
  • 网络survival guide;how to survive
  1. 可以索要免费小册子《债务:生存指南》。

    Ask for the free booklet ' Debt : a Survival Guide ' .

  2. 这样一来,就不难理解为何人们甚至将《甄嬛传》视为职场新人生存指南了。

    Then it 's not hard to understand why the story of Zhen Huan is even seen as a survival guide for newcomers in the workplace .

  3. 为了2012伦敦奥运会,我们下面就来简单介绍一下外国游客在奥运会期间的伦敦生存指南。

    We hereby present a simple guide to UK etiquette for the 2012 Olympics .

  4. 这些半开玩笑的僵尸生存指南教导人们要存储水、食物和药品等,这些建议在真正灾害来临时,同样具有重要意义。

    The " tongue-in-cheek " post stresses its zombie survival advice , including stocking up on water , food and medications , will also work for real disasters .

  5. 这会是一本生存指南,供变革代理人或一直在实施敏捷的人士使用,帮助大家以正确而不是错误的方式使用敏捷。

    So it 's a survival guide for Agile change agents and people who have been using Agile so that we can use Agile for good and not for evil .

  6. 下面的生存指南详细介绍如何在美国七个机场的国内航站楼成功应对这些问题,尤其是在遇到航班取消、延误或转机的时候。

    The survival guide below details how to successfully meet those challenges at domestic terminals at seven airports across the country , especially when challenged by a cancellation , delay or layover .

  7. 于是她读了生存专家指南,给丈夫准备了防护包(装有急救设备、零食、定位仪,以及随时会用到的雨衣等物),然后等着电话去接他。

    So she reads survivalist manuals , prepares his pack ( a first-aid kit , snacks , GPS , a poncho & to carry at all times ), and then waits for the call to pick him up .

  8. 航天型号软件生存周期模型选择指南

    Guidelines on selecting an appropriate software life-cycle model for a specific aerospace software project