- Flying object;flyer

I don 't believe these reports of UFO sightings .
There has been a surge of UFO sightings in America .
A singular glow came from the unidentified flying object .
Regardless of your personal opinion about UFOs , there 's no denying that the museum has been quite successful : Since it opened its doors in 1992 , it has outgrown two different locations , and now occupies an old movie theater .
That theory about UFOs is way out .
Exhibits include information on the event , crop circles , other UFO sightings , Area 51 , and abductions .
Such was also the case for an object called SN 2009ip .
Calculation for RCS of Reentry Body 's Plasma Wake
Even features about unidentified flying objects ( UFOs ) are based on information obtained under the FOIA .
Any reports made would now not be investigated or followed up as the hotline had been closed , a spokesman said .
FSR was first published in1955 and for many years was the world leader amongst UFO journals .
Secret FBI files have been released detailing how US officials saw aUFO explode over Utah – and aliens land near Roswell in New Mexico .
According to CNN in Jerusalem , the Israel Defense Forces ( IDF ) have reportedly shot down an unidentified flying object over a nuclear plant in Dimona .
Numbers of sightings increased steadily , and , as of the late 1990s , almost half of Americans believed that UFOs were in fact extraterrestrial spaceships .
Transpiration cooling control is an effective method for avoiding deformation of high-speed flying objects . How to control transpiration , amount so that the surface ablation of flying objects could meet the requirements of design is the key problem .
A series of sightings between 1947 and 1949 changed public views of UFOs . And the UFO as an alien vehicle became the public interpretation of these phenomena .
There is no doubt that UFOs ( Unidentified Flying Objects ) exist-many people see things in the skies that they cannot identify , ranging from aircraft to meteors .
The unidentified flying object ( UFO ), which disrupted the air traffic in Hangzhou , capital of east China 's Zhejiang province , for an hour , is still a mystery .
The British government also tries to keep quiet UFO sightings because of a lack of funds to deal with them , said former Ministry of Defense UFO Project chief Nick Pope .
In one sighting , recorded on a UFO research website , a witness reported seeing four craft studded with bright blue lights " dance around one another in the night sky " .
' I happen to have been privileged enough to be in on the fact that we 've been visited on this planet and the UFO phenomena is real , 'Dr Mitchell said .
There is no doubt that UFOs ( Unidentified Flying Objects ) exist - many people see things in the skies that they cannot identify , ranging from aircraft to meteors .
Mr Bushmansaid : " With respect to the alien craft , we have American citizens who areworking on UFOs 24 hours a day .
The area , nicknamed the " Bermuda Triangle of Transylvania , " first gained international notoriety in 1968 after a biologist took a picture of a UFO flying over it , but the forest itself is actually much creepier than the supposed UFO sighting .
Graeber gradually learned how to strip imagination from fact in telephone reports , and developed clever techniques for checking and double checking the stories of UFO witnesses .
Scholars believe that the UFO myth contains religious-like elements that do much to explain its massive appeal , In believing the existence of superhuman being , by expecting travel to a better planet , and by creating a fellow community , the UFO myth embodies much of popular religious belief .
The form of the UFO myth changed shape somewhat in the 1980s and 1990s , as individuals began to claim that , not only had they seen UFOs , but that they had actually been on board the spacecraft , as aliens had abducted them and performed experiments on them before returning them to Earth .
Measurement and Location of Air Stealth Flying Object Using Microwave Radiometer
An automatic landing spot detecting system and its site testing datum
I was walking down the street when a UFO landed .