
  • 网络laser detection;Laser Detect
  1. 飞秒激光探测PSⅡ高效传能途径和技术研究

    Study on Route and Technology of PS ⅱ High Efficiency Energy Transfer Using Laser Detection

  2. 单站纯方位无源探测定位的若干技术的研究激光探测和定位装置

    Research of Some Technologies on Bearing-Only System ; laser detection and ranging

  3. 金属矿山采空区3D激光探测新技术

    A New Technique of 3 D Laser Survey of Finished Stopes in Metal Mines

  4. 介绍了已在我国矿山首次应用并获得成功的空区三维激光探测系统(3DLaserCavityMonitoringSystem),简称CMS系统。

    The paper introduces the 3D laser cavity monitoring system ( CMS ) which has been applied successfully for the first time in a domestic mine recently .

  5. 采用HeNe激光探测法实验测量了该抽运模块中的热透镜效应。

    Through He-Ne laser probe method , the thermal lens effects of the LD-pumped laser were measured .

  6. 基于Gabor展开的水下目标激光探测的信号检测与识别

    Recognition and Detection of the Laser Sounding Signal for the Underwater Target Based on the Gabor Expansion

  7. 二极管激光探测法研究高振动NO2与NH3振动传能

    Diode Laser Probing of NH_3 ν _2 Vibrational Mode Excited by Relaxation of Highly Vibrational Exited NO_2

  8. 在近简并的封闭三能级V系统中,一束弱激光探测场的群速度可以通过控制一单色驱动场的强度实现慢光速到超光速的转换。

    This paper reveals that the group velocity of a weak laser probe field can be manipulated by controlling the intensity of the driving field applied to a near-degenerate closed three-level V system .

  9. 激光探测沙暴过程中的气溶胶消光系数分布

    Detection of aerosol extinction coefficient profiles during dust storms by lidar

  10. 激光探测系统阈值电路的分析及应用

    The Analysis and Application of Threshold circuits for Laser Detecting System

  11. 少数铯原子的选择性激光探测

    Selective detection of ultra-low concentration of atomic cesium by laser radiation

  12. 激光探测回波识别技术研究

    Study on the Signal Recognization Reflected by the Laser Detection Systems

  13. 几种激光探测大气消光系数方法的比较

    Comparison among several methods for lidar probing of atmospheric extinction coefficient

  14. 跑道视程(水平、斜视)和云高的激光探测

    Lidar for Measuring Both Runway Visual Range and Cloud Height

  15. 激光探测技术实用化研究&一种新型手持式微型激光探测装置

    The research on the detection of laser : a minitype laser detector

  16. 基于自适应提升方案的激光探测系统消噪

    Signal Denoising of Laser Exploration System Using Adaptive Lifting Scheme

  17. 美机载激光探测与定位系统自主跟踪空中目标仿真系统解析

    An American simulation system of airborne LADAR for autonomous aerial target tracking

  18. 激光探测平流层气溶胶层后向散射系数分布

    Vertical distribution of stratospheric aerosol backscattering ratio measured by lidar

  19. 一种激光探测与波长测定装置的研究

    Study on a unit for laser detection and wavelength determination

  20. 非接触式三维数字化激光探测头的线性光学系统设计

    The Design of Linear Optical System for Noncontact 3-D Digitizing Laser Sensor

  21. 烟雾浓度及粒径的激光探测实验研究

    Experimental Study on the Laser Detection of Concentration and Particle Size of Smoke

  22. 基于激光探测技术的坦克目标识别方法

    Method of Target Identification Based on Laser Detection Technique

  23. 激光探测目标仿真算法研究

    Study of simulation algorithm on target detection by laser

  24. 光学平台微角振动激光探测方法研究

    Laser detection of micro-angle vibration of optics bench

  25. 用二极管激光探测法研究分子的动力学过程

    Diode laser probing of dynamic processes of molecules

  26. 基于光开关的新型激光探测技术研究

    A Newly Laser Detecting Technology Based on Optic-switch

  27. 水下声信号激光探测技术研究

    Research on Laser Detection of Underwater Acoustic Signals

  28. 现有的水下激光探测法主要有距离选通法和同步扫描法。

    Laser range gating and Laser synchronous scanning are two important methods in use .

  29. 激光探测告警光学系统设计

    Design of laser detection and warning optical system

  30. 应用自适应相位补偿法减弱机载激光探测时湍流的干扰

    Weakening the Turbulent Disturb of the Airborne Laser Detecting by the Adaptive Phase Compensation Method