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  1. 世界野生动物协会(WorldWildlifeFederation)今春公布的一份报告称,通过大坝的水流速度目前正在加快,对下游的防洪大堤造成破坏。

    A report this spring by the World Wildlife Federation said water flowing through the dam is now moving faster , damaging the downriver dikes that were built to prevent floods .

  2. 塑料土工格栅在防洪大堤堤基处理工程中的应用

    Application of Plastic Geogrid in the Bank Foundation Engineering for Control-flood

  3. 防洪大堤通常用来预防洪水。

    Levees normally hold back the water , preventing floods .

  4. 由于伊利运河逐渐失去生意,有些防洪大堤开始破裂。

    As the Erie Canal was losing business , some of its levees began to break .

  5. 与新奥尔良不同,全球经济的防洪大堤已一次又一次被冲垮。

    Unlike New Orleans , the levees of the global economy have broken , one after another .

  6. 阜新市细河改造工程由四座橡胶坝和两岸防洪大堤组成,由于堤(坝)基第四系冲洪积层广泛发育,存在渗漏问题。

    The Xihe reconstruction in Fuxin City comprises four rubber dams and dykes for flood control along two banks .

  7. 阐述了高压喷射灌浆技术用于寒区城市防洪大堤的防渗帷幕墙灌浆工程的施工技术和施工方法。

    The construction method of high pressure spray grouting technology in seepage prevention curtain against municipal flood control dykes in cold region was presented .

  8. 走到4点过快到防洪大堤了,在一个凉亭补充了食物和水。

    At about 4 pm , we were close to the bit mound for preventing flood ; we bought food and water at a bower .

  9. 分析和判断防洪大堤施工阶段的土体稳定性,对调节施工进度和保证施工安全具有重要意义。

    For regulating construction progress and ensuring construction safety , it is important to analyse and judge stability of soil in flood-control dyke under construction .

  10. 在软土地区进行防洪大堤的施工,有必要通过变形监测、变形分析和变形预报来指导施工。

    When carrying out flood control dyke construction in soft soil area , deformation monitoring , deformation analysis and deformation prediction is necessary , and the process of construction can be directed .

  11. 在我国,很多大坝存在着年久失修和管理不善等问题,而防洪大堤有的也存在质量较差和设计防洪标准偏低的问题,存在一定的溃坝、决堤隐患和风险。

    In China , there are many problems in dams , such as disrepair and mismanagement , and the formidable levees also exist the problems of poor quality and lower design flood control standard ; There are certain risk for dam and levees burst .