
  1. 对部分小型微利企业实行所得税优惠政策。

    A preferential income tax policy for small enterprises with low profits will be implemented .

  2. 最后,改革现有规定,对小型微利企业实行投资抵免政策,切实解决小型微利企业资金短缺问题。

    Finally , reforming the existing regulations , implement small low-profit enterprises investment credit policy so that solve the problem of small low-profit enterprise ' shortage of funds .

  3. 第二十八条符合条件的小型微利企业,减按20%的税率征收企业所得税。

    Article 28 As regards a small meagre-profit enterprise satisfying the prescribed conditions , the enterprise income tax shall be levied at a reduced tax rate of 20 % .

  4. 对于处于发展瓶颈阶段的小型微利企业,制定适合本企业实际情况的战略,是突破瓶颈的首要步骤。

    To the small low-profit enterprises obstructed in the bottleneck of development , developing a strategy that match the actual situation for the enterprise is the primary step to break through .

  5. 给予小型微利企业更多的税收优惠,积极发挥其船小好调头的作用,对于缓解就业压力、稳定社会秩序及促进经济复苏具有重大意义。

    Giving small low-profit profit enterprises more tax incentives to actively play its role in turning around small boat of great significance for ease employment pressure , social stability and economic recovery .

  6. 小型微利企业必须看到自身资源匮乏、抗风险能力差的弱点,运用科学的诊断方法,客观审视自身的环境和能力,制定最合适的、且具有操作性的企业战略,并坚持执行。

    Small low-profit enterprises must pay attention to their weaknesses of lack of resources and poor risk resisting capabilities . Based on scientific diagnostic methods , they have to objectively recognize the external environment and the internal capacity , develop the most appropriate enterprise strategy and implement it .

  7. 微利经济与企业核心能力的构建

    Micro - profit Economy & The Construction of Enterprises ' Core Competence

  8. 试论微利时代的企业技术创新

    A Tentative Study of Technology Innovation by Enterprises in the Age of Meager Profit

  9. 那些亏损或微利的中小企业,尤其是小企业,最适合租赁经营。

    He notes that it is best suitable for enterprises running on deficits or at low profitability , especially the small ones .

  10. 随着近年来人民币汇率的持续上升、物价的普遍上涨以及国际竞争的加剧,我国企业进入了微利时代,企业永恒的主题&成本管理受到广泛关注。

    As the continuous rising of RMB exchange rate , inflation , as well as increased intensity of international competition , China has entered a meager profit time . The eternal theme of enterprise-cost management attracted extensive attention .

  11. 企业要发展不难,但难的是持续发展,尤其是在同质化的微利时代,企业间竞争的重点早已从产量、质量、广告等竞争过渡到品牌竞争上来。

    Enterprise development is not difficult , but the difficulty is sustainable development , especially in the homogeneous era of the low-profit , the focus of competition among the enterprises has long been transited from the production , quality , advertising to the brand .

  12. 因此,IT行业的产品以及成本发展越来越趋于透明化,在IT业的微利时代,企业的首要目标是生存,其次才是如何获得更多的利润,增强产品的竞争力。

    Therefore , in an era of meager profit in IT industry where the development of products and cost are becoming more and more transparent , the primary goal of an enterprise is to survive , followed by profit making as much as possible and enhancement of product competitiveness .

  13. 微利时代与涂料企业的抉择

    Choices of the Coating Industry at Small Profit Era

  14. 微利经济与国有企业经营创新

    Tony-profit Economy and Management Innovation of State-Owned Enterprise

  15. 细节服务:微利时代中国物流企业竞争优势再造的必由之路

    Detail service : the only way for Chinese logistics enterprise to reengineer competitive advantage in the low margin age