
fánɡ jìnɡ diàn
  • Anti static;electrostatic prevention;static-free;prevention of statical electricity
  1. 装配式防静电地板施工技术探讨与分析

    The Analysis of Construction of Assembled Electrostatic Prevention Flooring

  2. 关于汽车加氢站防雷、防静电及接地设计

    Lightning Protection , Electrostatic Prevention and Earth Connection Design of Hydrogen Refueling Station

  3. 耐腐蚀防静电龟甲PE衬里的应用

    Application of anti-corrosion antistatic tortoiseshell PE lining

  4. 防静电ABS塑料转运箱的研制

    The Development of Anti - static ABS Plastic Cycle Boxes

  5. 该产品具有普通PE袋所有特性及防静电功能。

    This product has anti-static function as well as all characteristics that the common PE bag has .

  6. 介绍了此防静电剂在医用及工业X射线胶片生产中的应用方法和实际效果。

    Method for its use for making medical and industrial X-ray films and effective results are also presented in details .

  7. MOS集成电路生产过程中防静电的讨论

    Discussion on the Protection from Static in MOS Integrated Circuit Process

  8. ESD防静电功能,保证对高性能芯片的安全性。

    ESD antistatic function ensures the safety for high performance chips .

  9. CRT的防护屏与防静电减反射薄膜

    Shield for CRT and Anti Static & Anti Reflection Coating

  10. LLDPE料仓燃爆原因分析及防静电措施

    The Reason Analysis of Blast and Anti-electrostatic Measures in LLDPE Installation Bunker

  11. 推荐使用范围:用于有防静电要求的电子产品包装,如各类PC板、IC集成电路、光驱、硬盘、电子元器件等。

    Applicable to pack electronic products which are sensitive to static , such as PC board , IC integrated circuit , CD driver , HD etc.

  12. 对模拟及数字驱动进行了分析并指出注意事项;比较了两种常见的抑制CCD输出直流电平的方法,提出了应用过程中防静电措施。

    On the other hand , analyse the analogy and digital drive , compare the two methods of restraining output DC level and raise an anti electrostatic method .

  13. 各类精密元器件的托盘:相机配件、镜片、电子零件等;各类高科技吸塑产品导电和防静电PS、PVC、PP、PET、吸塑托盘。

    We produce PS , PVC , PP and PET conductive or anti-static blister trays for containing camera and electronic components , lens and other high tech products .

  14. CVC平纹天鹅绒阻燃防静电整理工艺探讨

    A research on the flame retardant and anti-static finishing technology of the CVC plain velvet

  15. 别忘了静电放电(ESD)的预防措施和存储部件的防静电袋如果可能的话。

    Don 't forget to take ESD ( electrostatic discharge ) precautions and store the parts in antistatic bags if possible .

  16. 防静电尼龙BCF簇绒地毯的研制

    Development of Antistatic Nylon BCF Carpet

  17. 在质量控制方面:全车间采用ESD防静电地坪,仓库采用全防静电货架、料盒。

    In terms of quality control System : the whole plant using ESD anti-static flooring , storage shelves with full anti-static , feed box .

  18. 使用于HDG防静电全钢高架活动地板。

    It can be used for HDG anti static raised floor .

  19. 苏州市金澳威包装制品有限公司专业生产PP、PS防静电、导电、PVC、环保PET、PE、植绒及折边、折盒等吸塑包装制品及中空板周转箱。

    Our company specializes in producing PP , PS anti-static , conductive , PVC , green PET , PE , flocking and fold , folding boxes and blister packaging products hollow board turnover box .

  20. 防静电50W高频功率,清洗效果显著。

    Antistatic50W high frequency power quick clean .

  21. 以Sb掺杂的SnO2半导体为导电填料,选取透明釉、钡无光釉、锆乳浊釉为基釉进行了防静电陶瓷的研制。

    The anti-static ceramic tiles were prepared by adding Sb-doped SnO 2 into three different base glaze - transparent glaze 、 barium mat glaze and zirconium opaque glaze .

  22. 防静电30w柔和速度,安全清洗。

    Antistatic30w has gentle speed and safety .

  23. 同时对综合防治ESD、集中力量开发防静电新技术与新产品、加强静电安全管理等方面提出了意见。

    The writers suggest that we should synthetically prevent ESD , concentrate our energy on developing new antistatic technology and products , and strengthen static safety management in electronic industry .

  24. 通过XRD、SEM、EDS等测试手段对防静电陶瓷进行了显微结构分析,重点探讨了基釉中晶相成分与防静电陶瓷电性能的关系。

    The microstructure of anti-static ceramic was analyzed by XRD 、 SEM 、 EDS. The relation between the crystal phase component in the basic glaze and the electric performance of anti-static ceramic was discussed in emphasis .

  25. 本公司专业生产防静电面料、仿记忆面料和超细、超薄纤维,如尼龙20D条布。

    The company specializes in anti-static fabrics , imitation memory series , ultra-thin fiber , such as the20D nylon cloth .

  26. 纳米氧化铟锡[In2O3(SnO2)]是一种N型半导体材料,以其良好的电导、透光性能而成为电子行业显示器、显像管防静电、防辐射、防眩目的热点材料。

    Nanoparticles Indium tin oxide [ In2O3 ( SnO2 ) ] that is an N type semiconductor is an anti-static , radiation protection and anti-glare hotspot material in the electronic industry because of good electroconductibility and optical transmittance .

  27. 采用化学共沉淀技术制备了锑掺杂二氧化锡(ATO)包裹硅酸锆的导电粉体,对比了该导电粉体与ATO在防静电陶瓷中的应用效果。

    Conductive powder have been prepared by coated antimony-doped tin oxide ( ATO ) on zircon using chemical coprecipitation technology . The application effect in antistatic ceramic of the conductive powder and ATO was compared .

  28. 论述了静电放电(ESD)的危害及静电产生原因,电子产品包装过程中静电的来源,如何去解决电子产品生产、装配、包装环节中的静电,以及防静电包装设计。

    The damage and creator of electrostatic discharge was introduced . The production and the solution of electrostatic in packing process of electronic products was analysed in the period of production , assemble , packaging and anti-electrostatic packaging design .

  29. 还研究了高分子量充油SSBR胶料的结构-性能及防静电性,充油SSBR表现出良好的炭黑分散性和较低的滚动阻力特性。

    In addition , we also studied the structure-property relationship and its antistatic characteristics of oil-extended SSBR with high molecular weight , which exhibited better CB dispersion and lower rolling resistance .

  30. BC-J系列在防静电涂料中的应用

    Application of BC-J Series in Antistatic Coatings