
  • 网络Ultrasonic Range Finder
  1. 高精度超声波测距仪的研究设计

    Research and Design of High-precision Ultrasonic Range Finder

  2. 基于双CPU处理的超声波测距仪设计

    Ultrasonic range finder which based on two CPUs

  3. 基于CPLD的超声波测距仪研制

    On the Development of Ultrasonic Range Finder Based on CPLD

  4. 本文结合笔者所设计的超声波测距仪,介绍了用神经网络校正超声波传感器的非线性误差的原理与方法,并提出了基于BP神经网络的超声波测距非线性误差校正的模型、算法及其硬件实现。

    The paper introduce the principle and the methods for correcting the nonlinear errors of the ultrasonic wave sensor with a neural network , combining the designed system of ultrasonic wave measuring distance .

  5. 介绍一种基于MCS-51或MCS-96系列单片机控制的超声波测距仪所使用的LED显示器的动态显示接口电路。

    The dynamic display interface circuit of the LED display used in the Ultrasonic Distance Tester which is controlled with a series of SCM such as MCS-51 or MCS-96 , is introduced .

  6. 压电陶瓷换能器在超声波测距仪中的应用

    Application of the piezoelectric ceramic transducer to the ultrasonic distance measurement device

  7. 设计实现了一种倒车用超声波测距仪;

    An ultrasonic distance measurement system for backing a car is designed .

  8. 超声波测距仪的设计超声测距是一种比较新的检测方法,本课题就是围绕超声测距而研究的。

    Design of system for ultrasonic distance measurement instrument Ultrasonic distance measurement is the new distance measurement .

  9. 为了改进传统测距方法的不足,本文研制单片机控制的超声波测距仪。

    For the sake of improving on traditional the means of telemeter , this article studys and designs Ultrasonic Range Finder Based on Singlechip .

  10. 设计与研制的超声波测距仪,考虑了温度对超声波传播速度的影响,不仅增加了智能播报功能,具有更高的精度;

    This article takes temperature account into the ultrasonic distance measuring system and makes it have higher precision than before and increases the function of broadcasting the result .

  11. 为了提高超声波测距仪的测量精度,针对传统超声测距仪在结构上进行了改进,安装了具有温度补偿功能的标准校正器具;

    Therefore , in order to enhance the measuring accuracy of the ultrasonic distance measurement device , this paper has made the improvement in the structure in view of the traditional ultrasonic distance measurement device and installed the standard adjustment appliance which has the function of temperature compensation .

  12. 超声波水位测距仪的设计

    A Device Design of Water Level Measurement Based on Ultrasonic