
  • 网络deformities
  1. 在分析弯曲关节变形的基础上,建立了其静态模型和动态模型;

    Static model and dynamic model of spherical joint are built up .

  2. 严重的病例,可使关节变形,使病人残废。

    In severe cases , it can deform joints and cripple its victims .

  3. 计算机模式识别法对关节变形强直性脊柱炎微量元素谱的研究

    Study of Trace Element Table of Arthrosis Rigidity Rachitis by Computer Pattern Recognition

  4. 益肝补肾,以协同增强虫类药物对关节变形、功能障碍的疗效。

    The method of reinforcing liver and tonifying kidney for strengthening the effect of insect drugs for the dysfunction and deformity of joint .

  5. 如果不及时控制,会导致关节变形,更有甚者,引起间质性肾炎,尿酸性肾结石,导致肾脏的破坏。

    If not controlled in time , it will lead to joint deformity , even worse , cause interstitial nephritis , uric acid kidney stones , leading to kidney damage .

  6. 晚期则虚实并作,以疼痛、关节变形、畸形、功能障碍为主要临床表现,病变发展过程中主要累及肺、脾、肝、肾。

    And the principal manifestations are pain , deformed joints , deformity and dysfunction . The lungs , spleen , liver and kidneys may be involved in the development of the disease .

  7. 蜂针的止痛效果佳,使患者乐於复诊治疗,虽然要蜂疗还是会有瘙痒、肿胀反应的出现、不过在控制痹症的复发和抑制关节变形这两方面却又有良好的效果。

    The analgesic effects of acupuncture bee good , so happy to referral in patients with treatment , although to Apitherapy still have itching , swelling reactions occur , but recurrence in the control of polio and the inhibition of joint deformity but both have good results .

  8. 冗余度分解对冗余度机器人关节弹性变形的影响

    The effects of redundancy resolution on joint elastic deflection of redundant robots

  9. 通过拉格朗日方程建立了考虑关节弹性变形的双连杆机械臂系统动力学方程。

    Based upon the Lagrange ′ s equation , the dynamic equation of the two robotic arms system with elastic joint has been established .

  10. 利用椭圆积分方法,求出了仿袋鼠机器人脚部变形的表达式和末端(踝关节)变形后的位置变化关系以及地面最大作用力的公式,并进行了计算分析。

    The location of ankle joint and the formula to conclude the maximal ground force were obtained using elliptic integral method , and the simulation was carried out , which shows the validity of the method .

  11. 其药理活性由代谢物Trans-OH产生,具有优良的镇痛消炎作用,临床用于治疗慢性风湿性关节炎,变形性关节炎,肩周炎等炎症。

    Its pharmacological effect is derived from its metabolite , trans-OH , which has marked analgesic and antiphlogistic activities . It has been mainly used for chronic rheumatism arthritis , deformability arthritis , scapulohumeral periarthritis and so on .

  12. 在一定气体压力作用下,研究弯曲关节的径向变形和轴向变形。

    We study the racial deformation and the axial deformation created by the certain gas pressure .

  13. 关节盘的变形量明显大于髁突及颞骨关节窝。

    The deformation volume of the articular disc is bigger than that of the glenoid fossa and the condyle .

  14. 偏置关节避免了变形时模块间的运动干涉,扩大了机器人模块间的相对运动空间。

    The offset joints adopted in the novel mechanism were to improve the relative motion space between the adjacent modules .

  15. 进一步的研究可以在优化结构、完善加工工艺、检测系统、改善控制算法的基础上对关节的大变形进行研究。

    Further research can be performed on large deformation of this joint based on structure optimization , improvement on manufacturing technology , posture sensor system and control algorithms .

  16. 他的双手因患关节炎而扭曲变形。

    His hands were gnarled with arthritis .

  17. 她的双手因为关节炎而扭曲变形了。

    Her hands were misshapen by arthritis .

  18. 结果实验组术后2周4只动物关节盘移位或变形;

    Results Anterior disc displacement or disc deformity in four experimental rabbits was observed on the traction side 2 weeks after operation .

  19. 当前的机器人研究不少是以刚体动力学为根本理论的前提下进行研究的,或者只考虑构件的弹性变形,而未考虑关节结合部的变形。

    Some of current study on robot is based on rigid body dynamics theory . In the others , elastic deformation of components is considered but the deformation of joint is not considered .

  20. 如果这些步行的过程有偏差或是由于骨骼关节劳捐或变形、或先天性足部结构上的问题所影响,足部疾病就会应运而生。

    These include joint and toe deformity , arthritic change , atrophic change of skin and bone , Nails disorders such as fungal nails , thickened and deformed nails , pressure lesion such as corn and callus .

  21. 结论HLD可出现继发性骨质疏松症,骨密度测定可较早期地发现骨关节损害,有助于预防和减少骨关节变形和骨折。

    Conclusions HLD can appear secondary osteoporosis . Bone densitometry testing can discover the earlier period osteoarticular injures in hepatolenticular degeneration , which militate to prevent and reduce bone joint transform or bone fracture .

  22. 给出了关节的结构,介绍了手指关节的气动原理与控制方法,并分析了关节弯曲变形的静态模型。

    In this paper the structure of the joint is presented , the principle of pneumatics and method of control are described and the static bending model of the joint is analyzed .

  23. 关节权值可以由样本姿态自动获取,减少了手动操作,提高了依赖于准确的关节权值的皮肤变形算法的变形质量。

    Joint weights for each vertex are automatically calculated from sample poses , thereby reducing manual effort and enhancing the quality of skin deformation which requires accurate joint weights .

  24. 呼吸道和关节炎:根据《关节炎与风湿病》(Arthritis&Rheumatism)期刊发表的一项研究,会引起多个关节发炎和变形的致残疾病风湿性关节炎可能源自肺部。

    Rheumatoid arthritis , a disabling disease that can inflame and deform multiple joints , may originate in the lungs , according to research published in Arthritis & Rheumatism .

  25. 结果:MRI可以清楚显示四肢类风湿性关节炎的滑膜增生、软骨关节面破坏、骨性关节面侵蚀及骨内囊肿形成、韧带及关节囊增厚、腱鞘积液及关节变形等所造成的形态和信号改变。

    Results : The manifestations of MR signal intensity and shape of rheumatoid arthritis which were caused by synovial hyperplasis , articular cartilage destruction , bony erosion , intraosseous cyst , ligment and joint capsule thickening , and the fluid accumulated in tendon sheath were clearly showed by MRI .