
  • 网络voltage regulator;AVR;DVR;VREG
  1. 一个自动电压调节器保证了发电机电流输出的稳定。

    An automatic voltage regulator ensured a constant output from the generator .

  2. 电压调节器综合参数测试台的研制

    Development of a Comprehensive Parameter Test Rig for Electrical Voltage Regulator

  3. Fuzzy电压调节器的一种自动设计方法

    A method for automatic design of fuzzy voltage regulator

  4. DSP控制的谐波励磁同步发电机电压调节器的研制

    DSP Based Automatic Voltage Regulator for Harmonic Wave Excited Generator

  5. DSP数字电压调节器参数在线调整

    Online Parameter Adjustment for Digital Voltage Regulator Based on DSP

  6. 基于DSP控制的电压调节器的研制

    Based on DSP Control with Development of Voltage Regulator

  7. DSP的串行通信及在数字电压调节器的应用

    The Serial Communication of DSP and its Application in the Digital Voltage Modulator

  8. 一种自适应模糊PID发电机励磁电压调节器设计

    An adaptive fuzzy PID generator excitation regulator

  9. PWM型数/模混合电压调节器芯片电路设计

    A Design of Bipolar Digital / Analog Hybrid IC Chip for PWM Voltage Regulator

  10. 提出了一种三相四线系统动态电压调节器(dynamicvoltageregulator,DVR)的单周控制模型。

    A new one-cycle control scheme of dynamic voltage regulator ( DVR ) for three-phase four-wire system is proposed .

  11. 动态电压调节器(DVR)的设计与性能测试

    Main Circuit Design and Performance Tests of Dynamic Voltage Regulator

  12. 文中采用配有自动电压调节器(AVR)的发电机励磁与系统母线装设SVC的方法,SVC采用闭环控制,研究其对电压稳定和无功补偿的效果。

    This paper studies the effect of SVC or AVR in improving system voltage stability and reactive compensation .

  13. 低压差电压调节器技术发展动态低压差(LDO)线性稳压器结构的改进

    An Overview of the Development of LDO Voltage Regulators Improvement of low dropout linear regulator

  14. 由于级联多电平动态电压调节器(DynamicVoltageRestorer,DVR)自身的特点,在不同工作模式下,设备的损耗有所不同。

    Because of the characters of multi-level Dynamic Voltage Restorer ( DVR ), the power dissipation of DVR is greatly different for the device operating in compensation mode or standby mode .

  15. 讨论无串联隔离变压器的动态电压调节器(DVR)在不平衡电压浪涌或过电压情况下的补偿问题。

    The unbalanced voltage swell and over-voltage compensation problems in a transformerless dynamic voltage restorer ( DVR ) are discussed .

  16. 给出了PWM整流器双闭环控制系统传递函数框图,导出其中的电流调节器和电压调节器参数的计算方法。

    The block diagram of double closed-loop controlled system for three-phase VSR can be obtained . Based the block diagram , calculating parameter method of current regulator and voltage regulator can be educed .

  17. 自动电压调节器(AVR)可在事先选定的容限范围内编程调节不同状态的输电母线电压。

    The automatic voltage regulator ( AVR ) is programmed to regulate the transmission bus voltage within a reselected tolerance , despite varying transmission conditions .

  18. 所研制的CO2焊机是由抽头式变压器原边和电压调节器的不同组合输出相应的副边电压.通过三相桥式硅整流电路输出适当的焊接电压。

    A developed welder , which outputs corresponding secondary voltage by different combination of original side of tap voltage transformer and voltage regulator , can output appropriate welding voltage through 3 phases bridge silicon rectifier circuit .

  19. p-q-r理论在单相动态电压调节器中的应用

    Application of p-q-r theory in single-phase dynamic voltage regulator

  20. 开关电源并联系统常用的自动均流控制方法在自动电压调节器AVR(AutomaticVoltageRegulator)开环模式下会大幅改变励磁电流静态值,故只能安全用于AVR闭环模式下。

    In AVR ( Automatic Voltage Regulator ) open-loop mode , the common automatic current sharing control of parallel switching power supply system may change the static excitation current greatly . It can only be used safely in AVR close-loop mode .

  21. 为解决动态电压调节器(DVR)研制中的一类关键问题&耦合变压器激磁涌流问题,对DVR的控制策略进行了研究。

    Dynamic Voltage Regulator ( DVR ) can restraint voltage sags , eliminate voltage harmonics and ripples , and have become a hot topic of researchers all over the world .

  22. 如果我能找到一个现成的低压降(LDO的)6电压调节器,我会使用它,但现在我已经回到5V的。

    If I can find a readily available Low Drop Out ( LDO ) 6 volt regulator I will use it but for now I have gone back to5V .

  23. 介绍了采用51单片机控制的谐波励磁发电机数字电压调节器,它运用先进的PWM和高频开关管实现对发电机输出端电压的控制。

    A new kind of digital automatic voltage regulator ( DAVR ) of harmonic wave excited generator controlled by 51 single chip computer was presented . The advanced control technology of PWM and MOSFET was used to control the output voltage of the generator .

  24. 利用积分流形模型化简(IMMD)的思想,给出了含动态电压调节器(DVR)配电网络的动态电压分析方法。

    Integral manifold model reduction ( IMMD ) has been applied for the analysis of distribution system with dynamic voltage regulator ( DVR ) in the paper .

  25. 论文通过讨论动态电压调节器DVR(DynamicVoltageRestorer)装置,解决敏感或超敏感负荷高质量供电要求。

    The paper discusses DVR ( Dynamic Voltage Restorer ) equipment resolves the high quality requirements of sensitive or hyper sensitive loads . This equipment is installed on power network in series . It is used to protect sensitive loads from the influence of voltage fluctuation especially voltage notch .

  26. 提出一种新型谐波消除交流电压调节器方案,采用斩波方式AC-AC降压变换器结合输出串联补偿升压变压器实现负载电压的双向调节。

    A kind of novel harmonic elimination AC voltage regulator is proposed . It is made up of a chopper type AC-AC buck converter and a series-compensation boost transformer to realize bi-direction voltage regulation of load terminal .

  27. 介绍了电源和功率管理集成电路市场,描述了低压差(LDO)电压调节器技术的发展进程和未来趋势;

    A brief description is made on the market of power IC and power management IC 's. The evolution of the low drop-out ( LDO ) voltage regulator technology is reviewed , and its development trend is dealt with .

  28. 本文介绍一种简单可靠的恒压恒频交流电源装置,它由直流电动机-交流发电机组、自动电压调节器AVR及自动频率调节器AFR组成。

    This paper introduces a simple , reliable AC power supply with constant voltage and frequency . The supply consists of a DC motor-AC generator set , a automatic voltage regulator ( AYR ), and a automatic frequency regulator ( AFR ) .

  29. 同时给出了控制器在380V电压调节器样机上的试验结果。试验结果表明:设计的TVR控制器能很好地实现调压操作、故障保护、定值设置、显示等功能。

    The test results on380V voltage regulator are given , which show that the TVR controller implements well the functions of voltage regulation , fault protection , setting management , display and so on .

  30. 介绍和分析了SX421自动电压调节器的结构和原理,在此基础上,本文将其应用于发电机组励磁调压系统。

    On the basis of introducing the structure and analyzing the principle of SX421 automatic voltage regulators , this paper applies them to the generating unit excitation voltage system .