
  • 网络Central venous nutrition;TPN;cvn;CPN;CV-PN;Central Parenteral Nutrition
  1. 分两组:中心静脉营养组(C组),非中心静脉营养组(N组)。

    They are divided into two groups : the central venous feeding group ( Group C ) and the group without central venous feeding ( Group N ) .

  2. 7例中心静脉营养管污染致菌血症的报道

    Bacteremia Caused by Central Vein Catheter Contamination : A 7 Case Report

  3. 中心静脉营养引起的导管性败血症

    Catheter related sepsis secondary to central venous nutrition

  4. 方法:对1993年2月至1997年12月期间在上海医科大学中山医院外科发生中心静脉营养导管性败血症的39例病人作回顾性调查分析。

    Methods : Between February 1993 and December 1997,39 patients with central venous nutrition CRS were studied retrospectively at our hospital .

  5. 为了评价中心静脉营养在大面积烧伤治疗中的作用,总结近11年总面积大于50%的烧伤病人96例。

    This paper involves 96 cases of burned patients with more than 50 % TBSA in re-cent 11 years in order to evaluate the role of central venous feeding in the treatment of severely burned patients .

  6. 结论肠内肠外营养联合应用是维持能量平衡的最佳治疗措施,可避免由中心静脉补充营养途径,有效降低导管感染率和营养相关并发症。

    Conclusions The combination of intra - intestinal and extra-intestinal is the best method to keep the energy balance of body and can avoid supplying energy via central vein . Meanwhile , it can decrease the infection rate of tube and occurring rate of complications related to nutrition .

  7. 中心静脉肠外营养与机械性、代谢胜和感染性并发症相关。

    Central-vein parenteral nutrition is associated with mechanical , metabolic , and infectious complications .

  8. 标准中心静脉肠外营养的每天费用,取决于添加剂(例如补充的微量营养素),估计大约为60~90美元。

    The estimated daily cost of standard central venous parenteral nutrition is approximately $ 60 to $ 90 , depending on additives ( e.g. , supplemental micronutrients ) .

  9. 经周围静脉置入中心静脉导管肠外营养150例报告

    Clinical Study on Parenteral Nutrition Through Peripheral Vein Inserted Central Catheter