
  • 网络Speed sensor;Speed measurement sensor
  1. 移动小车的地理位置信息由GPS模块来获取,速度信息由测速传感器来采集。

    The geographical position information of the mobile dolly is gotten by GPS module and the information of speed is collected by speed-detecting sensor .

  2. OES-2型车用光电测速传感器跟踪滤波电路设计

    The Design about Tracking Filter Circuit of a Sensor OES-2 in the Vehicle

  3. 光电测速传感器及其信号调理电路

    Speed measurement photo - electricity sensor and its signal adjustment circuit

  4. 无测速传感器电子皮带秤的研究与实现

    The Research and Realization of the Conveyor Belt Scale without Speed Sensor

  5. 最后对设计的测速传感器进行了系统的测试和分析。

    Finally , we test and analysis the designed device .

  6. 传统的电子皮带秤中都包含有测速传感器。

    The traditional electronic conveyor belt scale includes speed sensors .

  7. 感应式测速传感器线圈结构简析

    Analysis on coil structure of induction velocity transducer

  8. 涡流式转数测速传感器的应用研究

    Application Study of Eddy Current Speed Sensor

  9. 一种新型测速传感器检测系统的研究无速度传感器感应电机改进转子磁链观测器

    Research on Measuring System of New Velocity Sensor Improved rotor flux estimator for sensorless induction motor

  10. 从目前对试验结果的分析来看,本文所提出的算法和设计的汽车测速传感器基本达到了设计需求。

    From the current testing results , vehicle Speed sensor designed in this article meets the basic design needs .

  11. 所以,测速传感器的选择和替代问题成为近年来相关学科和专家关注和研究的课题。

    Therefore , the selection and alternative questions of the speed sensor becomes a research topic in recent years .

  12. 试验表明该方法测评精确,使用简便,能够有效地对测速传感器进行测评。

    Wells are valid . Trial tests showed that the method is precise , easy to use , and valid .

  13. 本文介绍了一种新型的炮口测速传感器,即利用激光后向散射的光电传感器。

    In this paper we introduce a new muzzle velocity sensor which is a kind of photoelectric one based on laser backscatter .

  14. 本文设计的无测速传感器电子皮带秤是在双通道电子皮带秤基础上研发实现的。

    In this article , the design of electronic conveyor belt scale without speed sensor is based on the dual-channel electronic conveyor belt .

  15. 对感应测速传感器的组成、工作原理、水下速度测量的关键问题进行了分析讨论。

    The composition and working law of the induction velocity measurement sensor and some critical problems about underwater velocity measurement have been analyzed and discussed .

  16. 另外,测速传感器可由于人为作弊等因素导致称量失真,给国家、企业造成严重损失。

    Because of the speed sensor can be damaged by man-made factors such as weighing cheating distortion , making the state , enterprises causing serious losses .

  17. 由于测速传感器属于精密易损器件,而电子皮带秤的使用环境一般比较恶劣,极易造成传感器损坏。

    The speed sensors are precision and vulnerable devices , and the working condition of the electronic conveyor belt are very bad , so it is easily to be damaged .

  18. 介绍了一种采用霍尔开关作为测速传感器、工控机进行数据处理的长行程速度测量方法。

    A method of long-distance velocity measurement is introduced , in which the Hall switches are selected as measuring velocity sensors and the industrial computer is used in data processing .

  19. 该仪表可以和多种测速传感器相配,既可作为单机智能仪表检测,也可以和上位机采用RS232/RS485通信,实现联网自动检测;

    This instrument can interface with many kinds of speed-sensors . It is a stand-alone intelligent instrument . It can also communicate with PC according to RS232 / RS485 protocol to realize online auto-test .

  20. 其基本原理是去掉皮带秤中的测速传感器,而在两个托辊上分别安装两组重量传感器,按照皮带运转方向确定前通道和后通道。

    The basic principle is to remove the speed sensor , and place two weight sensors on each roller . According to the belt running direction , it is determined the previous channel and the after channel .

  21. 详述了安(阳)钢烧结厂90/105m2烧结机生石灰自动配料系统中秤体的安装、测量工作原理及测速传感器的工作原理,并介绍了系统的有关软、硬件及生产效果

    The installation of mechine-frame of screw feed weigher in the automatic blending system of ANYANG SINTERING PLANT , the system ′ s measurement principle and the arrangements of hard ware and soft ware were described in detail in this paper

  22. 本文对感应式测速传感器的线圈结构进行了简要分析,探讨了影响测速精度的一些因素及提高测速精度的技术途径。

    Based on the analysis on the coil structure of the induction velocity transducer , the paper explores about some factors which affect the test precision of the velocity , and puts forward the technical ways to improve the test precision of the velocity .

  23. 采用用电液比例方向节流阀、减压阀、直流直线测速传感器等元件设计了电液比例闭环速度控制系统,对铣耳机纵向进给装置的速度进行控制。

    With the electro-hydraulic proportional directional restricting flowing valve , pressure-reducing valve , DC line speed measuring sensor etc , the electro-hydraulic proportional closed loop speed control system is designed , and the speed of the longitude feeding equipments of Tin earphone can be controlled .

  24. 当然,汽车动态称重系统涉及到多方面、多学科的知识,目前的研究工作还有许多困难,离完全的商业化应用有较大差距,但是相信该汽车测速传感器的研究还具有更广阔的前景。

    Of course , the vehicle dynamic weighing system involves many aspects , multi-disciplinary knowledge . There are many difficulties at the present study , and a wide gap from the full application of the commercialization . But I believe that the vehicle speed sensor also have a light prospect .

  25. 基于长定子齿槽的磁浮列车测速定位传感器信号处理

    The Signal Disposal of Position and Speed Detection Sensors Based upon Long Stators for Maglev Train

  26. 列车测速仪标准装置传感器检查器

    The Check Unit of the Standard Device of the Train Speed Indicator

  27. 本文提出了一种测量燃气机热泵系统中发动机转速的方法,该测试系统由测速齿轮、磁电传感器、电平变换装置、频/压转换装置和A/D转换器构成。

    The paper put forward a velocity detection device of engine in Gas Engine Heat Pump ( GEHP ), the system is consist of gear , magnetoelectric sensor , voltage conversion circuit , frequency-to-voltage converter and analog-to-digital converter .

  28. 能自动匹配测速发电机、电磁式测速传感器和电磁涡轮流量计,适应电压峰峰值从1伏以下至300多伏、频率从1Hz以下至2500Hz以上的被测信号。

    It can automatically match rotational speed generator , electromagnetic rotational speed sensor and electromagnetic turbine flowmeter . Moreover it can adapted measured signal that is 1V ~ 300V voltage and 1Hz ~ 2500Hz frequency .

  29. 通过基于DSP(数字信号处理器)芯片的测速定位系统,对安装在车辆上的测速传感器的模拟信号进行处理以获得列车运行的实时速度、位移和时间。

    In this paper , software development of the system based on DSP is introduced . Through processing with analog signals of transducer on vehicles , we present an approach to measure the real-time speed and position of vehicles .

  30. 简单介绍了区截测速系统的结构及原理,设计了一种体积小、重量轻、结构简单、可靠性高、成本低的专用区截炮口测速传感器。

    The structure and principle of the system are briefly introduced . A new kind of muzzle velocity sensor is designed which features as : small in size , light in weight , simple in structure , high reliability and low cost .