
chāo rè zhōnɡ zǐ huó huà fēn xī
  • epithermal neutron activation analysis
  1. 本文介绍用化学前处理中子活化和超热中子活化分析方法,测定了两个超铁镁岩石标样dz∑-1和dz∑-2的微量元素。

    A pre-irradiation chemical seperation neutron activation analysis and instrumental epithermal neutron activation analysis are used for determination of trace elements in DZ Σ - 1 and DZ Σ - 2 std.

  2. 仪器超热中子活化分析岩石样品中的痕量元素

    Instrumental epithermal neutron activation analysis of trace elements in rocks

  3. 痕量金标样的超热中子活化分析

    Epithermal neutron activation analysis of trace gold standard samples

  4. 超热中子活化分析的进一步研究

    Further study on epithermal neutron activation analysis

  5. 超热中子活化分析用于燃煤电厂对环境土壤污染的研究

    Study of the surrounding soil pollution from coal-fired power plant by epithermal neutron activation analysis

  6. 用超热中子活化分析法测量地质、环境样品中铀、钍的含量

    Determination of uranium and thorium contents in geological and environmental samples by epithermal neutron activation analysis

  7. 基性、超基性岩样中稀土元素和其它微量元素的热中子、超热中子活化分析

    Determination of Rare Earths and Other Trace Elements in Mafic and Ultramafic Rocks by thermal and Epithermal Neutron Activation Analysis