
  • 网络Greases(Anti-rust–);preservative oil and grease;antirust grease;anti-corrosive grease
  1. 发亮的金属部件应涂上一层防锈油脂,以防运输途中受潮生锈。

    The bright metal parts should be protected from dampness and rust in transit by a coating of antirust grease .

  2. GB/T2361-1992防锈油脂湿热试验法

    Rust preventing oils and greases-Test method of wet heat

  3. 防锈油脂发展现状

    Current Status Of Rust - Preventing Grease Development

  4. 完成后在胀套外露表面及螺钉头部涂上防锈油脂。

    Expose surface and screw head should be wiped antirust oil in the distend cover after finishing .

  5. 所有轴承都应该采用温度范围在-25℃至+120℃之间的防潮、防锈油脂进行永久润滑。

    All bearings shall be permanently lubricated with a premium moisture resistant grease containing rust inhibitors and shall be suitable for operation over a temperature range of - 25 C to + 120 C.

  6. 我国轴承防锈材料和润滑油脂的现状

    Present situation of Chinese antirust material and grease for bearings

  7. 通过对56家轴承厂及21个典型轴承用户的调查,介绍了目前我国轴承防锈材料及润滑油脂的现状与问题;

    On the basis of investigation for 56 bearing factories and 12 typical users , the present situation and problems of Chinese rustproof materiel and grease are introduced .

  8. 甘油单油酸酯(防锈油,整理剂)GB/T2361-1992防锈油脂湿热试验法

    Glycerol monooleate , glyceryl monooleate Rust preventing oils and greases-Test method of wet heat