
  • 网络movie clip;MovieClip;film editing;Clip
  1. 印第安纳大学的AnnieLang和他的同事们对做了一系列的研究。(研究人员给)大学年龄层的年轻人和中年人展示了一系列的电视节目和电影剪辑。

    F : Annie Lang and her colleagues at Indiana University have done a series of studies in which college-age people and middle-aged people were shown a string of t.v. and movie clips .

  2. 共享库允许多个电影共享媒体如电影剪辑,图形,按钮和声音。

    Shared libraries allow multiple movies to share media such as movie clips , graphics , buttons and sounds .

  3. 英国广播公司对外电视频道的新闻节目播放了同样的电影剪辑片段。

    The BBC World Service Television news showed the same film clip

  4. 她在20世纪福克斯公司担任电影剪辑师。

    She worked at 20th Century Fox as a film editor .

  5. 电影剪辑是由Turnbull解说的,并配有日文字幕。

    Turnbull narrates the film clip , which is sub-titled in Japanese .

  6. 这部影片最近在全美上映,华金•费尼克斯(JoaquinPhoenix)在里面扮演角色。提到电影剪辑师,大多数人对他们的印象是:猫在某个昏暗角落的操作台旁,长长的胶片钉在身后的墙上。

    Most people have a mental image of film editors hunched in the dark over editing consoles with lengths of film pinned to the wall behind them .

  7. 如果跟办公室里常见的PPT演示做个比较,虽然技术不相同,从剪辑等工作人员的协调上看,电影剪辑并不比PPT演示要复杂多少。

    While the skills were different , coordinating the work of these editors and others wasn 't much more difficult than what happens in an average office with a typical PowerPoint presentation .

  8. Cas9蛋白系统中一个特定的向导RNA序列可附着在基因组上几乎任何一个位置,Cas9蛋白会切开DNA序列的特定位点,然后在这个位点添加或删除特定的DNA片段,如同电影剪辑那样,删掉或拼接上一个新的电影片段。

    A specific sequence of guide RNA could be made to attach to a spot virtually anywhere on the genome , and the Cas9 protein would cleave the DNA at that spot . Then pieces of the DNA could be deleted or added , just as a film editor might cut a film and splice in new frames .

  9. Feinstein的研究小组也向两组研究对象显示系列幽默电影剪辑。他们发现了类似的反应模式,尽管两组之间的差异并不明显。

    Feinstein 's team also showed the two groups a series of funny clips and found a similar pattern of responses , though the difference between the two groups was less marked .

  10. 我被电影剪辑的方式迷住了。

    I was fascinated by the way movies were edited .

  11. 电影剪辑技术与电影的时空构造

    Film Editing Techniques and the Space / Time Generation

  12. 电影剪辑是个复杂的工作吗?

    Is film editing a complex job ?

  13. 以前的电影剪辑职员是将几卷影片接合成一部电影。

    Film editors used to splice reels of film together to make a whole movie .

  14. 关于电影剪辑的几种理论模式

    Several Theoretical Modes of Film-Editing

  15. 澳大利亚反捕鲸电影剪辑指控日本打着科学研究的幌子进行商业捕鲸。

    Australia 's anti-whaling film clip accuses Japan of using its scientific whaling program as a cover for commercial hunting .

  16. 西北偏北获得了三项奥斯卡提名,分别是最佳电影剪辑、最佳艺术指导、原创剧本。

    North by Northwest was nominated for three Academy Awards for Film Editing , Art Direction , and Original Screenplay .

  17. 在电影剪辑的最后阶段,甲骨文要求去掉本品牌的广告植入。

    The request for its brand to be removed was made in the final stages of the film 's editing .

  18. 该公司是电影剪辑软件领域数一数二的企业,善于按照剪辑人员习惯的工作方式来设计软件。

    The company was one of the first in the field , and designed its software to work the way editors were used to working .

  19. 大部分的电影剪辑都配有字幕,在看的时候可以选择开启或关闭。

    Most of the movie trailers or clips have synopsis and you can choose to have subtitles on or off while you 're watching the movies .

  20. 在电影剪辑艺术中,不难发现,立体主义思维在电影剪辑艺术中的运用,激发了电影剪辑艺术新的艺术感染力和新的视觉表现创新。

    It 's not difficult to discover that the application of Cubism thinking has stimulated innovation of new artistic appeal and new vision expression in film editing .

  21. 奥斯卡最佳改编剧本奖颁给了《社交网络》的编剧艾伦·索金,该片还获得最佳配乐和最佳电影剪辑奖。

    The Oscar for best adapted screenplay went to Aaron Sorkin for " The Social Network ," which also won awards for its musical score and film editing .

  22. 除了可以显示一张图片,用幻灯片功能把许多图片按顺序显示外也可以看短电影剪辑或收听歌曲。

    In additon to displaying a single photo , a number of photos can be displayed in sequence using the slideshow functiion as well as viewing short film clips or listening to music .

  23. 他将在今年11月的奥斯卡颁奖礼上被授予此奖项。同他一同获奖的还有资深电影剪辑师安妮·科茨、资深选角指导林·斯塔马斯特以及老牌纪录片制作人弗雷德里克·怀斯曼。

    He will be presented with the Oscar at the Governors Awards ceremony in November , where editor Anne Coates , casting director Lynn Stalmaster and documentary maker Frederick Wiseman will also be honored .

  24. “中国:镜花水月”展上包括用发光树脂玻璃棒做成的实物大小的竹林;香港导演王家卫编排的电影剪辑;以及从旗袍到上身为青花瓷图案的当代连衣裙等各种服装。

    The China show incorporated a life-size bamboo forest of illuminated Plexiglas wands , film selections assembled by the Hong Kong director Wong Kar Wai and costumes ranging from imperial robes to a contemporary dress with a bodice made from blue-and-white porcelain .

  25. 剪辑电影的剪辑或音带的录制。

    The editing of film or recording tape .

  26. 看到电影最后剪辑的时候你作何感想?

    How did you feel when you saw the final cut of the film ?

  27. 我们决定在电影完成剪辑之前保持开放的态度。

    We decided to keep an open mind until a cut of the film was ready to look at .

  28. 与此同时,在城里,莎曼珊正在取悦亚当巴尔,他是靠为电影公司剪辑精彩片段而赚取一笔可观收入的一名电影剪辑师。

    Meanwhile , downtown , Samantha was entertaining Aadam Ball , a film editor who made a very lucrative living cutting and coming attractions for film companies .

  29. 这部电视剧因为其可媲美电影的剪辑和制作水准而让大批中国观众拍案叫绝。它不落俗套而又出人意料的情节,精妙而又紧跟潮流的叙事手法,以及讽刺但又让人深思的主题都让人啧啧称奇。

    The TV series earned a super big wow among Chinese audiences for its film-like editing and production quality , its creative and unexpected plots , delicate and stylish narrative approach , and satirical yet thought-provoking themes .

  30. 通过对具体影片的转场、节奏、声音及蒙太奇艺术的表现来进行分析与研究,总结出不同类型的动画电影在剪辑上的运用及艺术特点。

    By analyzing the video transitions , rhythm , sound and montage art performance of the analysis and research , summed up the different types of animation film in the clip on the application and characteristics of art .