
  • 网络amateur station;Amateur Radio station
  1. 低功率业余无线电台的设计

    Design of a Low Power Amateur Radio

  2. 幸运的家伙猛踩刹车,设法干扰业余无线电台的操作者的无线电通讯。

    The jammy cow jammed on his brakes and tried to jam the raido ham 's transmissions .

  3. 介绍了一种低功率四波段业余无线电台的原理及设计方法;

    This paper introduces a method of designing low power amateur radio as well as its work principle .

  4. 我把我的业余无线电台调到通话波段,收听星期六早间的交流节目。

    I turned the dial up into the phone portion of the band on my ham radio in order to listen to a Saturday morning swap net .

  5. 控制室对救灾物资的分发进行监督,工作人员利用电话、无线电和业余无线电爱好者电台设施相结合的方法对哪些地方需要什么物品进行跟踪。

    Control rooms monitored the distribution of relief materials , using a combination of phones , wireless , and ham radio facilities for tracking what was needed and where .