
  • 网络I Have Loved
  1. 世界,当我死后,请在你的静谧中为我留下“我曾经爱过”这句话吧。

    One word keep for me in the silence when I am dead . " I have loved " .

  2. 我会停住脚步,凝视着那远去的背影,告诉自己那个人我曾经爱过。

    I 'll stop and stare at the leaving figure and tell myself that I have loved that person .

  3. 无论最后结果如何,都依然坚持说我曾经爱过。

    Whatever the final outcome , still insisted that I loved .

  4. 我曾经爱过你。爱情

    I loved you ; and perhaps I love you still

  5. 很久以前我曾经爱过一个女人。

    There was someone a long time ago .

  6. 我曾经爱过一个人,我以为是神赐给我的。

    Once I loved a man whom I thought the gods themseives had sent me .

  7. 我曾经爱过一位已婚男人。

    I once loved a married man .

  8. 我曾经爱过你爱情,也许在我的心灵里还没有完全消亡;

    I Loved You Alexander Pushkin I loved you ; and perhaps I love you still , The flame , perhaps , is not extinguished ;

  9. 我曾经爱过你:爱情,也许在我的心灵里还没有完全消亡。但愿它不会再打扰你,我也不想再使你难过悲伤。

    I Loved You I loved you , and perhaps I love you still , The flame , perhaps , is not extinguished yet It burns so quietly within my soul , No longer should you feel distressed by it .

  10. 我好像曾经爱过你无数次,无数种方式

    I seem to have loved you in numberless forms , numberless times

  11. 不要问我一生曾经爱过多少人,你不懂我伤有多深。

    Don 't ask me how many people I loved in my life .

  12. 因为我以前曾经爱过政治。

    Because once upon a time I loved politics .

  13. 我曾经可能爱过。

    I might have been in love before .

  14. 至少我曾经深深爱过你。

    I had loved you deeply at least .

  15. 唯一的一个我爱或者曾经爱过的人。

    The only person I love or have ever loved .

  16. 请忘记我曾经深深的爱过你。

    Please remember I was loving you so deep .

  17. 那里我所有的曾经爱过的人都已经去世了。

    Everyone I loved there died years ago .

  18. 借此美好时刻,我要对曾经爱过的、正在爱着的以及即将爱上的人说:人类拥有呼吸也许算不了什么享受,但没有呼吸却无从享受;

    At this time of beauty , I speak to those people loved , loving and to love that the breath from human may not be the feast , but human can not feast if no breath ;

  19. 我。。。曾经爱过你,Susan.我生命中的第一次真爱。

    I. .. loved you , Susan . Real love . For the first time in my life ...

  20. 我总会想起那些曾经爱过我的或是我曾经爱过的人,但那些都已远去,再也不会回来了。

    I always think about somebody that loved me and I loved ever before , but seems they have gone past , never come back .

  21. 我记得我曾经也用心的爱过,只是最后被伤的遍体鳞伤。

    I remember I was once the intention of love , just last the injury was black and blue all over .

  22. 我依然很想念那些我曾经爱过但已不在身边的人,但是我感谢命里爱过他们。

    I still miss those I loved who are no longer with me but I find I am grateful for having loved them .

  23. 我知道你不想恋爱吗我曾经爱过

    I know . Don 't you wanna be in love ? I 've been in love .

  24. 莉兹:我不想讲关于我爱或曾经爱过的人的故事。

    Liz : I don 't want to be telling tales about people I love or once loved .

  25. 我看到她的时候就仿佛看到了我曾经爱过的玛琳。

    I look at her and I see the Marlene I loved .

  26. 以后你会不经意地想起我,请别忘记我曾经那样深深的爱过你。

    After you 've stopped having feelings for me , please don 't forget that I once loved you very deeply .

  27. 如果祈祷真的灵验,那么主啊,在我离开之前,请代我转告她,我曾经深爱过她,告诉他我的遗言。

    If my pray is heard , so god , will you please tell her , before I leave , that I once loved her with all my heart , meanwhile tell her my last words .

  28. 如果有一天,在喧闹的城市里,我们擦肩而过,我会停住脚步,凝视着那个远去的背影,告诉自己那个人我曾经爱过。

    If we pass by in this crowd city one day , I 'll stop and stare at the leaving figure and tell myself that I have loved that person .