  5. 你平凡人的一天还剩几分钟我明天会告诉你的好吗

    You still have a few more minutes left of normal . I 'll pay you back tomorrow , ok ?

  6. 在我平凡生命中的每一天,你使我感到不平凡!

    In my everyday , ordinary life , you make me feel extraordinary .

  7. 平常的;一般的;平凡的平平常常的一天在一般情况下像你我这等普通人这次会议非同小可。

    an ordinary sort of day in the ordinary course of events ordinary people like you and me This was no ordinary meeting .