
  • 网络mixed milk
  1. 鼻饲泵泵入与注射器注入混合奶对昏迷患者大便次数的影响比较

    Comparison of influence of mixed milk fed with a nasal feeding pump and injected with an injector on frequency of defecation in comatose patients

  2. 目的探讨昏迷患者用鼻饲泵泵入和用注射器注入混合奶2种进食方法对大便次数的影响。

    Objective To explore the influence of mixed milk feed with nasal feeding pump and with injection on the frequency of defecation in comatose patients .

  3. 结论:通过外周静脉途径行肠外营养支持和经空肠造口给以混合奶为主的简易肠内营养能维持肠外瘘病人的营养状态;

    Conclusions : Nutrition support through peripheral vein and simple enteral nutrition prescription can maintain nutritional condition of external intestinal fistula patients .

  4. 钠盐摄入不足及高渗混合奶使体内钠过多消耗是导致部分高龄患者发生低钠血症的重要原因之一;

    Decrease in sodium intake , excessive consumption of sodium due to tube feeding might be one of the causes of hyponatremia .

  5. 观察组34例给予围手术期全胃肠外营养配合混合奶,对照组21例给予混合奶,每日鼻饲5-6次。

    34 cases in TG were given full parenteral alimentotherapy supplemented with mixed milk during the peri-operating period , while 21 cases in CG were only given mixed milk , all being given by nasal feeding 5-6 thimes a day .

  6. 在我自己的家里,我只有其中两种食品&南瓜籽,我经常烤熟放在沙拉上;冰冻蓝莓,我用来混合奶、酸奶和其他水果作为营养早餐。

    In my own house , I only have two of these items & pumpkin seeds , which I often roast and put on salads , and frozen blueberries , which I mix with milk , yogurt and other fruits for morning smoothies .

  7. 混合乳,收奶站的鲜奶三鹿奶粉事件中生鲜乳收购站的产品责任分析

    Responsibility Analysis of Products from Raw and Fresh Milk Purchasing Station in " Milk Powder Scandal "