
  1. 她可能告诉他,他是她唯一喜欢的是,或者“我只在乎你”(Ionlyhaveeyesforyou)。

    She might tell him that he is the only person she wants , or " I only have eyes for you . "

  2. 最重要的是,因为有你,任时间匆匆流去,我只在乎你。

    The most important thing is , because you go any time goes by , I only care about you .

  3. 每次,她为了他要离去,他都会用那首《我只在乎你》留住她。

    Each time , she was for him to leave , he would use that song " I only care about you " to keep her .

  4. 《我只在乎你》中沧桑取代了甜美,它至今仍是我的最爱,是我的心声写照。

    I only care about you , it is sweet , replaced the vicissitudes of life is still my favorite , is the voice of my heart .

  5. 亲爱的,我们是最幸福的情侣我只知道在乎你一个。

    Honey , we are the most happy lovers I know only care about you .

  6. 我不在乎我只在乎你不会忘了自己的本性我宁死也不愿看你的心被黑暗填满

    Well , I don 't care.The only thing I care about is that you don 't forget who you really are . I would rather die than let you fill your heart with darkness .

  7. 我不在乎你拯救多少人,我只在乎你的生活,而现在你的生活正在脱离现实

    I don 't care about the lives you save ; I care about your life , and your life is separating from reality .