
  1. 这颗豌豆欢呼着说:“我要飞上天上去啦。”

    It says happily : I will fly to the sky !

  2. 我要飞到一个没有警察和小偷的地方去。

    To a place where there aren 't any police nor thieves .

  3. 我要飞高点,请求支援。

    I 'm going for altitude , call for support .

  4. 自由,我要飞,自由自在的飞。

    I want to fly , a free flight .

  5. 今晚汉克和我要飞过去那里。

    A.Hank and I will be flying there tonight .

  6. 我要飞到澳大利亚去看树袋熊和袋鼠。

    I would fly to Australia to see the koala bears and the kangaroos .

  7. 我要飞进极光里去。

    I wanted to fly through the aurora .

  8. 我要飞得更高!

    Sky swear : I wanna fly higher !

  9. 今晚我要飞到巴黎

    I 'm leaving for Paris tonight .

  10. 我要飞到法国去看艾菲尔铁塔和吃法国菜。

    I would fly to France to see the EiffelTower and to eat the French .

  11. 我要飞到你身边,让你感觉我真诚的火焰。

    I want to fly to you so that you can feel my sincere flame .

  12. 因为我要飞在天空,我喜欢这种感觉,自由。

    Because I want to fly in the sky , I like the feeling of freedom .

  13. 我要飞到美国去看自由女神和大峡谷。

    I would fly to America to see the Statue of Liberty and the Grand Canyon .

  14. 我要飞到瑞士去看阿尔卑斯山和从山上滑雪。

    I would fly to Switzerland to see the Alps and to ski down the mountains .

  15. 我要飞到英格兰去看伦敦塔和听风笛。

    I would fly to England to see the Tower of London and to hear the bagpipes .

  16. 我要飞了-是啊多么辉煌的胜利啊

    I 'm going to fly , baby ! - Oh , yes ! What a triumph !

  17. 为大学董事会服务一年我要飞五次

    To serve on the board of trustees of that university and I do it 5 times a year .

  18. 我要飞到澳大利亚,享受迷人的金色沙滩,神奇的大堡礁海底世界以及美丽的海滨。

    I flew to Australia and enjoy the enchanting golden beaches , the Great Barrier Reef magical underwater world and the beautiful seashore .

  19. 我要飞到那些高贵的鸟儿身边,它们会打我,这么丑陋的东西居然也敢接近它们。

    I will fly away to them , to the royal birds ; and they will beat me , because I , that am so ugly , dare to come near them .

  20. 盲人吕克:我要驾机飞中国

    The Blind Belgian : I Would Fly My Plane to China

  21. 4点我要还要飞回克利夫兰。

    I 've got a flight back to Cleveland at4:00 .

  22. 哦,我要能飞的那么高该多好啊!

    Oh , I wish I could fly like that !

  23. 马克:我也要飞。就在除夕夜。

    Mark : I 'll be flying too , on Spring Festival eve .

  24. 他们的电台坏了所以我才要飞这么一趟的

    Their radio is broke . That 's why I 'm flying out there now .

  25. 我今晚要飞回中国了。我非常感激你的帮助。

    I 'm flying back to China tonight . I 'm very grateful to you for your help .

  26. 我要你直接飞到那个火焰眼球上

    I want you to fly straight into that flaming eyeball

  27. 我要驾驶它飞回地球。

    I 'll pilot the spaceship to the earth .

  28. 爸爸我要那种会飞的玻璃电梯

    Daddy , I want a flying glass elevator .

  29. 这使我高兴得要飞上天了。

    I was in the seventh heaven of delight .

  30. 我要教你们飞.索伦:飞?

    I 'm gonna teach you to fly .