
  • 网络ring lasers;SRL;ML-EDFRL
  1. 对谐波锁模半导体光放大器(SOA)光纤环形激光器的工作条件提出改进,并采用自再现理论对其进行了数值研究。

    An improvement to the work condition of harmonic mode-locked SOA fiber ring lasers was presented and was numerically investigated based on the self-reproduction theory .

  2. 本文用Lamb的半经典理论讨论了多模环形激光器的稳定性和单向运转。

    The semi-classical Lamb method is applied to the problem of the stability and the operation of unidirectional travelling wave in multimode ring lasers .

  3. 染料调Q单纵模Nd:YAG环形激光器

    A Single Longitudinal Mode Dye-Q-switched Ring Nd : YAG Laser

  4. 对一种结构新颖的自调Q掺铒光纤环形激光器的工作机理进行了研究。

    The mechanism of a novel structure self-Q - switched erbium-doped fiber ring laser has been investigated .

  5. 一种LD泵浦双向输出固体环形激光器

    LD-pumped solid-state ring laser with bidirectional outputs

  6. 激光二极管列阵抽运的高稳定Nd∶YLF环形激光器

    LDA Pumped Highly Stable Nd ∶ YLF Ring Laser

  7. 提出了一种用于激光陀螺仪的LD泵浦Nd∶YVO4双向输出固体环形激光器。

    A diode-pumped Nd ∶ YVO_4 bidirectional solid-state ring laser used for optical gyro is discussed .

  8. 采用自再现理论,对工作在有理数谐波锁模时的半导体光放大器(SOA)光纤环形激光器进行了研究。

    Based on the self-reproduction theory , a Semiconductor Optical Amplifier ( SOA ) fiber ring laser in a Rational Harmonic Mode Locking ( RHML ) was studied .

  9. Sagnac干涉仪与光纤环形激光器

    Sagnac interferometer and fiber ring laser

  10. 提出使用布里渊光纤环形激光器产生的二阶Stokes光作为参考光测量超窄激光线宽的新方法。

    A new method of measuring Ultra-narrow laser line-width using the second Stokes wave of Brillouin fiber ring laser as reference laser is proposed .

  11. 具有非线性传染率和垂直传染结构的SIRS模型的稳定性分析角锥型非平面环形激光器偏振反射镜的影响及热稳定性分析

    The stability analysis of an SIRS model with nonlinear incidence rate and vertical transmission ; Output Mirror Design and Thermal Stability Analysis of Corner Cube-Based Non-Planar Ring Laser

  12. 本文提出了用热像仪测量HeNe气体环形激光器放电管内气体温度的方法,并通过实验和计算得出了结果。

    The method of measuring the temperature of the discharge gas in He-Ne ring laser by thermal image instrument was proposed in this paper , The result was gained by experiment and calculation .

  13. 10GHz可调谐主动锁模光纤环形激光器研究

    Study on 10 GHz tunable active mode - locking fiber ring lasers

  14. 分析了布里渊光纤环形激光器的一阶和二阶Stokes光的线宽压缩特性,指出输出的二阶Stokes光线宽可以压缩到亚Hz量级。

    The characteristic of line-width narrowing of the first and second Stokes wave in Brillouin fiber ring laser is analyzed , which shows line-width of the second Stokes wave could fall in the sub-Hertz domain .

  15. 利用悬臂梁来对光纤光栅的Bragg波长进行调谐,并将可调谐光纤光栅用于主动锁模光纤环形激光器中,获得了5.24nm的波长调谐范围。

    Utilizing a cantilever beam to tune the Bragg wavelength of a fiber grating , which was used to an actively mode locked fiber ring laser . A wavelength tuning range of 5.240 nm is obtained with the tunable grating here .

  16. 优化设计半导体光纤环形激光器(SFRL)产生波长连续可调谐窄线宽的激光输出,可调谐范围为40nm。

    A high performance tunable semiconductor fiber ring laser ( SFRL ) with turnable range of 40 nm is designed .

  17. 2在环形激光器的滤波理论方面,提出了基于Spice的电路模型,并举例说明了该模型在双环和多环谐振器方面的应用。

    The defect of transfer matrix method is remedied by the research result . 2 In the aspect of filtering theory , the Spice based circuit model is presented and the application involved in double-ring and multi-ring resonator design is discussed as examples .

  18. 本文利用国产半导体激光器泵浦掺Yb3+光纤环形激光器获得成功.掺Yb3+光纤长3m,与1053nm/980nm波分复用器(WDM)构成交叉耦合型全光纤环形腔.总腔长为4m;

    The Yb-doped fiber ring laser using LD pumping source is reported . The laser system consists of 3 m length fiber and 1053 nm / 980 nm WDM which form a crossing all-fiber ring .

  19. 基于半导体光放大器(SOA)构成的环形激光器新型方案实现了自泵浦可调谐四波混频(FWM)型全光波长转换,转换速率为2.5Gbit/s,可调谐范围10nm。

    A scheme for all optical wavelength converter was reported based on semiconductor optical amplifier based fiber ring laser . Self pumped and tunable Four Wave Mixing ( FWM ) wavelength converter was demonstrated with 2.5 ? Gbit / s and 10 ?

  20. 利用色散补偿光纤增加腔内色散,在主动锁模光纤环形激光器实验中得到了重复频率10GHz,8个波长(19个波长)的输出脉冲。

    By using a dispersion compensation fiber ( DCF ) to increase the cavity dispersion , an actively mode locked fiber ring laser with an output pulse at repetition rate 10 GHz and 8 wavelengths ( 19 wavelengths ) in the experiment was obtained .

  21. 四频差动环形激光器静态拍频特性的随机散发

    Random Divergence of Static Beat Character for Four Frequency Ring Laser

  22. 受激布里渊光纤环形激光器及其阈值分析

    Stimulated Brillouin Fiber-optic Ring Laser and Its Analysis for the Threshold

  23. 环形激光器放电管温度的测量与计算

    The measuring and calculating of the discharge tube of Ring Laser

  24. 无需隔离器的单向运行光纤环形激光器的研究

    Study on a Fiber Ring Laser with Unidirectional Operation without Isolator

  25. 介绍了布里渊光纤环形激光器在布里渊光纤陀螺中的应用及其发展前景。

    Brillouin fiber-optic gyroscope as the principal application is discussed in detail .

  26. 半导体光纤环形激光器输出状态分析与分类

    Analysis and Classification to the Outputs of the Semiconductor Fiber Ring Laser

  27. 损耗调制型掺铒光纤环形激光器混沌现象的实验研究

    Experimental investigation on chaotic behaviors in loss-modulated erbium-doped fiber-ring lasers

  28. 主动锁模光纤环形激光器的新进展

    New development of active mode - locked fiber ring laser

  29. 角锥型全固态非平面环形激光器473nm单频运转

    473 nm Single-frequency Operation of Corner Cube Based Solid-state Non-planar Ring Cavity

  30. 构建了双环掺铒光纤环形激光器的实验系统。

    The experimental system with two Er-doped fiber ring lasers is constructed .