
  • 网络neutron yield
  1. HT-7超导托卡马克上聚变中子产额和中子注量率分布计算

    Fusion neutron yield and flux calculation on HT-7 superconducting tokamak

  2. 为了在这样低的中子产额条件下获得离子温度Ti和ρR,需要建立一套大面积中子探测器阵列测量中子的飞行时间谱。

    To get the ion temperature Ti and the fuel density ρ R under such low neutron yield , we need to establish a large area neutron detector array to measure the time-of-flight neutron spectrum .

  3. 中子产额大于1.5×10~(10)n/s的密封中子管

    A sealed tube neutron generator with neutron yield > 1.5 × 10  ̄( 10 ) n / s

  4. 用BF3探测器阵列测量“神光Ⅱ”辐射驱动DD中子产额

    DD neutron yield diagnostics with BF_3 array for indirect drive at Shenguang ⅱ

  5. 50MeV/u~(18)O离子轰击Be、Cu和Au厚靶的中子产额和中子发射率

    Neutron Yields and Neutron Emission Rate in the ForwardDirection for 50 MeV / u 18O-ion on Thick Be , Cu , Au Targets

  6. HL-1M中的聚变中子产额

    Fusion neutron production rate in the HL-1M Tokamak

  7. 靶室散射对ICF中子产额用铅活化法测量准确性的影响

    Effect of target chamber-scattered neutrons on ICF neutron yield measurement accuracy by Pb activation

  8. 叙述了以氘化铀作靶较为有利的理由,并且估计了入射光能E、聚光范围γo与中子产额N的关系。本文叙述了氘化铀靶应该怎样制备;

    Also described are the reasons for selecting LiD as preferential target , and dependence of neutron yield N on the incident light energy E and the focus range .

  9. 结果表明,在LF-12装置上,对不同的靶,激光辐射驱动内爆的中子产额为103&105。

    The results show that the neutron yields for implosion are between 103 and 105 under different target conditions at the LF-12 facility .

  10. 利用Si-PIN探测器测量DPF装置中子产额

    A Si-PIN Detector Used for DPF Neutron Yield Measurement

  11. d-T和d-D中子产额的可视化计算

    Visual Computation for d-T and d-D Neutron Yield

  12. 在神光-III原型装置上进行的ICF实验,次级中子产额仅10~5~10~6。

    The secondary neutron yield of the implosions experiments on SG-III prototype is estimated only 10 ~ 5 ~ 10 ~ 6 .

  13. 开发了一种用于计算d-T和d-D中子产额的计算机程序,并对程序所涉及的相关物理问题以及可视化界面、程序流程和功能特点进行了介绍。

    A computational code for d-T and d-D neutron yield was developed . The asso -

  14. 实验验证了BF3设计的可行性和DT脉冲中子产额测量数据的可靠性。

    Experiment data verifies the reliability of array BF_3 detector to be used for ( measuring ) DT pulse neutron .

  15. 已经应用于神光I和II系列实验的薄壁玻璃微球,壁厚降到1μm以下,提高了中子产额,并获得内爆特征信息。

    Hollow glass microsphere with thin wall ( below 1 μ m ) has been used in Shen-Guang I ( SGI ) and Shen-Guang II ( SGII ), which improves neutron yields and provides critical information in explosion .

  16. 介绍了在用PMT闪烁探测器测量脉冲中子产额时,由于粒子的统计涨落而使脉冲波形呈现毛刺现象。

    This paper introduces that the DT pulse neutron takes on the waveform with burred feature because of fluctuation of particle statistic when it is measured through the PMT scintillant detector .

  17. 通过BF3探测器阵列测到了DD中子产额。中子产额103~105,测量误差±20%到±100%。

    An BF3 counter array was used to measure D-D neutron yield ranging from 103-105 , and the measurement errors were between ± 20 % and ± 100 % .

  18. 80MeV电子打靶次级中子产额和角分布的测量

    Yield and angular distribution measurement of neutron released by 80 MeV electron incident on target

  19. 而聚变中子产额是判断ICF实验是否达到热核反应条件的最灵敏的和最直接的指示,所以中子产额测量系统是ICF实验中重要的诊断设备。

    The Yield of neutron of fusion is the most direct and sensitive designation to judge whether the condition of fusion reaction has got satisfied . so , the system of Yield of neutron is very important measurement equipment .

  20. 沿厚20cm靶的中子产额随入射质子穿透深度增大而下降,质子能量越低,中子产额下降越快,为在较大厚度范围内获得较均匀的中子场,质子能量不应低于1GeV;

    Neutron yield drops along 20 cm thick targets as the thickness penetrated by protons increases . The lower the energy of protons , the steeper the neutron yield drops .

  21. 塑料闪烁探测器测量辐射驱动内爆的中子产额

    Implosion neutron yield measurement for indirect drive using a plastic scintillation detector

  22. 脉冲测量中的统计涨落对中子产额测量的影响

    Statistic fluctuation from pulse neutron effects on absolute measurement of its yield

  23. 稠密等离子体聚焦装置的中子产额及其稳定性研究

    Study of the neutron yield of dense plasma focus and its stability

  24. 绝对中子产额利用伴随α粒子法进行监测。

    The absolute neutron yield is measured by associated a - particle method .

  25. 辐射驱动内爆靶能量转换及中子产额的定标规律

    Scaling laws of energy conversion and neutron yield for imploding targets driven by radiation

  26. 聚变中子产额铜活化法γ-γ符合计数系统的研制

    γ - γ coincidence counting system of Cu activation measurement for fusion neutron yield

  27. 激光直接驱动内爆中子产额实验诊断

    The experimental study of fuel ion temperature and neutron yield for directly driven implosion

  28. 中子产额活化测量法中γ-γ符合探测效率的模拟计算

    Simulation of the γ - γ coincidence detection efficiency in activation measurment for neutron yield

  29. 中子产额的稳定度是脉冲中子源的一项重要指标。

    The degree of neutron yield stability was an important parameter for pulse neutron source .

  30. 测量和比较了三个方向的α粒子谱和绝对中子产额。

    Alpha particle spectra and absolute neutron yields at the three directions were measured and compared .