
  • 网络Galvanized Steel
  1. 热镀锌钢材在海洋大气环境中的氢渗透行为

    Hydrogen permeation of hot-dip galvanized steel exposed to simulated marine atmosphere

  2. 哈雷博物馆占地20英亩,拥有3座建筑,由黑色砖块、镀锌钢材和玻璃建造而成。它将成为哈雷车友们的圣殿。

    The museum's20-acre site with three buildings of black brick , galvanized steel and glass will likely become a temple for Harley owners .

  3. 今年,作为建材的镀锌钢材库存达到创纪录高水平。

    Zinc galvanised steel product inventories used in construction touched record highs this year .

  4. 介绍了镀锌钢材的生产过程及常用的涂层体系,重点介绍了涂漆前表面前处理的方法。

    The production process ot zinc-plating steels and coating film system in common use were introduced .

  5. 该磷化液适用于锈蚀钢材、泛锈蚀镀锌钢材和完好锌层钢材。

    This phosphating solution is suitable for steel material , corroded zinc plated steel substrate and zinc plated steel material .

  6. 中国镀锌结构钢材生产现状及其对锌的需求前景

    Present situation of ZINC-PLANTING structure steels and its expect requirement for zinc

  7. 由于锌具有牺牲阳极保护钢基的作用,在钢上镀锌可以大大延长钢材的使用寿命。

    It extends service life of the steels with sacrificial corrosion of zinc .

  8. 镀锌对于一般结构钢材之机械性能不会产生任何影响。

    The mechanical property The mechanical properties of commonly galvanized steel are not significantly affected by galvanizing .