
cǎi kuànɡ xǔ kě zhènɡ
  • mining license;mining permit
  1. 目前违法颁发采矿许可证的现象相当普遍,也相当严重。

    At present , the phenomenon promulgating mining license unlawfully is quite common and serious .

  2. (一)有依法取得的采矿许可证;

    Having the legally obtained mining license ;

  3. 所以我们会退回到那些日子吗&任何人只要有一张桌子、一份有问题的采矿许可证,以及一份漂亮的PPT演示文稿,就能在AIM上市?

    So are we heading back to the days when anyone with a desk , a questionable mining licence and a slick PowerPoint presentation can make their way on to Aim ?

  4. 如何开展采矿许可证换证工作

    How to conducted the work of changing the mining license

  5. 关于强化乡镇矿业采矿许可证管理问题的探讨

    On the Management of Mining Licence for Township Mines

  6. 撤销采矿许可证的几点看法

    Views on rescinding mining license

  7. 对钨锡锑稀土等8种优势矿产实行暂停颁发采矿许可证,暂停审批用地是国土资源部组建以后采取的一项重大宏观调控政策。

    Suspending approval of land use is a very important policy after formation of Ministry of Land and Resources .

  8. 给予吊销勘查许可证或者采矿许可证处罚的,须由原发证机关决定。

    The punishment of revoking the exploration or mining license shall be decided by the department that issued such licenses .

  9. 就中国而言,矿产开发中的环保问题产生的原因主要有采矿许可证制度本身的不完善;

    In China , the reasons why the environmental problems in exploiting the mineral resources occur include : the incompetent mining license system ;

  10. 要加强矿产资源的统一管理和省级政府对矿产资源的管理权力,加强对采矿许可证的管理。

    To strengthen the unified management of mineral resources and mineral resources management to the provincial government powers , and strengthen the management of mining permits .

  11. 在吸引投资者进入刚果(金)以便从他们的投资利润中获取更高抽头的过程中,颁发采矿许可证一直是一项关键的谈判筹码。

    The award of mining licences has been a key negotiating chip in attracting investors to the country and extracting a higher cut of their profits .

  12. 第二个关于皇后大道集团的忧虑是:这家公司在获得采矿许可证时许下的承诺很多没有兑现。

    The second complaint about the Queensway syndicate is that in Africa it has failed to meet many of the obligations it took on to win mining licences .

  13. 开采石油、天然气、放射性矿产等特定矿种的,可以由国务院授权的有关主管部门审批,并颁发采矿许可证。

    The standards for large and medium quantities of mineral reserves shall be formulated by the department in charge of examination and approval of mineral reserves under the State Council .

  14. 违法颁发的勘查许可证、采矿许可证、采矿许可证,上级人民政府地质矿产主管部门有权予以撤销。

    The department in charge of geology and mineral resources under the people 's government at a higher level shall have the authority to revoke the exploration and mining licenses illegally issued .

  15. 经批准开办的煤矿企业,凭批准文件由地质矿产主管部门颁发采矿许可证。

    The coal mining enterprise that has obtained approval for establishment shall , by virtue of the document of approval , be issued the mining license by the department in charge of geology and mineral resources .

  16. 撤销违法颁发的采矿许可证既有利于维护正常的矿业秩序,也有利于纠正错误,促使发证机关增强责任心,提高依法行政水平。

    Rescinding mining license promulgated unlawfully not only benefits to safeguard normal order of mining industry , but also benefits to correct error , promote enhancement of responsibility of issue organ and administrative level according to law .

  17. 《采矿许可证》和《勘查许可证》宜改称《采矿权证》和《探矿权证》,其制度建设应当同《行政许可法》脱钩,直接上承《物权法》。

    While mineral exploitation license and prospecting license should change into mineral exploitation right and mineral prospecting right license , and the system construction should unhook connections with " Administrative licensing law " and directly present to " Real Right Law " .

  18. 首先,从客观的角度分析了矿产资源的归属问题、案件的性质问题以及《采矿许可证》是否应该撤销的问题。这三者均是该案件以后的处理方式及结果的先决条件。

    First of all , analyzes the ownership of mineral resources , the nature of the case , and whether the " mining licenses " should be withdrawn or not on an objective point , which are the prerequisites for the cases after treatment and results .

  19. 非凡行业还需要更多的证件需要年检,矿山企业另外有:安全生产许可证、排污许可证、采矿权许可证、矿产品经营许可证等;加油站另外有:成品油经营许可证。

    Special industry still needs more certificate to need a yearly check , mine company has additionally : business certificate of product of safe production licence , blowdown licence , mining power license , mine ; gas station has additionally : finished product oily business certificate .

  20. 请办理采矿登记,领取采矿许可证。

    To apply for mining registration and receiving the license for mining .