
  • 网络Business segment
  1. 公司管理层决定卖掉鞋子业务分部。

    The management of the company has decided to sell the shoe division .

  2. 不过,在该公司业务分部最多的英国,对于经济复苏的担忧仍存。

    Howver , in the UK , where the group has the largst number of recruitment offices , worries about the economic recovery remained .

  3. 2005年,杜克成为沃尔玛国际部负责人时,他最先作出的举动之一就是关闭亏损的德国业务。沃尔玛德国分部决定采购德国消费者不想买的棒球棒,沃尔玛在文化方面的迟钝,此事件中可见一斑。

    When Mr Duke became head of Walmart 's international division in 2005 , one of his first acts was to close down its lossmaking German business , where Walmart 's cultural clumsiness was exemplified by decisions to stock baseball bats that German shoppers didn 't want .