
  • 网络rehabilitation prevention
  1. 膝关节挛缩的康复预防与治疗

    Rehabilitation prevention and treatment of knee joint contracture

  2. 冠心病一级康复预防的实施与长期指导

    Study of first grade rehabilitation prevention and long-term guide treatment in patients with risk factors of coronary heart disease

  3. 吸烟肺癌患者口腔黏膜细胞全线粒体DNA获得性突变分析吸烟/口腔黏膜获得性突变与康复预防

    Analysis of acquired mutations of oral mucosa cell mitochondrial DNA in smokers with lung cancer

  4. 心脑血管疾病的一级康复预防:调脂药物的应用与进展血脂与高血压病例对照研究

    Primary rehabilitation and prevention of cerebrovascular disease : Application and progress of drugs for regulating blood lipid

  5. 结论:一级康复预防是患有冠心病危险因素患者预防冠心病,降低其发病率较有效的方法。

    Conclusion : The first grade rehabilitation prevention is more effective model in preventing CHD in patients with CHD risk factors .

  6. 目前心理因素与癌症的关系已日益引起关注,改善患者的心理健康对疾病的康复预防具有重要意义。

    Currently , the correlation between psychological factors and cancer has called much attention . Improving patients ' psychological health has significant meaning in the recovery and prevention of diseases .

  7. 目的:回顾肿瘤坏死因子α的生物学效应以及与胰岛素抵抗之间的关系,为糖尿病一级康复预防提供理论依据。

    OBJECTIVE : To review the relationship between tumor necrosis factor-alpha ( TNF - α) and insulin resistance so as to provide a theoretical basis for the best rehabilitation and prevention .

  8. 目的:探讨正常人及新诊断2型糖尿病患者血糖水平漂移变化的差异,为糖尿病患者的一级康复预防提供理论依据。

    AIM : To investigate the difference in glycemic excursions between normal individuals and patients who were newly diagnosed with type 2 diabetes mellitus so as to provide a theoretical evidence for the rehabilitation of patients .

  9. 目的:探讨中国人群中脑源性神经营养因子基因多态性与散发性帕金森病的相关性,以期为该病的一级康复预防提供遗传学数据。

    OBJECTIVE : To investigate the relationship between BDNF genetic polymorphisms and sporadic Parkinson disease ( SPD ) in Chinese population with the expectation of offering some genetic data for the primary rehabilitation and prevention of the disease .

  10. 目的:探讨维生素D联合华法令对大鼠动脉钙化的作用,为心血管疾3病的康复预防措施介入提供基础研究数据。

    AIM : To study the calcification role of vitamin D3 ( VD3 ) combined with warfarin to the artery of rats , in order to provide basic studying data for the intervention of rehabilitative prevention measures to cardiovascular diseases .

  11. 方法对上海两个社区的高血压患者进行康复预防知识的专题讲座,并通过调查比较城市组与乡镇组的高血压患者对控制血压和预防脑卒中的认识程度。

    Method Give the lectures of rehabilitative prevention to hypertension patients at the two districts in Shanghai . Compared with the difference of the hypertension patients'knowing about how to control BP and prevent stroke through the investigation between city group and town group .

  12. 而知道脑卒中危险信号的城市组仅3人,乡镇组仅2人(P>0.05),可见高血压患者普遍缺乏脑卒中康复预防的知识。

    Only 3 person in the city group and 2 person in the town group who know the danger signal of stroke ( P > 0 . 05 ) . It is shown that in the hypertension patients there are very short of the knwledge of rehabilitative prevention to stroke .

  13. 目的研究关节持续被动活动(continuouspassivemotion,CPM)和康复疗法预防及治疗深度烧伤后膝关节僵硬及窝挛缩畸形的效果。

    Objective : To explored the effect of continuous passive motion and rehabilitation to treat and prevent the rigor of knee joint and the contracture deformity of popliteal fossa caused by scarring after intensive burning .

  14. 是颈椎病的康复、预防和保健的家庭必备好帮手。

    Vertebra rehabilitation , prevention and care family essential good helper .

  15. 脑卒中后遗症病人社区康复和预防的研究现状

    Status quo of investigation on community rehabilitation and prevention of cerebral apoplexy patients with sequela

  16. 结论:肌力训练对腰椎间盘突出症的康复及预防复发有很好效果。

    Conclusion : Myodynamic training had a satisfactory effect on the rehabilitation and recurrence of PLID .

  17. 综合康复措施预防地震髋部骨折伤员深静脉血栓的效果观察

    Observation of Combined Rehabilitation Intervention in Preventing Deep Venous Thrombosis in Hip Fracture Patients Owing to Earthquake

  18. 目的:探讨肌力训练在腰椎间盘突出症康复及预防复发中的作用。

    Objective : To study myodyamic training rehabilitating prolapse of lumbar intervertebral disc ( PLID ) and preventing recurrence .

  19. 冠心病综合康复医疗预防心脏事件的临床观察

    Clinical observation on the results of preventing cardiac accident of coronary heart disease patients treated with synthetic rehabilitation therapy

  20. 科学的实施健康教育对促进患者的康复及预防保健起到了积极的促进作用。

    Science of health education to promote the rehabilitation of patients and preventive health care has played a positive role in promoting .

  21. 通过加强肩袖肌群的力量训练和肩关节神经肌肉本体感受性训练,可以加快游泳肩的康复及预防其的发生。

    Strengthening the rotator cuff muscle strength and shoulder proprioceptive neuromuscular training can speed up the impingement Syndrome rehabilitation and prevent its happening .

  22. 老年中心是暨南大学附属第一医院进行老年医疗、康复、预防和保健的专门机构。

    The Gerontogical centre is a special organ of the First Affiliated Hospital of Jinan University which is engaged in the treating , recovering , preventing and health protecting of gerontology .

  23. 他说,在五年内,中医药的应用将进一步探讨艾滋病毒/艾滋病、慢性肝病和糖尿病的康复、预防和治疗问题。

    In five years , the use of TCM will be further explored in the rehabilitation , prevention and treatment of HIV / AIDS , chronic liver infections and diabetes , he said .

  24. 结论健康教育不仅可以提高患者对阴道炎知识的认知程度,还能提高患者的遵医行为,促进康复,预防复发,提高生活质量。

    Conclusions Health education can not only increase patients ' cognitive level on colpitis , but also improve their compliance behavior , hasten their recovery , prevent the recurrence of colpitis and improve patients ' life quality .

  25. 枢纽型中心重视医疗服务,并为非枢纽型中心提供指导和帮助,共享先进设备;非枢纽型中心重在开展公共卫生服务,为社区居民提供全面的康复和预防保健等服务。

    Hub centers pay more attention to medical services , provide guidance and help to non-hub centers , sharing of advanced equipment ; non-hub centers lie in public health services , provide comprehensive rehabilitation and preventive health care services to residents .

  26. 康复医学、预防医学、流行病学论文列题

    Title Only of Papers on Rehabilitation Medicine , Preventive Medicine and Epidemiology

  27. 结论知情同意干预能提高病人治疗依从性,从而促进病人的康复,对预防复发也具有很重要的意义。

    Conclusion : Informed consent could improve the therapy compliance , promote rehabilitation and prevent relapse .

  28. 结论:综合康复医疗可预防糖尿病,并降低心血管病的危险因素。

    Conclusion : Comprehensive rehabilitation therapy may prevents diabetes mellitus and decrease risk factor of cardiovascular disease .

  29. 目的观察超早期康复护理对预防和治疗脑卒中偏瘫患者肩手综合征的作用。

    Objective To observe the prevention and treatment of hemiplegic shoulder-hand syndrone by super-early rehabilitation nursing in stroke patients .

  30. 结论牢固缝合术后早期主动活动,系统的康复治疗是预防肌腱粘连提高指关节曲伸功能的有效方法。

    Conclusion Early positive activity after operation with this complex suture and synthetical rehabilitation therapy can prevent adhesion of tendon and raise the function of fingers ' motion .