
  1. 然后,设计了基于J2EE技术架构的地区级盐业公司的业务管理软件。

    Then it designs business management software for local-level salt enterprises based on J2EE technology framework .

  2. 您将使用IT总监SamArcher采购的业务管理软件工具。

    You will use business management software tooling acquired by the director of IT , Sam Archer .

  3. 随着MPLSVPN在电信网络的部署,急切需要一个业务管理软件,来规划,部署,监控VPN业务。

    With the MPLS VPN deployment in telecom , it needs a vpn network manager software to plan , depoly and monitor the vpn service .

  4. 由于引进了新的业务管理软件,集装箱码头需要更新计费软件,提高服务质量,充分发挥业务管理软件功能。

    With the introduction of new business management software , it is necessary for the container terminal to up-date its fee-collecting software to improve its service and to fully develop the function of its business software .

  5. 学生信息管理系统是课程、班级管理、集档案资料、成绩、贷款管理、奖惩、奖学金、入党情况管理、家庭情况管理等服务项目为一体的综合性业务管理软件。

    Student information management system is a curriculum , class management , collection of archives , achievement , loan management , rewards and punishment , scholarship , join the case management , family management and other services as one integrated business management software .

  6. WorkplaceForms是在PureEdgeSolutions开发的技术之上建立的,这是一家领先的软件供应商,提供基于电子表单的业务过程管理软件和服务。

    Workplace Forms is built upon technology developed by PureEdge Solutions , a leading provider of electronic forms-based business process management software and services .

  7. 因此许多例如电信能源的行业都开始应用了业务流程管理软件,希望通过BPM软件解决企业的管理以及企业内部各单位间协同的问题,以达到降低成本,提高利润的目的。

    Therefore , many industries such as telecommunication and energy have chosen the BPM software to solve the problem of enterprise management and cooperation between the units within the enterprise in order to minimize the costs and raise the profits .

  8. 电力通信业务流程管理软件的实务探讨

    The discussion about the actuality of the operation flow software in the electric power communications management

  9. 同时也是一款完全适合宾馆或旅馆酒店客房管理傻瓜式日常业务管理的软件。

    Also a paragraph perfectly suited to the hotel or hotel guest room management fool type of business management software daily .

  10. 在游戏中,您可以使用便携式计算机存储工作文件,查看您的待处理事项列表,访问产品文档,当然也可以使用业务流程管理软件工具

    During the game , you can use a laptop to store working files , see your to-do list , access product documentation , and , of course , use the business process management software tools

  11. 因此,利盟近年投资于其新开辟的业务——文件管理软件。

    So Lexmark has been investing in its nascent business - document management software .

  12. 本周,祖睿科技推出了最新版的“业务关系管理”软件——这套软件帮助公司完成从传统收入模式向订阅式收入模式的转变。

    This week , Zuora unveiled the latest version of what it calls " relationship business management " software - a suite that lets companies transition and maintain a shift from a traditional to a subscription-based revenue model .

  13. 市话业务计算机管理系统&软件及网络方案研究与设计

    The Computer Management Systems the Study and Design of Software and Network

  14. 工作流管理系统是企业业务流程管理自动化的软件实现,它能够提高企业的工作效率和工作质量。

    Workflow management system is the software implement which supports the roboticized management of corporation , it can increase corporations ' efficient and quality .

  15. 在当前教育管理信息化的趋势下,对各类教育相关业务的政务信息管理软件的需求越来越大,尤其是科技管理平台的应用,可大幅提升政务机构对科技信息的处理能力和管理水平。

    Nowadays education management information system is more and more widely used . In particular , the application of science and technology management platform can greatly enhance the management of the information .