
  1. 安吉莉娜(Angelina),我们来了!

    Angelina , here we come !

  2. 既然我们来了,就玩的开心点吧。

    Since we 're here , we might as well have fun .

  3. 曼哈顿,我们来了。

    Blair : Ah . Manhattan , here we come .

  4. 说清楚了,那也是为什么我们来了。

    Yes , and that 's why we 're here .

  5. 孩子们听到我们来了就急忙跑掉了。

    The kids made off when they heard us coming .

  6. 你请求帮助,所以我们来了。

    You asked for our help , and we came .

  7. 他们见我们来了就向一条小巷溜走。

    They saw us coming , and sheered away down a side .

  8. 看来我们来了快一个多小时了。

    It seems like more than an hour since wearrived .

  9. 我想让他们知道我们来了。

    We want to let them know we 're coming .

  10. 我们来了,聚会现在可以开始了。

    We 're in the house ! Now the party can begin !

  11. 我们来了。我们搬过来了。

    We 're here . we 've moved down here .

  12. 用技巧我们来了姑娘

    Use the technique . Here we go , girl .

  13. 你能告诉他我们来了吗?

    Can you tell him we 've arrived ? Gandalf ? Gandal ?

  14. 世界各地的大学,我们来了!

    Universities of the world , here we come !

  15. 他们一看见我们来了,掉头就跑。

    As soon as they saw us coming they turned tail and ran .

  16. 我们来了之后那个人一直看你。

    That fellow 's done nothing but stare at you since we arrived .

  17. 看来某人也看到我们来了。

    Looks like someone saw us coming , too .

  18. 自从我们来了新的

    It 's since we got the new one .

  19. 嗨,我们来了。

    Dan : Hey , we 're here . -

  20. 好了,我们来了,爱德华兹,把她送到急救室!

    Okay , here we go . edwards , get her to first aid !

  21. 现在我们来了

    Now . J ' Here we come .

  22. 我很高兴我们来了

    I 'm so glad we 're here .

  23. 他们(德军)不知道我们来了吧。

    They have no idea we 're coming .

  24. 我们来了一个小时了

    We 've been here for an hour .

  25. 我们来了现在现在

    Here we come ... Now ! Now !

  26. 二次探底,我们来了。

    Double dip , here we come .

  27. 必死无疑我们来了

    Certain death , here we come .

  28. 有人告诉他我们来了。

    Somebody told him we were coming .

  29. 你更要跟我们来了。

    You have to come with us .

  30. 既然我们来了这儿,当然得多了解了解喽。

    Since we 're here , of course we are going to find out more .