
  • 网络range of motion training
  1. 结论包含有肌力、本体感觉、关节活动度训练的运动处方是适合老年膝关节OA患者的治疗方法。

    ConclusionThe range of motion , muscle strengthening exercise and proprioception training program was associated with improved knee function and quality of life in elderly knee OA patients .

  2. 肌力训练、关节活动度训练、本体觉训练及行走步态训练是术后康复治疗最重要的内容。

    The most important contents of rehabilitation therapies are the training of muscle strength , range of joint motion , joint position sense and gait .

  3. 关节活动度的训练:在关节无痛的范围内,开始被动屈髋屈膝,逐步给予主动训练及抗阻训练。

    Exercise of joint range of motion : Within the range of painless joint , the passive coax flexion and knee flexion began , and the active exercise and resistance exercise were given gradually .

  4. 康复治疗:进行定时更换体位、关节活动度及肌力训练、平衡训练、步态训练、上下楼梯训练及日常生活活动能力训练等。2次/d,60min/次,疗程30d。

    Rehabilitative treatment : Body position transformation , range of motion training , muscle force training , balance training , gait training , up-down stair activity training , activities of daily living training were performed , twice a day , 60 minute per time , for 30 days .