
  • 网络Electronic program guide;epg;electronic program guide EPG;EPG Electronic Program Guide
  1. 在“电子节目指南”(两个下巴)和“ETG的”(三下巴)爪平行线利用了双动活塞和摇臂的设计。

    The " EPG "( two jaw ) and " ETG "( three jaw ) parallel gripper lines utilize a double acting piston and rocker arm design .

  2. 电子节目指南是数字电视系统中的一个典型应用程序。

    EPG is a typical application in the DTV system .

  3. 基于JavaTVAPI的电子节目指南设计

    Electronic Program Guide Design Based on Java TV API

  4. DVB信息规范及电子节目指南

    Digital Video Broadcasting Specification and Electronic Program Guide

  5. 电子节目指南EPG(ElectronicProgramGuide)是数字电视区别于模拟电视的重要特征之一,本文研究了可移植的EPG软件的设计和实现。

    Electronic Program Guide ( EPG ) is one of kernel signs of Digital TV . In this paper , transplantable EPG is designed and implemented .

  6. 电子节目指南(EPG)在机顶盒中的实现

    The Realization of Electronic Program Guide in STB

  7. 本文介绍了一种电子节目指南(EPG)系统在机顶盒上的优化设计方案。

    This paper introduces an optimized scheme for Electronic Program Guide system in Set-Top-Box .

  8. 数字电视(DigitalTV,简称DTV)是一种全新的广播方式和电视技术未来发展的趋势,它的应用和增值业务需要更完善的电子节目指南(ElectronicProgramGuide,简称EPG)标准。

    The DTV ( Digital TV ) is a novel broadcasting fashion and the future trendy of TV technology . Its applications and value-added services need a versatile Electronic Program Guide ( EPG ) standard .

  9. 本文阐述了创建电子节目指南(EPG)的基本原理,并介绍了与之相关的PSI/SI标准。

    This paper describes the principle of the creation of Electronic Program Guide , and introduces the interrelated PSI / SI standards .

  10. 基于DVB-SI的数字有线电视机顶盒电子节目指南设计

    The Designing and Implementation of EPG in STB of Digital Cable TV

  11. 数字电视供应商认识到了这个因频道过多而引起的问题,通过为用户提供电子节目指南(EPG)服务来解决这个问题。

    Digital TV suppliers have recognized this problem of information overload and addressed this issue by providing their users with Electronic Program Guide ( EPG ) services .

  12. 最后详细描述了在SC2005主芯片的OSD层建立用户界面的过程,并提出了一种外观新颖、功能强大的电子节目指南的设计方法。

    Finally , the paper describes the process of establishing user interface on OSD layer , and brings a new method to design a novel and powerful electronic program guide system .

  13. 电子节目指南(EPG)是数字电视系统的重要组成部分,EPG系统的研究对于数字电视前端系统的管理和新生业务的实现都具有十分重要的意义。

    Electronic Program Guidance ( EPG ) is an important part of the digital television ( DTV ) . It 's very significant of EPG system to be used in Front-end administration and add-on services .

  14. 电子节目指南(EPG)是数字电视系统的重要组成部分,它是实现用户友好界面的最佳表现形式,也是数字电视增值业务的最直接体现。

    Electronic Program Guidance is an important part of the digital television ( DTV ), it is the best form for the realization of kind user interface , and it also can reflect the increment operation of digital television directly .

  15. 本文主要介绍数字电视领域中电子节目指南系统的系统分析和架构设计,详细阐述了epg系统中编辑端、播发端、监控服务以及数据库四个组成模块的设计思想和实现方法。

    This paper mainly introduces the system analysis and architecture design for the EPG system in the DTV field , and it particularly states the design plan and practical realization methods for the4 modules : edit-end , broadcast-end , Monitor-End and database .

  16. 一种优化的电子节目指南广告系统设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of an Optimized Electronic Program Guide Advertising System

  17. 利用电子节目指南私有描述符实现机顶盒空中升级功能

    Realizing the Set-top Box Air-upgrade by Private Descriptor of Electronic Program Guide

  18. 数字电视业务信息和电子节目指南系统研究

    The Research on Service Information and EPG Systems of DTV

  19. 自动化电子节目指南(A-EPG)系统的设计与实现

    The Design and Implementation on Automation Electronic Program Guide System

  20. 数字电视电子节目指南生成的实现

    The Realization of Electronic Program Guide of Digital TV

  21. 嵌入式系统上的电子节目指南的设计

    The design of electronic program guide in embedded system

  22. 电子节目指南终端方案研究

    Research on Terminal Scheme of Electronic Program Guide

  23. 数字电视中电子节目指南系统的研究

    Study of EPG system in DTV

  24. 电视文字广播小[副]标题基于数字电视广播的电子节目指南系统的实现

    Realization on the Basis of the Electronic Program Guide EPG System of the Digital Television Broadcasting

  25. 数字电视电子节目指南系统设计与实现

    Design and Realization for the Electronic Program Guidance 's System in the Field Of Digital Television

  26. 最后实现了一个简单的电子节目指南。

    Finally , it implements a simple Electronic Program Guide ( EPG ) according to the application .

  27. 电子节目指南及其测评方法

    EPG and Its Testing Method

  28. 同时,本文通过本地缓存结构化的电子节目指南信息,提高了系统对用户操作的响应速度,力求提供最佳的用户体验。

    At the same time , this paper caches the structural EPG information to enhance the responsiveness of system , providing the best user experience .

  29. 例如,电子节目指南用于描述电视节目表,通常每个用户每天将多次请求此服务。

    For example , the Electronic Program Guide , which describes the TV program schedule , is a service which is often requested multiple times each day by each user .

  30. 同时,电子节目指南系统是网络电视的门户,完成与用户的直接交互,对用户的操作快速响应也显得尤其重要。

    At the same time , EPG system is the portal of IPTV system to complete the directly interaction with user , so , response users ' operations rapidly is particularly important .