
  1. 提高防水混凝土结构抗渗性能的施工技术

    Construction technical measures to improve the impermeability of waterproof concrete structure

  2. 地下防水混凝土结构渗漏的预防措施

    Preventive measure to the percolation of waterproofing concrete structure underground

  3. 浅析地下防水混凝土结构施工要点

    Key points for the construction of underground waterproof concrete structure

  4. 自防水混凝土结构施工中几个问题的探讨

    Discussion on Several Problems of Construction of Self-waterproof Concrete Structure

  5. 讨论了自防水混凝土结构施工前对品质低劣的原材料进行处理的方法;

    It is necessary to dispose poor raw material before construction of self-waterproof concrete structure .

  6. 针对地下防水混凝土结构的特点,从选材、施工工艺、质量控制措施及成品保护等方面系统地对地下防水混凝土结构施工要点做了分析,并提出相应的措施。

    According to characteristic of underground water-proof concrete structure , it analyzes its construction points from material selection 、 construction process 、 quality control , and puts forward relative measures .

  7. 介绍监理工程师在防水混凝土结构施工准备阶段、施工过程和施工验收阶段的质量控制工作内容。

    The paper introduces the working contents of the quality control for supervising engineer in the construction preparation period , construction process and construction check and acceptance period of water-proofing concrete structure .

  8. 结合多年地下防水混凝土结构的施工实践,介绍了影响防水混凝土结构的因素,系统阐述了保证地下防水混凝土结构质量的要点,并提出施工中容易出现的问题及解决方法。

    Combined with several years ' construction experiences of underground waterproof concrete structure , some key points are systematically introduced to ensure construction quality . According to the problems encountered corresponding resolving methods are proposed .

  9. 介绍了发生在自防水混凝土结构细部环节施工过程中,墙板施工缝、变形缝、后浇带、预理件及穿墙管等部位常出现的质量问题及相应的施工控制措施。

    The article introduces the quality problems which often occur in the construction joints , movement joints , post-pour bands , embedded parts and through-wall pipes of walls during self-waterproofing concrete 's construction and relevant control measures taken .

  10. 防水混凝土的结构设计与配合比设计探讨

    Study on frame and mix design of water proof concrete Mix and Match

  11. 地下防水钢筋混凝土结构施工质量的控制

    Construction Quality Control of Underground Waterproof Reinforced Concrete Structure

  12. 自防水混凝土细部结构的施工质量控制

    Quality control for details of self-waterproofing concrete

  13. 受料地坑、底板、坑壁采用防水钢筋混凝土结构。

    The receiving pit , bottom plate and pit wall adopts water-proof reinforced concrete structure .

  14. 对氯离子环境下混凝土结构进行寿命预测,经过防水处理后混凝土结构的使用寿命比未处理的要长一倍还要多。

    To predict the life of concrete structure in chloride ion environment , the service life of untreated concrete is more than twice time as long as the untreated .

  15. 综合防水施工技术在混凝土结构地下室的应用

    Application of comprehensive waterproof construction technology in concrete structure basement

  16. 在侵蚀性环境中,防水处理是推迟混凝土结构修复时间,提高其耐久性的一个有效途径。

    In aggressive environment , water repellent treatment is an effective path to delay the repair and improve the durability of concrete .

  17. 总结了南京九华山隧道明挖法区段的防水设计,包括混凝土结构自防水、接缝防水处理和附加防水层的设计等。

    The article states succinctly waterproofing design of open-cut section of Jiuhuashan Tunnel , Nanjing , including self-waterproofing of concrete structure , waterproofing treatment of joints and additional waterproof layer etc.

  18. 研究表明,用高性能微膨胀复合防水剂WSP配制的高性能防水混凝土是混凝土结构自防水的新发展。

    High performance waterproofing concrete compounded by expansive waterproofing admixture is the new development of self waterproofing concrete . 〔