
  1. α-Al2O3超微粒化学复合镀层硬度及表面分维度随镀复时间变化规律的探讨

    Discussion on variation of hardness and surface fractal for composite coating with coating time

  2. 且镀层硬度随着SiC浓度的增加而增加,也随着阴极电流密度的增加而增加。

    The microhardness of the coatings went up with increase of the SiC concentration and the voltaic consistency .

  3. 结果表明,镀层硬度随SiC微粒浓度加大而增加;

    The results showed that the plates ' hardness increased with the increase of SiC concentration in the plating solutions .

  4. 在一定浓度范围内,镀层硬度随着SiC粒度的增加而有所降低。

    With increase of the SiC granularity , the microhardness of the coatings reduced in the definite range of SiC concentration .

  5. 表面活性剂对Ni-纳米TiO2复合镀层硬度的影响

    Influence of Surfactants on Ni-nano-TiO_2 Composite Coatings

  6. 镁合金(Ni-P)-SiC纳米颗粒化学复合镀层硬度及耐磨性的研究

    An Investigation on the Hardness and Wear Resistance of the Electroless Composite Plating of Magnesium Alloy ( Ni-P ) - SiC Nanometer Particles

  7. 研究了电沉积NiWAl2O3工艺,并探讨了Al2O3粒子对镀层硬度和耐磨性的影响。

    The technology of electrodepositing Ni W Al 2O 3 is studied and the effects of Al 2O 3 particles on the hardness and wear resistance are discussed .

  8. 添加阳离子表面活性剂分散纳米TiO2所得复合镀层硬度最高,说明阳离子表面活性剂有利于纳米TiO2-Ni复合电沉积。

    The introduction of cationic surfactant was beneficial to the electroplating of the Ni / nano-TiO_ 2 composite coating , and the composite coating in this case had the highest hardness .

  9. 研究了还原剂、稳定剂、pH值、温度对沉积速度的影响,及表面活性剂种类、搅拌方式、温度、纳米颗粒浓度对镀层硬度的影响,得出优化配方。

    Influences of reductant , stabilizer , pH value and temperature on deposition rate were studied , and the effects of various surfactants , agitating , temperature and bath content of nano particles on the hardness of the coating were also investigated .

  10. 研究了NiPCr2O3化学复合镀工艺,以及热处理对镀层硬度、耐磨性的影响,并与NiP镀层作了对比。

    The influences of the technology and heat treatment of Ni P Cr 2O 3 electroless plating on the hardness and wear resistance of the coating were studied , and a comparison was made with Ni P coating .

  11. 结果表明:添加适量的SiO2纳米粒子于镀液中,使镀速上升,所得镀层硬度、耐磨性等性能相对于Ni-P镀层及微米颗粒复合镀层都有显著地提高。

    The results show that coating rate increased , hardness and wear of the film comparing to the film of Ni-P and micrometer particles composite coating are promoted notably when the nanometer particles SiO_2 were put into the solution .

  12. 由于PTWs的软化效应占主导地位,导致复合镀层硬度较低。

    Owing to the soften effect of PTWs , the hardness of composite coating usually was lower .

  13. 对制备的镀层硬度及性能进行了系统的研究,探讨了耐磨、耐蚀、抗高温氧化机理,结果表明:用SCD法制得的复合镀层的硬度均比用CEP法制得的复合镀层的硬度高。

    The mechanisms of wear , corrosion and high temperature oxidation resistance were discussed . The results show that the hardness of composite coatings fabricated by the SCD technique is higher than that of CEP technique .

  14. 因此,镀层硬度是依摩擦温度的高低及其在镀层中的梯度分布而呈现出不同的分布特征,从而揭示了Ni-P/WC复合镀层在高PV值条件下显示良好固体润滑性能的原因。

    Therefore , the composite plating layers show different hardness distribution along with the changes of friction temperature and its gradient distribution . Thus , the reason for Ni-P / WC composite plating layer presents good solid lubrication properties under high PV value condition can be revealed .

  15. 锌镀层硬度、脆性与微观组织结构的关系

    Studies on the Hardness , Embrittlement and Microstructure of Zinc Deposit

  16. 碳纳米管/镍复合镀层硬度研究

    Hardness of Carbon Nanotubes / Nickel Composite Coating Prepared by Electrodeposition

  17. Ni-P-金刚石化学复合镀研究工艺对镀层硬度的影响

    Effect of electroless Ni-P-Diamond composite plating parameters on the micro-hardness of coating

  18. 超声波对镍镀层硬度的影响

    Influence of Ultrasonic on Hardness of Electroplated Nickel Coating

  19. 复合镀层硬度与其添加微粒含量的关系

    Relationship Between Hardness ( HV ) and Fraction of Particles in Al 2O 3 Composite Coating

  20. 复合镀层硬度的提高可归因于弥散强化和晶粒细化。

    The improved hardness of coatings can be attributed to the dispersion strengthen and refining of crystal .

  21. 锌离子浓度增加降低了镀速和镀层硬度,减弱了镀层的耐蚀性。

    The concentration of zinc ion reduces plating rate and the deposits hardness ; weaken the corrosion resistance of deposits .

  22. 实验结果表明:增加超声波功率,导致镀层硬度增大。

    The experimental results show that the increase in ultrasonic power leads to the increase in hardness of the coating obtained .

  23. 另外,研究了热处理温度对镀层硬度和矫顽力的影响。

    In addition , the effect of thermal treated temperature on hardness and coercive force of cobalt-boron alloy deposit was studied .

  24. 镀层硬度和耐磨性能等与手动纳米刷镀层性能相近,但是,其性能分布更均匀。

    The hardness and wear resistance of the auto-brush electroplated coating are have average value near those of the manual-brush electroplated coating .

  25. 讨论了热处理温度对镀层硬度的影响,结果表明随热处理温度的提高,镀层硬度也随之提高,在热处理温度为250℃时,硬度达最大。

    Results prove that the deposit hardness increases with increasing heat treatment temperature and the highest hardness value is obtained at a temperature of 250 ℃ .

  26. 而且参与复合的纳米级金属氧化物粒子尺寸越细小,复合镀过程中粒子的长大趋向越小,复合镀层硬度越高。

    The smaller the particles of nano metallic oxide in composite , the less the trend of particles in coating grows up , the harder the composite .

  27. 通过镍镀层硬度测试、金相组织观察和镀层内应力的测定,分析了超声波条件下镍镀层硬度提高的影响因素。

    Factors affecting the increase in hardness of nickel coating electroplated under ultrasonic were analyzed through hardness testing , metallographic structure observation and internal stress measurement of the coating .

  28. 结果表明,新工艺得到的黑色镀层硬度理想,成分均匀,镀液容易控制和维护。

    The results show that the black deposit obtained with the new process has satisfactory hardness and even composition distribution , and the plating bath is easy to control and maintain .

  29. 随着装饰镀金和工业镀金的不断发展,纯金镀层硬度低、耐磨性差等缺点使其越来越难以满足使用要求。

    With the continuous development of decorative gold-plated and industrial gold-plated , pure gold coating is increasingly difficult to meet the requirements because of its low hardness and poor wear resistance .

  30. 本文论述了化学镀镍处理工艺的优点,分析了镀层硬度与热处理温度及含磷量的关系。

    A discussion is focused on the advantages of chemical nickelage technology and an explanation on the relationship among the hardness of coating layer , heat treatment temperature , and phosphorus content .