
  • 网络Key Agreements;the proposition;Key proposition;Protocol Key
  1. 作为下一代网络(NGN)软交换的关键协议,具有极强的业务融合能力。

    As a key protocol it have strong ability to integrate various services .

  2. 首先,研究和分析了系统的主要技术软交换技术和关键协议SIP协议。

    Firstly , research and analyze the main technology and key protocol of the system , which is soft switch and SIP .

  3. 极度血腥、备受好评的电影《关键协议》(Proposition)和《无法无天》(Lawless)的编剧;

    screenwriter of the acclaimed ( and extremely gory ) movies " Proposition " and " Lawless " ;

  4. 我们首先实现了使用JMS支持的示例,接着实现了使用MQ支持的示例,以演示非Web服务协议的重要性以及如何将这些关键协议用于SIBus。

    We implemented examples using JMS support , and later MQ support , to demonstrate the importance of non-Web services protocols and how to use these key protocols with SIBus .

  5. 下一代网络(NGN)体系采用开放的网络架构,而媒体网关控制协议(MGCP)和会话起始协议(SIP)作为NGN的关键协议,在其体系结构中占有极其重要的位置。

    Opening architecture of network is adopted in NGN system , MGCP and SIP are used as key protocol of NGN and occupy very important position in NGN system .

  6. 本论文研究并实现的IUA协议是运用于M100媒体网关,实现ISDN信令与IP互通的关键协议。

    IUA protocol searched and realized in discourse is a key protocol used in M100 media gateway and realizing the ISDN signaling connecting with IP .

  7. E-NNI连接建立的信令控制协议是自动交换光网络中域间网络互联互通的关键协议之一。

    E-NNI connect setup signaling control protocol is important to implement interoperable optical network .

  8. 文中在介绍了IMS的背景,基本概念、架构,关键协议和安全认证机制的前提下,主要介绍了一个呼叫会话控制功能实体通用的软件功能架构设计;

    After briefly introduced the background , basic concepts , network architecture , essential protocols of IMS and the authentication mechanism of IMS security , this paper mainly introduced an generic function structure design of CSCFs ;

  9. 针对这一问题,分析了传输多媒体数据的关键协议RTP/RTCP,RSVP和RTSP,并分别讨论了各个协议的特点、功能和工作原理等。

    According to this situation , some key protocols for transporting multimedia data , such as RTP / RTCP , RSVP and RTSP , are analyzed , and their features , functions and working theories are discussed .

  10. 在分析了几种传统的EAI结构模式的基础上,提出一种基于开放标准的更优的EAI结构模式-Web服务集成模式,详细阐明了基于Web服务的EAI的关键协议和信息集成实现过程。

    Based on analyzed several traditional EAI architecture pattern s , a new EAI architecture pattern using is put forword a set of opened standards , that is Web-service based integration pattern . The key protocols and process of information integration for this EAI architecture pattern are particularly clarified .

  11. 本文首先简要介绍了CCSDS结构和关键协议以及CCSDS主网的业务,讨论了CCSDS应用中的问题并给出策略。

    At first , the structure and key protocol of CCSDS and CPN ( CCSDS Principal Network ) is introduced in this paper . Then the issue of CCSDS application is discussed and the strategy is put forward .

  12. 特别是它制定了关于制止全球自然物种及其栖息地的流失所需的坚实步骤的几个关键协议。

    In particular , it led to several key agreements on concrete steps needed to stem the global decline of natural species and their habitats .

  13. 其中,对于TCP/IP协议族中的两个最关键的协议TCP和IP协议作了重点的分析。

    Then make the particular analysis of the most important protocol of the TCP / IP stack-TCP and IP protocol .

  14. 介质访问控制(MAC)协议是保证无线传感器网络高效通信的关键网络协议之一,其性能好坏直接关系到无线信道的利用效率和整个网络的性能。

    Media Access Control ( MAC ) protocol is a key protocol , which is responsible for the high efficiency of communication in the wireless sensor networks .

  15. 由于传感器节点数目较大,MAC协议是保证无线传感器网络高效通信的关键网络协议之一。

    Because of the number of nodes in WSN , the MAC protocol is one of the key protocols to ensure efficient com2 munication in a wireless sensor network .

  16. 媒体访问控制协议是保证无线传感器网络高效通信的关键网络协议之一,传感器网络的性能如吞吐量、延迟性能等完全取决于所采用的MAC协议。

    A key protocols for wireless sensor networks , MAC protocols are responsible for the high efficiency of communications and fully ensure the performance of sensor networks such as throughout and latency .

  17. SIP是软交换应用层的关键控制协议,用来建立、修改和终止多媒体会话,具有简单、灵活、可扩展性强的特点。

    SIP which is an important control protocol over application layer of Soft-Switch is used to call , revise and stop the multimedia conversation , presenting the advantage of simplicity , flexibility and good expansibility .

  18. 着重介绍了ASON的体系结构、网络结构、功能特点、控制平面的功能构件、标准接口以及实现ASON控制平面的关键控制协议规范。

    As a typical presentation of intelligent optical network , ASON is discussed thoroughly , including the system architecture and network framework and major advantage and function component of control plane and standard interface and protocol of control plane .

  19. MAC协议处于adhoc网络协议的底层部分,它决定无线信道的使用方式,对网络的性能有极大的影响,是保证adhoc网络高效通信的关键网络协议之一。

    MAC protocol , which is at the bottom layer of the Ad Hoc network protocol , determines the channel used by network and has a great impact on network performance . MAC protocol is one of the pivotal protocols in Ad Hoc network to ensure efficient network communication .

  20. 构建下一代互联网必须要有高性能核心路由器的支撑,而集成IS-IS是为高性能路由器提供选路策略的关键路由协议之一。

    The construction of the next generation Internet must be supported by high performance core routers , and Integrated IS-IS ( I-IS-IS ) is one of the most important routing protocols to provide high performance route choice for routers .

  21. 介绍了流式传输的基本原理及支持流媒体传输的关键网络协议。

    In this paper , the basic principle of stream transmission and the key network protocol supporting the streaming media transmission are introduced .

  22. 因而接下来研究讨论了如何利用包捕获技术和反汇编技术对数据库的关键通讯协议进行分析,确定各个数据包的用途和数据包各个字段的含义。

    Thus next we have to study and discuss how to use packet-captured technology and disassembly technology to analyze the key communication protocols of database , so as to determine the use of data packets and the meaning of each field of data packets .

  23. 面向NGN的IP软交换关键技术与协议

    NGN-oriented IP Soft Switch Key Technologies and Protocols

  24. 本文介绍了VPN的概念、优势,分析了VPN的关键技术与协议,并对不同协议进行了相互比较。

    This paper focuses on the VPN concept and advantages , analyses the VPN technique and protocol , and compares the different VPN protocols .

  25. 1553B总线系统的关键部分是协议接口控制器。

    The key to the 1553B bus system is to design 1553B data bus interface controller chip .

  26. 介绍VPN的概念、优势,分析VPN的关键技术与协议,并结合校园网络应用实际,探讨VPN的应用。

    This paper focuses on the VPN concept , advantage , analyses the VPN technique and protocol , and combining with the practice , researches the application with VPN in campus network .

  27. 本文简述了VoIP的产生背景和发展现状,介绍了VoIP的技术原理与关键技术、协议标准等,在此基础上提出了基于SIP协议的VoIP终端设备的实现方案;

    In the thesis , the background and development status of VoIP is summed up , the principle , key technology , standards and protocols of VoIP are introduced as well .

  28. 将以家电为代表的嵌入式系统连接到网络中,关键是TCP/IP协议栈的实现。

    To connect the embedded system embodied by household appliances to a network , the key issue is to realize the TCP / IP protocols in the embedded system .

  29. 本文主要以椭圆曲线上的双线性对技术为基本贯穿线索,对分布式密码系统及相关问题做了系统研究,重点探讨几类分布式密码系统的关键技术和协议。

    The thread followed in this paper is to discuss the bilinear paring on the elliptic curve and it usages for the study on distributed cryptosystem and its related problems systematically .

  30. 该语音增强系统,其实用化的基础是进行语音与音频检测,核心是完成自动增益控制,关键是符合协议标准。

    This system is necessary to complete the detection of speech and audio , and then an automatic gain control method should be used . It should also be consistent with the protocols and standards .