
  • 网络Galvanized iron wire;Galvanized wire
  1. 种类:热镀锌铁丝、电镀锌铁丝、PVC涂塑锌铁丝。

    Kinds : Hot Galvanized iron wire , Electroplate iron wire , PVC coated Galvanized iron wire .

  2. 我张贴我们的镀锌铁丝,钢丝主要采购材料。

    I posted our main purchasing material of galvanized iron wire and steel wire .

  3. 重镀锌铁丝网石笼技术在漓江护岸的应用

    Application of the thickly galvanized stonemesh technique for the Lijiang bank revetment

  4. 材料:优质镀锌铁丝。

    Material : High quality galvanized wire .

  5. 包装说明:按客户要求进行包装所需原料:电镀锌铁丝、热镀锌铁丝和黑铁丝。

    Package Description : According to customer request PackageRaw materials : electric galvanized iron wire , hot-dipped galvanized wire and black wire .

  6. 镀锌铁丝:14线径,1/4英里长,绕于金属或木制线轴上。采购13线轴。

    Galvanized steel wire : 14 guage , 1 / 4 mile long ( on a spool ) metal or wood . 13 spools .

  7. 通过与钢筋模型的对比分析表明,两者的动态拉伸性能较为相似,在振动台试验中用镀锌铁丝来模拟钢筋的动态力学性能是可行的。

    According to the comparison with the reinforcing steel models , the dynamic tensile properties of galvanized wire and reinforcing steel are very similar .

  8. 公司主要产品:塑排钉、圆钉、油毡卷钉、钢钉、家具钉、地板钉、搓丝钉、镀锌铁丝等。

    Our main products : plastic strip nails , common nails , roofing coiled nails , steel nails , furniture nails , flooring nails , screws nails , ring nails , electro-galvanized wire .

  9. 导静电水磨石地面利用水磨石地面基层内镀锌铁丝网与接地网连接,将生产活动过程中产生的静电传入大地,避免电火花而产生爆炸;

    The static electronic conductive water polished stone floor utilize connection of the galvanized iron wire net with the earth net to conduct the static electricity to the ground to avoid explosion caused by the electric spark .

  10. 材质:PVC丝,不锈钢丝,优质低碳钢丝,镀锌丝,铁丝,铝合金丝等。

    Material : PVC wire , stainless steel wire , high quality low carbon steel wire , galvanized wire , iron wire , aluminium wire etc.