
  • 网络microfluidizer;microfluidics;microjet;micro-jets
  1. 以微电子机械系统(MEMS)、混沌论及非线性复杂大系统不稳定理论为基础,一种全新的流场主动控制技术&微射流技术应运而生。

    A new method for active control of flow field appears . It is the so-called microjet technology . Its fundamental principle is based on the MEMS , the chaotic theory and non-linear complicated system theory .

  2. 微射流驱动弯曲测试法测量微结构的弹性模量

    Measurement of Elastic Modulus of Microstructure by Microjet Driving Microbending Test Method

  3. 动态超高压微射流均质对半纤维素B理化性质的影响

    Effects of dynamic high-pressure microfluidization treatment on physical and chemical properties of hemicellulose B

  4. 采用圆二色谱(CD)、X射线衍射(XRD)、ANS荧光探针和紫外(UV)光谱研究了动态超高压微射流对卵清蛋白微观结构的影响。

    The effect of dynamic high pressure microfluidization on the microstructure of ovalbumin was studied by CD spectra , XRD spectra , ANS fluorescence probe emission spectra and UV absorption spectra .

  5. 微射流处理导致11S聚集,巯基含量和表面疏水性下降。

    Microfluidization homogenization induced 11S to aggregate , with the total free – SH and surface hydrophobic declined .

  6. 方法采用微射流技术在射流直径50μm和压力120MPa条件下制备莪术油纳米脂质体制剂。

    METHODS Zedoary nano-liposomes were prepared by micro-jet technique ( jet dia . 50 μ m , pressure 120 MPa ) .

  7. 以茎菠萝蛋白酶为原料,研究动态高压微射流(DHPM)对其活性、稳定性和构象的影响。

    The effect of dynamic high-pressure microfluidization ( DHPM ) treatment on activity , stability , and conformation of stem bromelain was studied .

  8. 采用改进的Beam-Warming近似因式分解法求解二维、粘性、非定常、可压全N-S方程,对双微射流作动器定向控制主流的合成流场进行数值模拟。

    The full N-S equations were solved using Beam-Warming approximate factorization method and a high-order compact-difference scheme for the synthetic flow field of vectoring control of a primary jet with the adjacent synthetic jets .

  9. Marc大型非线性有限元分析软件建立了轴瓦气蚀损伤模型,基于损伤力学理论对气蚀发生过程中气泡溃灭产生的微射流对轴瓦表面材料的力学作用过程进行了数值分析。

    The cavitation damage model was built using finite element analysis software MSC . Marc . This paper attempted to numerically analyze the action process based on damage mechanics when jet created by bubble collapse acted on the bearing surface in the process of cavitation erosion .

  10. 利用超短脉冲激光作为记录光源可以在瞬间将高速运动微粒冻结的原理,建立了同轴Fraunhofer远场全息测试系统,研究了在爆轰加载下物质的微射流现象。

    Based on the principle of freezing high velocity particles , an in line Fraunhofer far field holography measurment system , which uses the ultra short pulse laser as the recording light source , is constructed . The metal micro jet is loaded by detonation .

  11. 采用有限体积法求解Faver平均N-S方程,对微射流改变绕流圆柱的气动性能进行数值模拟。

    The Faver-averaged N - S equations and k - ? model are solved by using the finite volume method , and a numerical emulation is done for the micro-jet actuators in modifying the aerodynamic performance of a cylindrical body .

  12. 此外本论文还特别关注透析溶液对果胶性质的影响,及果胶在动态高压微射流(DHPM)处理过程中的降解问题。

    During investigation , we also pay attention to the effect of dialysis solution on properties of pectin , and degradation of pectin induced by dynamic high pressure microfluidization ( DHPM ) .

  13. 高压微射流超细粉碎关键技术研究

    Study on the Key Technology of Ultra-fine Grinding Based on High-pressure Microfluidics

  14. 动态超高压微射流对蜡质玉米淀粉颗粒结构的影响

    Effects of Dynamic High-pressure Microfluidization on Granular Structure of Waxy Maize Starch

  15. 高压微射流处理对鸭血血细胞的影响

    Effect of high pressure microfluidization treatment on duck blood cells

  16. 微射流法制备莪术油纳米脂质体的研究

    Study on the preparation of zedoary nano-liposomes by micro-jet method

  17. 介绍了微射流技术的原理及其初步应用。

    The principle and initial applications of the microjet technology are introduced .

  18. 超高压微射流均质对花生球蛋白性质的影响

    Effects of dynamic high-pressure microfluidization on some properties of arachin

  19. 双微射流合成流场数值分析

    Numerical analysis of synthetic flow field between adjacent microjets

  20. 用高速摄影和脉冲同轴全息照相联合诊断微射流

    High-Speed Photography and Pulsed in-Line Holography Diagnostics of Microjet

  21. 加载波前沿宽度对铝表面微射流的影响

    Effect of loading-wave-front width on micro-jet from aluminum surface

  22. 动态高压微射流技术对乳清蛋白性质和结构的影响

    Effect of Dynamic High Pressure Microfluidization on Properties and Structures of Whey Protein

  23. 微射流阵列冲击恒热流壁面换热数值模拟

    Numerical simulation of micro-jet array impingement heat transfer on constant heat flux wall

  24. 本课题的机理分析和实验研究为今后高压微射流粉碎设备的研究提供可供参考的依据,并为进一步研究奠定了基础。

    This research affords reliable reference and provides scientific basis for further development .

  25. 动态高压微射流技术对酶的活性与构象变化的影响

    The Influence of Dynamic High Pressure Microfluidization on Activation and Conformational Changes of Enzyme

  26. 微射流改变绕流圆柱气动性能的数值模拟

    Numerical Emulation on a Micro-jet Actuator Modifying the Aerodynamic Performance of a Cylindrical Body

  27. 超高压微射流均质中花生球蛋白的机械力化学效应研究

    Mechano-chemical Effect on Arachin by High Pressure Microfluidization

  28. 分别采用层流、湍流模型对单微射流流场进行了数值模拟。

    The laminar / turbulence models were used to simulate the single microjet flow field .

  29. 单微射流作动器定向控制主流数值模拟

    Numerical Study of the Effectiveness of Using a Single Micro-Jet Actuator to Vector Primary Flow

  30. 似膏体管路输送过程中的相变及微射流效应初探

    Primary research on phase transformation and tiny jet stream of paste-like in the pipeline transportation