
  • 网络Galvanized Steel Wire Rope;Galvanize Steel Wire Rope;Galvanized Wire Rope
  1. 介绍4×25Fi+FC&8.1四股高强度镀锌钢丝绳的生产情况。

    To introduce production experience of 4 × 25Fi + FC & 8.1 mm four-ply high strength galvanized steel wire rope .

  2. 4×25Fi高强度镀锌钢丝绳生产

    Production of 4 × 25Fi High Strength Galvanized Steel Wire Rope

  3. 该桥主缆由85根Φ54mm镀锌钢丝绳组成,钢丝标准强度1960MPa,主缆由单根连续的钢丝绳绕过全部索鞍后,在梁内通过螺纹连接杆与连接套筒连接形成环型索。

    The main cable is composed of 85 zinc-coated wire ropes with Φ 54 mm and 1960 MPa of standard strength , it , being moved round all the saddles by single continuous wire rope , connects to sleeve through threaded linkage in beam , forming a ring cable .

  4. 镀锌钢丝绳脂的研制

    Study of Zinc - plated Wire Rope Grease

  5. 制定镀锌钢丝绳脂产品技术指标。

    Technical target of the product on zinc - plated wire rope grease is formulated .

  6. 在锚堆放的位置应安装有用于固定锚的镀锌钢丝绳和松紧螺旋扣。

    Galvanized Steel wire and turn buckle for securing anchor in stowed position to be provided .

  7. 涂塑钢丝绳防腐蚀性能优良,可替代成本高居不下的镀锌钢丝绳;

    Plastic coating wire rope has good antisepsis property , which can replace high cost galvanizing wire rope .

  8. 用两种配方的防锈剂改善了脂的防锈性能,研制出与国外同类产品质量相当的镀锌钢丝绳脂。

    Two kinds of rust inhibitors improve on the antirust property . The studied zinc - plated wire rope grease in the quality is equivalent to the same kind of foreign product .

  9. 通过国外挖掘机用多股镀锌钢丝绳结构、性能的解剖试验及钢丝绳中钢丝直径的计算总结出了这种钢丝绳的特点。

    Through test of construction and performance of multi - strands galvanized steel wire rope for imported excavator and calculation of diameter for steel wire , the characteristics of steel wire ropes are summarized .

  10. 悬索桥用特高强度镀锌吊索钢丝绳的研发

    Development of Super-High Strength Galvanized Suspender Steel Wire Rope for Suspension Bridge

  11. 镀锌密封钢丝绳的研制

    Research and Manufacture of Galvanized Full-locked Wire Rope

  12. 指出决定研制镀锌密封钢丝绳的主要原因:一是满足市场需求,二是为了提高企业的竞争力。

    To point out the main reasons of researching and manufacturing galvanized full locked wire rope , which are to meet the needs of market and to raise the competition ability of the enterprise .

  13. 根据生产工艺方案中镀锌Z型钢丝尺寸、Z型钢丝镀锌工艺、Z型钢丝的加工、镀锌密封钢丝绳捻制等要求确定了生产工艺路线。

    In terms of such requirements as galvanized Z type steel wire specification , galvanizing process and making of Z type steel wire and the laying of full locked wire rope , the production procedure is determined .

  14. 其工艺流程与热镀锌有许多相同之处,但涂塑层使用改性LLDPE材料价格便宜,生产工艺简单,原热镀锌钢丝绳生产企业只要少量投资便可生产涂塑钢丝绳。

    The process flow has many same place with hot galvanizing , but plastic coating use property changing LLDPE , whose price is cheaper , production process is simple . Original hot galvanizing wire rope enterprises so long as little invest it , plastic wire rope can be produced .