
  1. 我知道我们是朋友,但这完全是公务。

    I know we 're friends , but this is strictly business .

  2. 说我们是朋友会让别人产生误解。

    It would be misleading to say that we were friends

  3. 有趣的是Jen上过我节目我们是朋友

    Because , it was funny because Jen was on the show and we are friends .

  4. 我还以为我们是朋友。我们的确是朋友,巴里。

    I thought we were friends . We are , Barry .

  5. 安娜:所以我们是朋友了。本:对。

    Anna : So we 're friends . Ben : Yeah .

  6. 我们是朋友,我拉着她的手说。

    ' We are friends ,' I said , taking her hand .

  7. 我们是朋友,你的微笑是我的一切。

    We are friends , your smile is my everything .

  8. 我和杰夫一起上的高中,我们是朋友。

    I went to high school with Jeff . We 're friends .

  9. 我关心他们的健康,究竟我们是朋友。

    I care about their health they are my friends after all .

  10. 你认为我们是朋友,因为曾经你救了我的命?

    You think we 're friends because you saved my life once ?

  11. 不客气。我们是朋友嘛!

    Forget it . That 's what friends are for !

  12. 别这样了,我们是朋友,对吧?

    No more of this we 're friends , right ?

  13. 我以为我们是朋友啊小子

    I thought we was supposed to be friends , young blood .

  14. 那我们是朋友了?

    Cora : Are we to be friends , then ?

  15. 我以为我们是朋友或其他的关系

    I thought we were friends . Or ... something .

  16. 我们是朋友,我们做朋友更合适。

    We 're friends . We 're better as friends .

  17. 是啊,我想我们是朋友嘛,应该没什么问题吧。

    Yeah , we 're friends so I thought it would be OK .

  18. 秋天从我的手里吞吃它的叶子:我们是朋友。

    Autumn eats its leaf out of my hand : we are friends .

  19. 你这么做是因为我们是朋友。

    You did it because you 're my friend .

  20. 你知道,我想我们是朋友。

    You know , I thought we were friends .

  21. 请记住,我们是朋友。

    Please bear in mind that we are friends .

  22. 安迪,我们是朋友,对吗?

    We 're getting to be kind of friends , aren 't we ?

  23. 那不意味着我们是朋友。

    That doesn 't mean we 're friends .

  24. 我们是朋友,谁跟谁。

    We are brothers , who follow who .

  25. 对我觉得我们是朋友你觉得呢

    B : Yeah . I think we 're friends . Don 't you ?

  26. “别这么说,我们是朋友呀!”周、黄二位说。

    " What is going on , my friends ?" Zhou and Huang asked .

  27. 我以为我们是朋友。

    Will : I thought we were friends .

  28. 我们是朋友介绍的挺老派的

    We met through friends , old-fashioned way .

  29. 拜托,我们是朋友。

    Come on , be a friend .

  30. 我的意思是我们是朋友。

    I mean , we were friends .