
  • 网络Coating Equipment
  1. 本文针对黄光激光器谐振腔腔面膜使用要求,以Nd:YVO4(c-cut)晶体为基底,利用真空镀膜设备研制出四波段的腔面膜。

    Aiming at the requirements of the yellow laser cavity face film in this paper , developed a four wavelengths cavity surface film by using a vacuum coating equipment based on Nd : YVO4crystal ( c-cut ) .

  2. 镀膜设备智能设计基础信息库的研究与开发

    Research and Development on Fundamental Information Base for Intelligent Design of the Coating Equipment

  3. 卷绕真空镀膜设备智能CAD系统的研究

    Research on Intelligent CAD System for Vacuum Roll Coating Equipment

  4. 基于工控机和PLC的真空磁控溅射镀膜设备控制系统设计

    Design of the Control System of Vacuum Magnetron Sputtering & Coating Equipment Based on Industrial Computer and PLC

  5. 研究了在真空电弧镀膜设备中产生纳米TiN颗粒沉降的临界条件。

    The critical condition of sedimentation of TiN nanograin prepared by vacuum arc deposition equipment is studied .

  6. MCGS组态软件在电弧离子镀膜设备控制系统中的应用

    Application of MCGS in the Control System of Electric Arc ion Plating Film Device

  7. 提出了制备氧化铟锡薄膜(ITO)的磁控反应溅射镀膜设备的关键部件的设计原则。

    The design ruling on the key parts of the magnetron reactive sputtering coating equipment for preparation of ITO film has been introduced in the paper .

  8. 低压气相金刚石薄膜硬质合金刀具在直流弧光放电等离子体CVD镀膜设备上制备。基底为YG6(WC-6%Co,质量分数)硬质合金刀具。

    The diamond film was deposited on WC-6 % Co ( mass fraction ) cemented carbide by DC arc discharged plasma chemical vapor deposition .

  9. 利用微颗粒磁控溅射镀膜设备,在直径为1~3mm的发泡聚苯乙烯(EPS)颗粒和轻质擦镜纸表面镀金属铜、镍和银薄膜。把镀膜样品进行3mm电磁波的静态和动态衰减试验研究。

    Cu , Ni and Ag films were coated on the surface of many light materials ( expanded polystyrene particles , cenosphere and lens papers ) using magnetron sputtering equipment The static and dynamic attenuation capability in 3 mm wave band of different metal coated samples were studied .

  10. 本文详细介绍了可编程序控制器simaticS5-115UPC在建筑玻璃真空镀膜设备上的应用情况,阐述了系统的构成、控制原理及模块化的软件编程方法。

    In this paper , the application of SIMATIC S5-115u PC in Architectural Glass Coating System is introduced in detail . The constitution , the control principle of the system and the modular programming method are presented . The system is rather stable and reliable .

  11. 大型真空太阳集热管镀膜设备与工艺

    New film-coating system and technology for large-size evacuated solar tube collectors

  12. 国外高真空卷绕镀膜设备发展现状

    The Present Status of Foreign High Vacuum Web Coating Machines

  13. 光通信用光学薄膜与镀膜设备

    Optical Coating and Coating Machine for Optical Communication Application

  14. 真空镀膜设备的氦质谱仪检漏

    Leak Detection with Helium Mass-spectrometer for Vacuum Coating Plant

  15. 高真空卷绕式硫化锌镀膜设备的研制

    Development of HV continuous roll-to-roll zinc sulphide film-coating plant

  16. 该电源为磁控溅射镀膜设备实现自动控制提供了方便。

    The power supply will be convenient for controlling the magnetron sputtering coater automatically .

  17. HHB-66-И1型多弧离子镀膜设备的性能分析

    Properties of hhb-66-h1 multi arc ion coating equipment

  18. 连续式建筑玻璃真空镀膜设备与工艺

    In-line Architectural Glass Coating System and Process

  19. 真空镀膜设备的实际清洗方法

    Practical cleaning procedures for vacuum deposition equipment

  20. 本文介绍了真空离子束辅助沉积镀膜设备特性。

    The text introduces and analysis the characteristics of the vacuum ion beam assistant coater .

  21. 磁控反应溅射镀膜设备充气系统设计的几个问题

    Some Problems for the Design of the Filling Gas System of the Magnetron Reactive Sputtering Coating Equipment

  22. 无油超高真空镀膜设备

    Oil-free ultra-high vacuum coating equipment

  23. 该系统稳定,可靠性高,实现了大型建筑玻璃真空镀膜设备的生产过程的自动化。

    The automation control of the producing process in a large-scale Architectural Glass Coating System is realized .

  24. 该公司是全球真空工业镀膜设备领军企业。

    This company which enjoys a long tradition is a leading manufacturer for industrial vacuum coating equipments globally .

  25. 真空镀膜设备用磁流体密封组件设计使用中的若干问题探讨

    Discussion of several problems in design and application of magnetic fluid sealing component in vacuum film coating equipment

  26. 本文介绍了第一套国产连续式平板玻璃真空镀膜设备&JP-1000A型真空镀膜建筑玻璃生产线。

    In this paper , the first set of the depositing equipment for the plane glass In-line Architectural Glass Coating System , JP-1000A is introduced .

  27. 真空溅射镀膜设备中加热装置在镀膜时常出现打火现象,本文采用金属屏蔽和外壳接地的方法很好地解决了这一问题。

    Abstract The heating equipment of vacuum sputter coating apparatus always sparks during sputtering , Using metal-screening and surface earth can solve this problem well .

  28. 在现有磁控溅射镀膜设备基础上,通过高反射率多层膜工艺实验,使工艺与设备的矛盾显露出来,反映出系统在靶(阴极)、布气、控制、传动和真空等方面存在问题;

    On the basis of current magnetron sputtering equipments and the process experiments of high reflective multi-layer film , the problems of current equipments have been known on the whole .

  29. 本文论述了真空镀膜设备气密性的特点、氦质谱仪检漏特点及其检漏系统,说明氦质谱仪检漏是检查真空镀膜设备漏气的最有效的方法。

    In this paper , the performance of the airtightness for vacuum coating equipment , the characteristics of leak detection with Helium Mass-spectrometer and the leak detection system are described .

  30. 卷绕真空镀膜设备在工业领域有着十分广泛的用途,需求市场越来越大,用户覆盖面宽。

    With the development of vacuum roll coating equipment , it is more widely used in industrial areas , acquires increasing share of markets , and covers plenty of users .