
  • 网络laser anneal;laser annealing;LT-P-S i
  1. 扩硼Si单晶激光退火的研究

    The study of the laser annealing of the boron-diffused silicon single crystals

  2. a-Si∶H薄膜的毫微秒脉冲激光退火

    Nanosecond pulsed laser annealing of GD a-si : h films

  3. 离子注入Si在连续CO2激光退火时的动态反射特性

    Dynamic reflection property of ion-implanted Si by CW co_2 laser annealing

  4. 强CO2激光退火时离子注入Si的光学性质

    Optical properties of ion-implanted Si by CO_2 intense-laser annealing

  5. 连续波CO2激光退火消除硅中氧化层错的研究

    Investigation on elimination of oxidation stacking faults in silicon by CW CO_2 laser annealing

  6. 离子注入CO2激光退火硅中的深能级缺陷

    Deep-Level Defects in Ion-Implanted and CO_2 Laser-Annealed Silicon

  7. CO2激光退火是消除离子注入引入的深能级缺陷的有效方法。

    The CW CO_2laser annealing is an effective method for removing deep-level defects induced by ion-implantation .

  8. 离子注入硅CWCO2激光退火的几个重要参数研究

    Study of technological parameters of CW co_2 laser annealing for ion-implanted silicon

  9. CWCO2激光退火在硅中产生的氧沾污

    In-depth oxygen contamination produced in CW co_2 laser annealed Si

  10. CWCO2激光退火后离子注入硅片的性质研究

    Study on the Property of Implanted Silicon Wafer after CW CO_2 Laser Annealing

  11. 注Zn~+-GaAs的激光退火及GaAs欧姆接触的激光合金化

    Laser annealing of zn-implanted GaAs and laser alloying of ohmic contacts on GaAs

  12. 高剂量离子注入激光退火SOM上硅膜的Raman光谱

    Raman Spectra of High-Dose Ion-Implanted and Laser-Annealed Silicon Films on SOM Structures

  13. 离子注入GaAs的脉冲激光退火

    Laser pulse annealing ion - implanted GaAs

  14. 磷砷化镓离子注入层的CWCO2激光退火研究

    Studies of CW CO_2 Laser Annealing in the Ion Implanted Layers of GaAs_ ( 1-x ) P_x

  15. 中子辐照单晶硅与激光退火制备SOI结构的研究

    Fabrication of SOI structure by means of laser annealed neutron-irradiated single crystal silicon

  16. 电子吸收像表明:我们的CWCO2激光退火条件下,其效果并不很均匀。

    Electron absorption image shows that the effect of CW-CO2 laser annealing is not very uniform in our case .

  17. PECVD制备a-SiC:H薄膜及激光退火研究

    Preparation of a-SiC : H Films by PECVD and Research of Laser Annealing

  18. 测得以硅片和柯伐合金片作衬底样品的最大应变灵敏度因子(以下简称GF)分别为25和20,经激光退火后可达30。

    The maximum longitudinal G. F. of 25 and 20 are measured for Si and covar substrates respectively .

  19. 研究激光退火对Inconel718时效合金的显微组织和硬度的影响。一台2.5kW的CO2激光机被用来照射试样的表面。

    It was studied annealing on the microstructures and hardness of aged Inconel 718 . A 2.5 kW CO2 laser was employed to irradiate the samples surface .

  20. 实验还证明:空气中的CWCO2激光退火可以减少样品表面的碳沾污,但产生氧沾污。

    And it has also shown that CW-CO2 laser annealing in air would decrease the carbon contamination on the Si surface , but produce oxygen contamination .

  21. 本文报道用电子显微镜观察、X-射线衍射和红外吸收谱等方法研究a-Si:H薄膜的毫微秒(ns)脉冲激光退火的结果。

    The nanosecond pulsed laser annealing of GDa-Si : H films has been studied by scanning electron microscope , X-ray diffraction and infrared absorption .

  22. 晶格恢复、注入杂质的激活率和光致发光的实验测量结果表明,CO2激光退火的效果优于常规热退火。

    After the measurements on the recovery from crystal damage , elec-trical activation of implanted atoms and photoluminescence emission , it is found that CO_2laser annealing has an advantage over the thermal annealing .

  23. 离子注入硅Nd-YAG连续激光退火

    CW Nd-YAG laser annealing of ion implanted silicon

  24. 利用沟道背散射、俄歇和X射线光电子能谱技术研究了Nd:YAG和红宝石脉冲激光退火的离子注入GaAs样品的表面性质。

    Several surface properties of implanted GaAs after Nd : YAG and ruby laser annealing have been investigated by the techniques of RBS combined with channeling , Auger and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy .

  25. 采用XeCl准分子脉冲激光退火技术制备了纳米晶态碳化硅薄膜(nc-SiC),并对薄膜的光致发光(PL)特性进行了分析。

    Nanocrystalline silicon carbon ( nc-SiC ) from amorphous silicon carbon films was obtained through XeCl excimer laser annealing .

  26. 本文采用金属Ni诱导(Ni-MIC)和准分子激光退火(ELC)两种方式制备了高质量的多晶硅薄膜,填补了国内研究空白。

    Firstly , high quality p-Si thin films are obtained using metal Ni induced crystallization ( MIC ) and excimer laser crystallization ( ELC ), respectively .

  27. 离子注入激光退火的硅毫米波段IMPATT器件初探

    Try fabrication of millimeter wave IMPATT device using implanted silicon and CW nd : yag laser annealing

  28. 还提出了一种新的多晶硅薄膜的低温制备方法,即金属诱导一双次激光退火晶化法(MIbi-ELA)。

    A new method to prepare p-Si thin film at low temperature was proposed , namely MI bi-ELA .

  29. 介绍基于低温多晶硅TFT技术和采用激光退火表面刻蚀技术的柔性8位异步微处理器,并且给出了异步电路描述语言Verilog+。

    A flexible 8-bit asynchronous microprocessor based on low-temperature poly-silicon ( LTPS ) TFT technology , surface free technology by laser annealing and ablation ( SUFTLA ) and asynchronous circuit description language Verilog + is presented .

  30. Si/Pd/GaAs欧姆接触的激光退火

    Si / Pd / GaAs Ohmic contacts formed by laser annealing