
  • 网络purchaser;buyer
  1. 采购者和消费者必须愿意付出更高的价格。

    The buyer and consumer must be willing to pay more .

  2. 出口部们在今年的八月份终于开幕了。欢迎海外采购者来电咨询和参观。

    Our Export department was inaugurated August , 2007.Welcome buyer to contact with us .

  3. 所有的采购者都想以合理的价格得到尽可能好的商品。

    All buyers want the best possible value at a reasonable price .

  4. 国际援助机构对质量的关注与私营部门的大多数采购者并无两样。

    The international aid agencies have quality concerns similar to most buyers in the private sector .

  5. 中国是苏丹的主要武器供应商和最大的石油采购者。

    China is a major supplier of weapons to Sudan and its biggest purchaser of oil .

  6. 金融城服务最大的采购者之一需要采取行动那就是政府。

    Action is needed from one of the biggest procurers of city services : the government .

  7. 欧洲和美国的采购者表示,虽然速度缓慢,但他们仍在得到供应。

    Purchasers in Europe and the US say they are still getting shipments , albeit slowly .

  8. 其他重要的采购者是国际援助机构、联合国特别结构以及国际非政府组织。

    Other important buyers are international aid agencies , United Nations specialized agencies and international NGOs .

  9. 谁是采购者?

    Who are the buyers ?

  10. 美国特工假扮成为哥伦比亚武装组织的武器采购者。

    U.S. agents had posed as arms buyers for the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia or FARC .

  11. 援助市场有许多积极的采购者,双边捐赠者以及地方银行是最重要的采购者。

    There are many players in the aid market ; bilateral donors and regional banks are the most important .

  12. 每届展会可吸引20万名国外的采购者,其中多达十分之一来自非洲。

    It attracts 200,000 foreign buyers to each session , with up to a 10th of them from Africa .

  13. 这方面的内容包括进行价值分析,以便协助采购者从合同中取得最大的价值;

    The content includes the value analysis , in order to assist the buyer from contract to achieve maximum value ;

  14. 当幸存者来到购物中心时,已有几个僵尸,看起来像是圣诞节的采购者,在此漫无目的地游荡。

    There are a few zombies at the mall when the refugees arrive , staggering about aimlessly in a fashion familiar to Christmas shoppers .

  15. 意大利的时尚企业将在未来几个月上演一场展示,但这次,它们的观众是投资者,而不是贸易采购者。

    Italian fashion companies are putting together quite a show over the next few months , though their audience is investors rather than trade buyers .

  16. 而这唯一的采购者与老板有私情,即使采购有问题,也难以解决之。

    And the only buyers having an affair with the boss , even if the procurement is in question , it is difficult to solve it .

  17. 当合约规定,制造业者或其授权代表不负安装责任时,供应商应对采购者提供安装与检查之书面说明。

    If the contract allows installation other than by the manufacturer or its authorised representative , the supplier shall provide the purchaser with written instructions for installation and checking .

  18. 通过将政府变成更精明的采购者、消除那些妨碍便宜科技在富裕世界销售的障碍,他们能够降低医疗费用。

    By turning their governments into better purchasers and by eliminating the barriers that discourage the sale of cheap technology in the rich world , they could bring down the cost of health care .

  19. 然而,在现实情形中,客户的数量多、相互独立性及企业采购者的偏好等因素的影响,针对同一种产品的需求往往具有易变性和不确定性。

    However , in practical situations , the demand for one commodity is variable and determinate because of large numbers of independent customers and different preference of buyers , especially , in the case that the data of demand is uncertainty and missing .

  20. 文章的结果可以帮助采购决策者基于所选用的合约方式,比如刚性合约还是期权,以及关键参数决定采购策略。

    The results of the article can help decision-makers make the procurement strategy based on the type of selected contracts , such as rigid contracts or options contracts , and the key decision parameters .

  21. 采购绩效领先者的成功准则

    The Successful Principles for the Leader in Purchasing Performance

  22. 将信用管理、商品专家、商品推理集成到跨国采购信息系统,能够为跨国采购者提供一定程度的决策支持。

    Integrating credit management , commodity specialist and illation of commodity chains into the global sourcing information system can provide a certain level of decision-making for the global sourcing operators .

  23. 供应商的选择在绿色采购与供应管理中占有重要地位,供应商的环境表现最终也决定了采购者和整个供应链的环境表现。

    The choice of the supplier plays an important part in green purchase activities , and the environmental performance of the supplier has great influence on that of the buyer and the whole supply chain .