
  • 网络scintillator;scintillation detector
  1. 1~1000keV能区X射线闪烁探测器灵敏度的标定

    Calibration of X-ray scintillation detectors in 1-kev to 1000-kev energy range

  2. 塑料闪烁探测器中光收集的非均匀性

    The nonuniformity of light collection in plastic scintillation detectors

  3. 基于MATLAB闪烁探测器输出回路脉冲形状分析

    On Output Circuit 's Pulse Shape of Scintillation Detector Based on MATLAB

  4. 用于高能X射线成像的CdWO4闪烁探测器探测灵敏度的研究

    The study on the sensitivity of CdWO_4 scintillating detector for high energy X-ray imaging system

  5. CsI(TI)闪烁探测器用于粒子鉴别

    A csi ( ti ) scintillator detector used for particle identification

  6. 具有高计数率性能的ECT闪烁探测器前端电路

    High Counting Rate Front End Electronic Circuits for Scintillation ECT System

  7. 用蒙特卡罗方法研究塑料闪烁探测器厚度对测量H′(0.07)能量响应的影响

    Influence of the thickness of plastic scintillator detector on energy response for measuring h ′ ( 0.07 ) using Monte Carlo method

  8. 本文采用脉冲X射线源对光电管CeF3探测器的灵敏度进行了实验标定,得出了CeF3闪烁探测器对X射线的电荷灵敏度。

    This paper describes the calibration of the sensitivity of CeF_3 scintillation detector with phototube , using СГС - 67 X pulse-source .

  9. 对弱贯穿辐射场定向剂量当量H′(0.07)的现有测量方法进行了讨论,提出塑料闪烁探测器加权积分法测量H′(0.07)。

    Current methods for H ′ ( 0.07 ) measurement are discussed in this paper . A weighted integration method using plastic scintillator detector is introduced .

  10. CeF3闪烁探测器对X射线的电荷灵敏度标定

    X-ray sensitivity calibration of cef_3 scintillation detector

  11. NaI(Tl)闪烁探测器测量γ射线的性能分析

    Property Analyzing of NaI ( Tl ) Scintillation Detector for γ - ray Detecting

  12. 本文通过脉冲中子管测量了液体闪烁探测器的DT中子灵敏度。

    The sensitivity of liquid scintillation detector for DT neutrons is measured with pulse neutron tube .

  13. 基于~(252)Cf点中子源的~6Li玻璃闪烁探测器效率刻度

    Calibration of the Neutron Detection Efficiency for the ~ 6Li Glass Scintillator by ~ ( 252 ) Cf Neutron source

  14. 利用脉冲中子源研究了探测器对DT中子的响应,并与闪烁探测器进行了比较。

    The neutron response was studied using the DT neutron sources and compared with the scintillator detector .

  15. CeF3闪烁探测器对DD中子的相对灵敏度

    DD neutron relative sensitivity of cerium fluoride scintillation detector

  16. 由光二极管读出的CsI(Tl)闪烁探测器对高能轻荷电粒子的能量响应

    The Energy Response of A CsI ( TI ) Scintillation Detector with Photodiode Readout to Energetic Light Charged Particles

  17. 用于热核巨共振研究的大面积BGO闪烁探测器

    Large area BGO scintillator detectors for the study of hot nuclei GDR

  18. CeF3闪烁探测器对五种能量中子的甄别能力研究

    Research on Discriminating Ability of CeF_3 Scintillating Detector for Five Kinds of Energy Neutrons

  19. 本文介绍了在LF-12装置上,用塑料闪烁探测器诊断辐射驱动内爆低产额中子的过程,并讨论了中子产额与靶型及靶参数的关系。

    Low DT neutron yields for indirect drive implosion were measured on the LF-12 facility , and the relation between neutron yield and the target type was discussed .

  20. 本文提出NaI(Tl)闪烁探测器测量γ射线的性能要用灵敏度和垂直分辨率来表征。

    It is recommended to describe γ - ray measuring property of the NaI ( Tl ) scintillation detector using sensitivity and vertical resolution .

  21. 利用激光驱动充DT燃料的内爆靶丸,完成了神光激光装置首轮内爆出中子实验。通过超快猝灭塑料闪烁探测器测到了直接驱动内爆中子产额。

    An ultra fast quenched plastic scintillation detector was used to measure DT neutron yield in the first experiment performed on the Shengguang ⅱ laser facility .

  22. 描述了一个5×5阵列带电粒子PHOSWICH闪烁探测器望远镜结构。

    This paper describes a 5 × 5 Phoswich telescope detectors array .

  23. 光电倍增管的应用条件对闪烁探测器坪特性的影响随合金LaCe比的降低,合金的放电容量略有下降,但其循环寿命和放电电压平台有较大提高。

    It was also found that cycle life and discharge voltage plateau characteristics are improved markedly with the decrease of ratio of La / Ce , although discharge capacity of the alloy decreases slightly .

  24. 用NaI(Tl)晶体闪烁探测器和金硅面垒型半导体探测器,在HT-6B托卡马克装置上对X射线起伏进行了相关测量。

    Nal ( Tl ) scintillation detector and Si ( Au ) surface barrier semiconductor detector are used to measure X-ray fluctuations in the HT-6B Tokamak device .

  25. 5×5阵列PHOSWICH闪烁探测器望远镜

    A 5 × 5 Phoswich telescope detectors array

  26. 这些结论,对于改进NaI(Tl)闪烁探测器设计,提高闪烁探测器的测量性能具有重要的指导作用。

    These conclusions have important effect to improve designing of NaI ( Tl ) scintillation detector and promote the measuring property of NaI ( Tl ) scintillation detector .

  27. 通过,本研究可以得出这样的结论:硅PIN光电二极管的NaI(Tl)闪烁探测器,能够胜任传统γ辐射检测仪器不能胜任的领域方面的检测工作。

    We can conclude that the NaI ( Tl ) scintillation detector base on silicon PIN photodiode is suitable for gamma radiation detection in circumstance that the classical detect can not .

  28. 实验结果表明,载6Li塑料闪烁探测器对低能中子确有较高的探测灵敏度。

    It is shown that this new plastic scintillation detector can increase low energy neutron sensitivity in experimental results .

  29. 但是NaI(T1)闪烁探测器具有明显的温度效应,在野外环境下使用时,会产生严重的谱漂,影响测量的精度。

    But NaI ( TL ) detector has significant temperature effect , which will bring such serious spectrum drift that accuracy of measurement is be lowered in field environment .

  30. 微分截面测量中,使用了φ50×800mm液体闪烁探测器。

    Differential scattering cross sections have been measured by using a φ 50 × 800mm liquid scintillator detector .