
  • 网络rehabilitation project;rehabilitation program
  1. 中医综合康复方案治疗缺血性中风急性期的理论探讨及临床研究

    The Theories and Clinical Study of TCM Synthesis Rehabilitation Project in Treating Acute Cerebral Ischemic Stroke

  2. 共观察44例病人,随机分为治疗组(24例)和对照组(20例),治疗组采用中医综合康复方案治疗,对照组采用西医规范治疗。一个疗程后,观察各项指数的改变。

    All the 44 cases observed were diagnosed according to the diagnostic standard , the treating group were treated with TCM synthesis rehabilitation project , the control group were treated with west medicine , after one period of treatment , we have observed the change of correlative parameter .

  3. 运用负荷逐步增加非手术性5阶段康复方案进行治疗:①第1阶段(伤后1~5d):伤者连续5d使用拐杖和膝关节固定装置,膝关节不负重。

    The graded load 5-stage non-operation therapy was adopted to treat the patient : ① The first stage ( 1 to 5 days after injury ): The patient was employing the walking stick and nut-blocking device of knee joint for 5 days to prevent the weight .

  4. 综合康复方案治疗缺血性脑卒中的卫生经济学评价

    Health Economics Evaluation in Comprehensive Rehabilitation in the Treatment of Ischemic Stroke

  5. 急性脑卒中三级康复方案的临床研究

    Clinical Study of the Three-stage Rehabilitation in Patients with Stroke

  6. 实施三级康复方案对脑卒中患者生活质量的影响

    Effect of three-stage rehabilitation scheme on the quality of life in stroke patients

  7. 脑卒中偏瘫病人肩痛的康复方案

    Recovery of shoulder pain in patients with apoplexy hemiplegia

  8. 组2采用传统康复方案。

    Patients in group 2 received traditional rehabilitation programme .

  9. 设计失语康复方案与大脑病变部位的相关性

    Correlation between the design of aphasia rehabilitative program and the diseased sites of cerebrum

  10. 膝部骨折患者术后两种功能康复方案的比较

    Comparison of two methods of functional rehabilitation of patient with knee fracture after operation

  11. 结论三级康复方案对急性脑卒中患者各项功能的恢复具有良好的促进作用,且有更好的经济学效应。

    Conclusions Three-stage rehabilitation program has favorable economic and treating effects on stroke patients .

  12. 心脏冠状动脉旁路术后的康复方案

    Rehabilitation following the coronary artery bypass graft

  13. 目的探讨治疗脑卒中偏瘫的有效针刺康复方案。

    Objective To explore an effective rehabilitation method to treat hemiplegic patients with stroke by acupuncture .

  14. 等张运动与等长运动相结合的康复方案对高血压患者血压及血浆内皮素的影响

    Effects of integrated isotonic exercise and isometric exercise on blood pressure and plasma endothelins in hypertension patients

  15. 这种康复方案是有效的,我们需要华盛顿的领导人们为此提供资金,人们会知道怎么获得资助。

    Recovery works-and we need our leaders in Washington fund it and people know how to find it .

  16. 监测病情、康复方案个化及康复训练循序渐进,可使脑卒中早期康复训练安全进行。

    Monitoring of recovery status and individua lized staged rehabilitation protocol may insure the security of patients during rehabilitation training .

  17. 目的探索脑卒中三级吞咽康复方案对脑卒中吞咽障碍患者吞咽功能的影响。

    Objective To explore the effects of three-stage swallowing rehabilitation treatment on the swallowing function in stroke patients with dysphagia .

  18. 从卫生经济学角度对两种康复方案进行对比研究,探讨控制康复医疗成本的有效途径。

    From hygiene-economics point of view , two kinds of rehabilitation programs have been researched comparatively to inquiry into effective ways to controlling medical cost .

  19. 不同骨质密度下生物型及骨水泥型股骨假体置入后的三维有限元分析(英文)非骨水泥型全髋关节置换的科学与个体化康复方案

    Three-dimensional finite element analysis of uncemented and cemented femoral prostheses implanted under different bone densities Scientific and individual rehabilitation program after cementless total hip arthroplasty

  20. 结论:中、西医综合康复方案对于缺血性脑卒中偏瘫均有确切的疗效。

    Conclusion : There are exact therapeutic effects for the hemiplegia caused by ischemic stroke which treated by synthetic rehabilitation program of TCM or western medicine .

  21. 三级康复方案对脑卒中患者功能恢复及生存质量具有良好的促进作用,而且更为经济。

    Three-stage rehabilitation scheme can obviously improve patients ' general functional abilities , decrease the disability and increase patients ' quality of life , and is more economical .

  22. 中康组采用缺血性脑卒中中医综合康复方案治疗;西康组采用规范的西医综合康复方案治疗。

    The TCM rehabilitation group is treated by TCM synthetic rehabilitation program for ischemic stroke ; while the western medicine rehabilitation group is treated by western medicine synthetic rehabilitation program .

  23. 根据我们的发现,我们推荐对特定的初次全髋或全膝关节置换术后使用家庭康复方案,因为它是一种成本-效果更好的策略。

    On the basis of our findings , we recommend the use of a home-based rehabilitation protocol following elective primary total hip or knee replacement as it is the more cost-effective strategy .

  24. 目的:研究三级康复方案对脑卒中患者生活质量的影响,为脑血管病的康复制定最佳策略。

    AIM : To investigate the influence of three stage rehabilitation scheme on the quality of life ( QOL ) in stroke patients , and establish the best rehabilitation strategy for cerebrovascular diseases .

  25. 结论:早期而全面的对脑卒中患者运动功能进行评价,有助于了解患者运动障碍的程度,指导制定康复方案,观察治疗效果及分析预后。

    CONCLUSION : Early and complete motor function evaluation for stroke patients will redound to find out the degree of dysfunction , make the direct rehabilitation plan , observe the therapeutic efficacy and analyze the prognosis .

  26. 同时膝关节生物力学特性的研究对人类深入认识关节行为,有意识的保护关节,减少关节损伤以及确定关节伤病后的康复方案提供参考。

    The research finding of biomechanics of the human knee in vivo is not only as a reference to deeply understand the behavior of joints , protect joints consciously against injury , but also as a tool to identify the treatment of knee pathologies .

  27. 治疗组术后24h开始实施系统个性化康复治疗方案:①手术当日,患者麻醉清醒后即开始在胸前固定位做指、腕、肘主动等长练习。

    Twenty-four hours after operation patients in treatment group were performed rehabilitative treatment method with system individuation : ① At the date of operation , after wakefulness following narcosis the patients began to do finger , wrist and elbow initiatively etc. length exercise .

  28. 结论对脑卒中急性期患者实施综合康复护理方案可明显改善其预后。

    Conclusion The compound rehabilitation-nursing scheme for stroke was scientific and effective .

  29. 组1采用早期康复治疗方案;

    Patients in group 1 received early rehabilitation programme .

  30. 急性心肌梗死Ⅰ期康复治疗方案对心肌再灌注的影响

    Effect of ⅰ stage rehabilitation therapy on myocardial reperfusion in patients with acute myocardial infarction