
  1. 假如我是你的话,我会再等一会儿。

    I should wait a little longer , if I were you .

  2. 如果我是你,我就不会跟他有任何瓜葛。

    I 'd have nothing to do with him , if I were you .

  3. 如果我是你老婆,我会在你的咖啡里下毒。

    If I was your wife I would poison your coffee .

  4. 顺便说一句,我是你的头号粉丝。

    By the way , I 'm your number-one fan .

  5. 如果我是你,我会小心的。

    I should look out if I were you !

  6. 如果我是你,我要做的就是对他好。

    What I 'd do if I were you is be nice to him

  7. 如果我是你,我就会躺一会儿。

    I should lie down for a bit , if I were you .

  8. 詹姆斯,如果我是你,我就会拒绝向夏皮罗咨询。

    James , I should refuse that consultancy with Shapiro , if I were you

  9. 如果我是你,我就会去。

    I should go if I were you .

  10. 要是我是你,格蕾琴夫人,我一点都不会担心。

    If I were you , Mrs Gretchen , I just wouldn 't worry about it

  11. 暂且假设我是你的诉讼当事人。

    Let 's assume for a moment that I am a litigant in your court .

  12. 如果我是你,我就会直接去按你朋友的门铃,把自行车要回来。

    If I were you I would simply ring your friend 's bell and ask for your bike back

  13. 他们不是只同情地倾听,而是还时不时地插话进来:“如果我是你*”

    They don 't just listen sympathetically , they wade in with remarks like , ' If I were you * '

  14. “如果我是你,”她主动建议说,“我会密切注意自己的女儿。”

    ' If I were you , ' she adds by way of some unsolicited advice , ' I 'd watch out for that girl of yours . '

  15. 如果我是你的话,我一定去申请这个职位。我认为你大有希望。

    I should apply for the post if I were you , I think you stand a good chance .

  16. 假如我是你,就听其自然。

    If I were you , I should let things take their course .

  17. 如果我是你,就不去碰这个钉子。

    If I were you , I wouldn 't run my head against a brick wall .

  18. 如果你曾经以“如果我是你……”开始一句话,或者百思不得其解为何答案明明如同水晶般透明,可你的同事却依旧为某个抉择而苦恼。这背后是有科学原因的。

    If you 've ever started a sentence with , " If I were you ... " or found yourself scratching your head at a colleague 's agony over a decision when the answer is crystal-clear , there 's a scientific reason behind it .

  19. 我是你法学院的同学希拉,好久没联系了!

    It 's me Sheila from law school - long time no speak !

  20. 像《我是你的男人》这样讲述为女性服务的男性外观机器人的电影则很少见。

    I Am Your Man is a rarity : a film about a male-looking robot designed to serve a woman .

  21. 尽管并不是一个商业上的成功,这一模式直到《我是你的男人》才被打破。这个漫不经心的胜利是对独来独往的我们的一个激励。

    While not a commercial success-a pattern largely unbroken until I 'm Your Man-this lackadaisical triumph is an inspiration to the misanthrope in us all .

  22. “你刚才说过,这里埋着一大堆金币。我是你的朋友,不想坑骗你。你说说,你估计这个梦值多少钱?”

    You have said that there is a big pile of gold coins . I am your friend and I do not want to wrong you . You tell me how much you estimate to be the price of your dream .

  23. 救了魏颗一命。夜里魏颗梦见老人对自己说:“我是你嫁出去的那个女人的父亲,结草绊倒杜回,是为了报答你对我女儿的救民之恩。”

    During the night , Wei Ke had a dream , and in his dream an old man said to him , " I am the father of the concubine that you saved by letting her to marry again . I made knots to trip down Du Hui because I wanted to reciprocate1 your kindness of saving my daughter . "

  24. 如果我是你,我就留在家里。

    If I were you , I should stay at home .

  25. 如果我是你,我就会珍惜这个机会。

    If I were you , I would value this chance .

  26. 如果我是你,我会穿裙子。

    If I were you , I would wear a dress .

  27. 如果我是你,我将接受这笔生意。

    If I were you , I would take this business .

  28. 如果我是你,我一定说出来。

    If I were you , I would talk to me .

  29. 如果我是你,我就换份工作。

    If I were you , I would change my job .

  30. 我是你的朋友,它们的闪光不漂亮吗?

    I 'm your friend . Don 't they shine beautiful ?