
  • 网络e-commerce software
  1. 统一软件开放过程的研究和应用&一个电力系统的电子商务软件开发

    Research and Application of USDP & Development of an E-Commerce Software System for an Electric Power Company

  2. 为了有效地解决这个问题,我们所开发的面向服务的电子商务软件正是解决这些问题的最佳选择。

    The E-commerce software with the aim of service developed by us is the best choice to solve these problems .

  3. 以电子商务软件开发为背景,研究在SSL协议基础上实现表单数字签名模型的原理与方法。

    Taking the software development of EC as background , this paper researchs the theory and method of Form Digital Signature Model based on SSL protocol .

  4. 通常来说电子商务软件由前、后台两部分组成。

    Generally , electronic commerce system consist with frontend and backend part .

  5. 电子商务软件的供应商选择

    The Selection of Supplier in the E - commence Software

  6. 电子商务软件易用性的评测方法和评测过程

    E-commence Software Usability Quality Evaluation Method and Process

  7. 当今随着计算机技术的发展,与之相适应的软件业同样也蓬勃发展,而电子商务软件作为其中的一个分支也悄悄地兴起。

    With the development of computer technology , the corresponding software industries have also been booming . Among them , E-commerce software is also rising quietly .

  8. 基于易用性评测的理论基础,依据电子商务软件易用性评测指标体系,提出了电子商务软件易用性的评测方法和评测过程。

    Based on the theory of usability evaluating and testing , the thesis offers methods and process for the ( evaluating ) and testing of E-commerce software usability .

  9. 如何有效整合多个电子商务软件系统平台、如何最大程度减少客户等待时间提高满意度、如何降低公司开发和培训成本,减少复杂的操作,提高劳动生产力迫在眉睫。

    It has become urgent on how to integrate these e-business platforms , reduce customers ' waiting time in maximum to raise their satisfaction , lower development & training cost , reduce complex operation and increase productivity .

  10. 本文着重介绍一种基于XML的B2B电子商务采购软件代理的开发模型和具体实现过程。

    The paper emphatically introduces a development model and the concrete realization process of B2B electronic commerce purchase software agent based on xml .

  11. B-TO-C电子商务平台软件的研究与设计

    The Design and Research of Electronic commerce platform software

  12. 电子商务教学软件SIM-EC在实训课中的应用

    Application of Electronic Commerce Teaching Software SIM-EC

  13. 电子商务中软件代理人特点分析

    Analysis of Software Agent Characteristics in Electronic Commerce

  14. 电子商务中软件厂商的差别定价基于需求的实时网络定价策略

    On the Discriminative Pricing Mechanism of Software Companies in Electronic Business Real-time Internet Pricing Scheme Based on Demand

  15. 相对于中小企业而言,在电子商务应用软件的开发和维护方面,投入较多的人力、物力是不明智的选择。

    It is not a wise choice to put into a more human and material in e-commerce application software development and maintenance for small and medium enterprises .

  16. 本文主要针对三大电子商务应用软件的电子商务页而的之间的跳转关系以及页面之间控制关系来恢复相应的流程。

    In this paper , with the relationship of the three e-commerce applications , and the relationship between jump one page to another page and then restore the appropriate relationship between the control processes .

  17. 本文以一种电子商务的软件平台为例,详细介绍了该平台中商品目录、促销管理、支付和结算、订单处理、配送处理等模块的功能与实现。

    This paper takes a kind of Electronic Commerce Platform as example to illustrate how to design and implement of every system module , such as Commodity List system , Promotion Activity system , Electronic Payment system , Order Disposal system , Logistics Distribution system and so on .

  18. ASP(ApplicationServiceprovider,应用服务提供商)是一种新型电子商务模式和软件分发模式,有着广阔的应用前景。

    ASP ( Application Service Provider ) is a new mode of e-business and of software distribute mode . It has good application perspective .

  19. 介绍了建立分布式电子商务所涉及软件体系结构和软件设计模式。

    This paper analyses the software architecture and designing pattern of distributed E-business system .

  20. 职位名称:售前顾问职位描述:1、负责为贸易和电子商务提供网络软件解决方案的业务拓展;

    Job Title : Pre-sales Consultant Job Descriptions : 1.Responsible for the Business Development of web-based software solutions for trade and e-commerce ; 2 .

  21. 其次通过对现有的电子商务教学实验软件的对比分析探讨,找出不足,进行改进,提出电子商务专业实验的管理平台研究与开发的新思路。

    Then based on the existing e-commerce teaching experimental software of contrastive analysis on , Find out inadequacy , improvement , Put e-commerce specialty experiment management platform for research and development of new ideas .

  22. 只需要拨号上网,便可以得到收费、审计、电子商务等应用软件。它们自己不必做开展、预先付费、维护等。

    Dial up on their telephone , and have a billing application , an accounting application , or an e-business application , to use without having to build it , pay up front , or maintain it .

  23. 电子商务及其与会计软件的整合

    The comformity of accounting software and Electronic Commerce

  24. 如果我通过其他的电子商务提供商出售非软件的实体产品,如杯子或衫,那会怎么样?

    What if I sell non-software physical product , like mugs ort-shirts , through another commerce provider ?

  25. 但除了文档和打印等更为传统的管理类服务器应用软件以外,企业还对商业情报、客户关系管理和电子商务等专业应用软件的运用技术进行投资。

    But as well as the more traditional , administrative server applications , such as file and print , businesses are also investing in the technology to run specific applications such as business intelligence , customer relationship management and e-commerce .

  26. 其次要加快电子商务税收法制建设、完善现行税法、开发电子商务征收软件、建立税务机关、海关、银行联合税收监管体系等保障本国税收利益。

    Then we should quicken legal system building of e-business tax collection , improve present tax law , research and develop e-business tax collection software , establish united tax collection supervising system ( tax agencies , customs and banks involved ) to guarantee tax benefit of our country .

  27. 电子商务是21世纪商务发展的必然趋势,电子商务系统是实现电子商务的核心软件,提高电子商务系统对数据的自动处理能力及分析判断能力是电子商务对核心软件提出的内在要求。

    E-Commerce is the inevitable trend that 21 centuries business affairs develops , Electron business system is to realize E-Commerce core software , improving E - Commerce system to that data automation treatment ability and analyzing a judgment is that E-Commerce demands to inherence brought forward by core software .